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Famous games you have never played

Ars Diaboli
HydrasBreath ♜
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
Cubist Castle
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I have never played Chrono Trigger or Okami, I wanna play Chrono Trigger though... >_>

What about youz guys?

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I played part of FF6 and FF7, but never finished them. Never played any of the others. Never played Gears of War, or any Zelda games after the Ocarina of Time... Um... There are a lot of games I haven't played, but those stand out.

If I could recommend any game for you guys to play that you may have missed, it would be Baldur's Gate I and II.



I heard of those.
Betcha never heard of Cave Story before GI and Nintendo announced it. Love that game.



I played Cave Story a few years back. Just a month or two ago I actually re downloaded it and beat it again, except this time I tried going through Hell. Still haven't done it -.-



Oh and the only Final Fantasy game i've ever played was FF3. And the only Zelda games i've played are Wind Waker, Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass.



Never played FF7, never wanted to play FF7. *shrug* The Final Fantasy series dropped off my radar once it left the SNES, dunno why.



Too many to count. FF is probably the main one that I haven't played that's famous.



All final fantasy games past FF4
Dragon Age Origins
Red Dead Redemption
Majora's Mask
never beat Ocarina of Time



For Shame Duck For shame!



If you have never played Shadow of the Colossus on PS2 then you have not lived.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ante wrote:Never played FF7, never wanted to play FF7. *shrug* The Final Fantasy series dropped off my radar once it left the SNES, dunno why.

Seriously FF7 is the ONLY good one after it left SNES, you should check it out if you like the series.

Only games that come to mind are the ME series as of late. my best friend has a PS3 and a Xbox and he almost always gets games I want to try. Either through gamefly or from somwhere else


Just "Sir" will do wrote:
Ante wrote:Never played FF7, never wanted to play FF7. *shrug* The Final Fantasy series dropped off my radar once it left the SNES, dunno why.

Seriously FF7 is the ONLY good one after it left SNES, you should check it out if you like the series.

Only games that come to mind are the ME series as of late. my best friend has a PS3 and a Xbox and he almost always gets games I want to try. Either through gamefly or from somwhere else

Really? I liked 9 and 10 and the online one was all right (heard the new online one sucks though) X-2 was a disaster i never played 12 though. 8 was ok but i just don't think it was as good as others.

As for popular games.. Too many to list.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

any FF games, any Zelda games.



FF and Cavestory



Any Resident Evil game, most CoD games, any FF online and didn't finish 12, or half-life, I wanted to play Shadow of the Colossus never got to it, or MGS



Fox Shepard wrote:Any Resident Evil game, most CoD games, any FF online and didn't finish 12, or half-life, I wanted to play Shadow of the Colossus never got to it, or MGS

At least play MGS. My favorite game for PS1.



sooo, so many



I played Shadow of the Colossus. I got so bored I couldn't beat. I'm not drawn in by all the artsy bull shit it gets fame for, even as an artist. If you want to make a game, make it fun. If you want to make painting, make it beautiful. If you want to make a game, don't make a painting.



I had a blast in that game! So many things to do even without beating the giants. Even after you beat it there was more to do.

MGS was my favorite PS1 game too...well that and all the Armored Cores.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Like what, Mace? All I did was kill giants...



You can do the timed kills and get more weapons and stuff. You can hunt down lizard tails to boost your stamina. You can jump up and catch birds and they will fly you around. In the end you climb the giant tower and see what's up there.
There is more but I can't remember it all.



ive never played any of the metriod series

or starfox



Never played a Final fantasy game in my life.

-Halo Reach

- All popular JRPS( eww)

-That all I think...

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Namine wrote:I have never played Chrono Trigger or Okami, I wanna play Chrono Trigger though... >_>

What about youz guys?

Lovin you really have to play Chrono Trigger such an amazing game...well at least to me. Probably one of my favorite games ever if not my number one fav game. The story is so epic, the combat system was very unique (at least for it's time) and the music...gah such an awesome soundtrack. I just want to learn every song and play it on my cello. My fav soundtrack from a game by far.

As for famous games I've never played...haven't played any of the Mass Effects, no Gears of War, no Halos. Only ever played Cod3 and MW2. Never played any of the old Battlefield Games except 1943 sadly, never played WoW, only ever played FFX after FF left the SNES so no FF7,
never played Morrowind, never played the first MGS...or the 4th for that matter, never played Fallout, never played a zelda game after ocarina of time, never played any of the Metroids except the ones on NES and SNES...I'm sure there's tonnes more I can't think of right now.



HydrasBreath wrote:
Namine wrote:I have never played Chrono Trigger or Okami, I wanna play Chrono Trigger though... >_>

What about youz guys?

Lovin you really have to play Chrono Trigger such an amazing game...well at least to me. Probably one of my favorite games ever if not my number one fav game. The story is so epic, the combat system was very unique (at least for it's time) and the music...gah such an awesome soundtrack. I just want to learn every song and play it on my cello. My fav soundtrack from a game by far.

Thats what I keep hearing... Sad Is the DS version as good as the original? Because it's only $20 at gamestop and I was thinking about picking it up somethime in the close future.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Symbolic wrote:Never played a Final fantasy game in my life.

-Halo Reach

- All popular JRPS( eww)

-That all I think...

The only JRPG I've ever played all the way through was Phantasy Star 4 on the genesis. That was my first RPG ever, and I loved it. After that, I would start them, then drop them due to disinterest.

I've never played any MGS, either.

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Shadow of the Colossus, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid (only played 4). There must be more but I can't remember them.

Symbolic, you really should try the older JRPGs, like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, Star Ocean 1, Secret of Mana 3, Bahamut Lagoon, etc. They aren pretty different from the new ones.

Unless you don't like RPGs like... at all.

Also, I can't believe someone hasn't played a Metroid game ever. <_< Or a StarFox. Wtf guys?

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Was Starfox really that big of a deal? I never played that, either.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

the Starfox games were pretty sweet. The SNES was innovative for the time (even though most of the enimies were just polygons) and the 64 version just straight up rocked.

Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time. I spent tons of my childhood playing that game. Magus is the coolest bad/good guy ever.



The Imp wrote:Was Starfox really that big of a deal? I never played that, either.

Starfox is the Shit it was the First videogame i ever played...Ever

I was holding my arms out like a plane and making Laser sounds for years!


I've played Chorno Cross which i liked.. That is similiar to trigger?



Oh I love me some RPG's. Just not ones with 12 year old feminine lead characters.



I have not played most of the famous games.

I have played Shadows of the Colossus though. That was awesome. And I have Okami, I just haven't played it yet. I did play my Okamiden version for my DS though.

I played part of a FF game once on the.. PS2 but I never beat it and I don't remember which one it was. I had fun with it though. Suikoden 3 is awesome. So is Drakan: The Ancients Gates... played the PC game for that too. So spazzzy!

Er.. yeah.



the only zelda game i played was ocarina of time, no other battlefield but bc2, no kh, no final fantasy, no shadow of the colossus, i havent heard of chrono trigger until this thread, and no morrowind



1fnbighen wrote:the only zelda game i played was ocarina of time, no other battlefield but bc2, no kh, no final fantasy, no shadow of the colossus, i havent heard of chrono trigger until this thread, and no morrowind

Id check out Morrowind,BF2(Project reality),BF 1942,BF 2142 and Majoras mask

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2011-06-25, 02:56; edited 1 time in total

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

For anyone asking, StarFox is fucking awesome.

Seriously. The SNES one was very innovative at the time, and the N64 one is just pure fucking win.



Damn its annoying since i got that Firefox add on

I come back to topics and see White text!Its just so *Shudders*



Any final fantasy game
Castlevania (sp?)

Just about all games mentioned in this topic...

Might just be easier to name the ones I have played



zk50 x erk wrote:Pokemon
Any final fantasy game
Castlevania (sp?)

Just about all games mentioned in this topic...

Might just be easier to name the ones I have played

me too. i was never a gamer until about 18 months ago. all i had throughout my childhood was a gamecube with a handful of games and a gameboy with a handful of games.

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

EarthBound and most others mentioned in this thread, except Metroid and StarFox,



Zillah wrote:
zk50 x erk wrote:Pokemon
Any final fantasy game
Castlevania (sp?)

Just about all games mentioned in this topic...

Might just be easier to name the ones I have played

me too. i was never a gamer until about 18 months ago. all i had throughout my childhood was a gamecube with a handful of games and a gameboy with a handful of games.

Im going to stop you right there

Its not fair to actual gamers that you came in like 18 months ago and start using the title

Being a Gamer used to mean being part of this Small tight knit community now everyone who buys fucking Call of Duty or 1 RPG trys to claim the title we used to be like a Clique but now everyone is coming in saying they are a gamer,The gaming community used to be respectable if you "Trolled" on a PC game you got booted from the server all that being Mainstream has done has given a lot of idiots controllers and basically just poisoned the place up

Also dont mean to be offensive i actually really like you Zillah.


HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Namine wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Namine wrote:I have never played Chrono Trigger or Okami, I wanna play Chrono Trigger though... >_>

What about youz guys?

Lovin you really have to play Chrono Trigger such an amazing game...well at least to me. Probably one of my favorite games ever if not my number one fav game. The story is so epic, the combat system was very unique (at least for it's time) and the music...gah such an awesome soundtrack. I just want to learn every song and play it on my cello. My fav soundtrack from a game by far.

Thats what I keep hearing... Sad Is the DS version as good as the original? Because it's only $20 at gamestop and I was thinking about picking it up somethime in the close future.

I couldn't really tell you lovin as I've never played it on DS...or anything else for that matter. I've only ever played it on SNES and the PSX version that came bundled with FF2 (FF4 in japan)...the PSX version is pretty sweet it has added animated (anime style) cutscenes added at certain key places in the game. And the game itself is Identical to the original SNES version otherwise. Honestly if I were you I'd just download an SNES emulator on your comp (I use ZSnes) then get a ROM of Chrono Trigger and play it on there.

chunckylover53 wrote:I've played Chorno Cross which i liked.. That is similiar to trigger?

I've never actually played Chrono Cross but I believe the general consensus among fans is that Trigger pretty much wipes it's ass with Cross. You should definitly give Trigger a try.

And that goes for anyone else who hasn't played it...if you are a fan of old school RPGs at all you've just got to try Chrono Trigger. So many hours of my Childhood were spent playing that game. I know it like the back of my hand and it is still totally kick ass and fun to play to this day.

Last edited by HydrasBreath on 2011-06-25, 10:20; edited 1 time in total



Ya tbh frost that vote kick and server admin thing sounds REALLY nice.

especially for helicopter r-tards that think flying straight is doing a good job. as the freaking 50 cal gunner i took out more vehicles and tanks than he did. not to long before he rammed a cliff headon.

fucking call of duty

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Frostbyrn wrote:
i actually really like you Zillah.

You heard it first here folks! Frost is in love with Zillah!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

chunckylover53 wrote:I've played Chorno Cross which i liked.. That is similiar to trigger?

compared to Chrono Trigger, Cross is junk. It didn't have a followable storyline, or charicters I gave two shits about. But Trigger was a clasic RPG in every sense of the word. Every charicter had depth, it was a very replayable game since it had like 10 different endings. and playing through on new game+ with all your abilities was awesome.



Well, im going to go pick up Chrono Trigger DS in a few minutes. cheers Yay me!



Nevermind, I go to 2 different gamestops and neither of them had it. Fuck.

EDIT: Hydra, can you post a link to the SNES emulater you use and one to a Chrono Trigger ROM? I never used any of those thingys and I don't know much about them, are they safe?

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

gotta be careful with ROMs and stuff. They can contain bad stuff..... like everything else on the internet. But it might be about the only place to get some of the old SNES games (Earthbound!!!!)

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Just get yourself ZSNES as an emulator and later search for the ROM. I never really had any troubles running SNES roms.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Namine wrote:Nevermind, I go to 2 different gamestops and neither of them had it. Fuck.

EDIT: Hydra, can you post a link to the SNES emulater you use and one to a Chrono Trigger ROM? I never used any of those thingys and I don't know much about them, are they safe?

I can hook you up Lovin...both the emulator and Rom aren't very big files I could just email them to you if you wanted that way you wouldn't need to worry about viruses and such. Other than that it runs no problem on my windows 7 machine. Looking for ROMs is the only potentially harmfull can bring you to some pretty sketchy sites. I downloaded a torrent though with like every SNES game ever (minus japan onlies). I'll send you a PM Lovin and try and hook you up.

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