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You do not have the Required training!

Ron Swanson
11 posters

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Imagine if you had to get a license to do certain things in BF3


-Fly Transport Helicopters (You couldnt take the pilot seat initially but could if the pilot ditched out)
-Fly Attack Choppers
-Gun in helicopters
-Drive Tanks
-Snipe (Semi Auto snipers would still be unlocked regardless)
-Drive Humvees and other LAV's

Basically each of these would require you to pass an Offline test (Can be done with 1 other person)

Each test would access your competency in the required Vehicle and such and would rank you 1 of 4 things


Now if theyre were only 3 sniper spots open on each team a Master could kick someone who was only Certified out of the spot and when they died they would have to select a new class when they respawned

Also if a Master spawned in a Blackhawk with a Expert Pilot he could switch to the pilot seat,The same Principal applying to Gunners seats and Tanks and such

Also all Vehicle seats would be assigned a D pad Spot with Pilot being Up D pad Gunner being Down in Attack choppers and such



would be awesome as long as you were the Master (me)



Its all about Math and the Best utilization of Resources



I can see some person who is not an elitist sitting in the pilot seat with a friend gunning doing just fine in a match except for the fact that they both are expert in each spot....

Then a couple of assholes arrive while the helo lands for repairs or something and oh hey....its theirs now just because they spent a few more minutes trying in the qualification process.

However if you needed to qualify simply to USE the vehicle then that would be better....make people actually know how to fly a helicopter before they use them in multiplayer.

But ranks of qualifications are a no go in my opinion.

Last edited by zk50 x erk on 2011-06-23, 04:45; edited 1 time in total



zk50 x erk wrote:I can see some person who is not an elitist sitting in the pilot seat with a friend gunning doing just fine in a match except for the fact that they both are expert in each spot....

Then a couple of assholes arrive while the helo lands for repairs or something and oh hey....its theirs now just because they spent a few more minutes trying in the qualification process.

However if you needed a to qualify simply to USE the vehicle then that would be better....make people actually know how to fly a helicopter before they use them in multiplayer.

But ranks of qualifications are a no go in my opinion.

It would be the amount of points/Accuracy and how long you survive in the Qualification thing



Even then my point remains the same.

Should just be a go/no go when qualifying, not something where your own team mates can ruin your experience playing.

Edit: for instance in Americas Army, you had to pass basic training just to play online. And even then just as a rifleman. To use a LMG, sniper rifle, grenade launcher or anything you had to actually pass the training for each thing. Sure, you could pick them up off dead guys but in order to actually spawn as that class you had to pass training.



Yeah ive played Americas Army

And i know where your coming from im just sick of our Squad carrying the team then some Noobs on it stealing the chopper after all we just did for them



this concept would work for all of a few months..... then everyone would be a master at everything.



Keep this stuff in war simulators, not games like Battlefield. Anti-douche measures in games rarely work and usually just end up making the problem worse.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I feel like there should just be a basic training course. You shouldn't have to reach a rank, but just take a basic tutorial



I think you should just have to go through some sort of chopper tutorial to fly. But only for the choppers, not any other vehicle/class/gun.



There should be two ranks


I don't think it's right to only allow certified chopper whores to use the choppers the entire time, but there should definitely be a tutorial you need to pass with some level of competency to use them.

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

i think you should play objective or be kicked? i like that idea



ya, with the master thing too many people could boost it. like durationalive could just be boosted by hovering in the spawn



1fnbighen wrote:ya, with the master thing too many people could boost it. like durationalive could just be boosted by hovering in the spawn

Yeah 2 Ranks does sound better but i like i said im sick of noobs

Also since this was Offline it would be almost impossible to boost

Duration Alive would only start once you left the spawn like Onslaught plus you would have 10 minutes and stuff like Dropping people off,Smoking off Tracers,allowing your gunner to kill stuff would all award bonus points

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2011-06-23, 19:59; edited 1 time in total



I mainly say there should be a qualifier for Chopper/Jet proficiency only. I'm tired of idiots who jump in and backflip unintentionally within 3 seconds. If they're trolling and doing it on purpose (it's obvious when it is) it actually makes sense, so it doesn't really bother me much.

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