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Warped Tour?

Retired Muffbuster
Cubist Castle
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51Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-29, 18:36

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Death Feast Open Air and Obscene Extreme is where it's at.

52Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-29, 20:15



Mortal Kombat wrote:Death Feast Open Air and Obscene Extreme is where it's at.

Being an underground metal fan living in must attend Wacken. Its one of my lifelong goals.

Also " hardcore dancing" is the most embarrassing thing in the world. If you do that shit at a real metal show, you will get beat the fuck up. Summer Slaughter 08, Despised Icon came on ( ewwwwwww) and the dancers and two buddies put a stop to that real quick lol.....and thats all I should say about that....

Also Greg, youll probably hate me for this, but three years ago at the California Death fest, I got a chance to jam with Devourment. Fucking mind blowing experience.

53Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-29, 20:38



Zillah wrote:
ALargeEffinFry wrote:Ha Friday in Dallas, it was 109 F most the day.

ouch... god i could not do that.

Ha the vocalist for Asking Alexandria made a joke/comment on the weather. Went something like: "Man, you people are fucking crazy. But it's too fucking hot. You have to be crazy to come out in this when you could stay at home with the AC an jack off to scene girl porn."

It was pretty funny the way he put it, and they are from UK so he had an accent.

54Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-30, 16:35



Luckily it was only 98 in San Antonio with some good breezes, plus a HUGE metal barn with huge fans where basically everybody went in between bands.

I don't do any "hardcore dancing," but I have seen like every style of dance there's the decent and the god-awful. Warped has a really disproportionate display of awful, local shows are where the good ones are at.

55Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-30, 18:22



Its a hardcore thing, as it came from that scene. its fine as long as it stays there. But it has no place in a metal show. We mosh, real moshing lol. Seriously go to an underground death metal show and see the violence once somebody starts flailing there arms and legs. its not pretty. Especially when a girl gets hit......oh god you are so done if that happens. The Giant Somoan in the middle of every pit will flatten him and make a point. Happens every time.

Ill admit Ive done some tasteless things at shows( my own included ) . A few years ago during a set, I saw two skin heads "dancing in the pit" . Some guys girl got punched right in the I stopped the set, grabbed the mic and told everyone to take care of it. Bad night for those guys lol. Whats funny is security throws out the dancers at underground shows, and not the people who retaliate. They know the culture. Its great lol. Its also fun when loaded, to mock the dancers and "accidentally" punch one of them right in the face lol. That usually gets them to stop real quick. The metal underground is its own world and brotherhood. The pits are violent, but people truly look out for eachother if somebody gets hurt. The dancers shit on that philosophy and its not welcomed.

56Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-30, 18:24



Shaymojack wrote:Luckily it was only 98 in San Antonio with some good breezes, plus a HUGE metal barn with huge fans where basically everybody went in between bands.

I don't do any "hardcore dancing," but I have seen like every style of dance there's the decent and the god-awful. Warped has a really disproportionate display of awful, local shows are where the good ones are at.

They have to fight the invisible enemies you know Very Happy

57Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-06-30, 23:11



The shows in my home town are different. We all know each other, and our pits are better than big shows in Dallas and such. We all look out and if someone gets hurt, then we all stop and help em out of the crowd.

58Warped Tour? - Page 2 Empty Re: Warped Tour? 2011-07-01, 23:37



did you hear the singer from I Set My Friends on Fire when he told everybody to make a V with their finger than he brought em together and was like "ooohh fuck my pussy!" lmfao. I heard he did that and the whole crowd bust out laughing XD

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