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LoL - Ghost is my new best friend :D

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Well, I've kept playing League of Legends, and I've been slowly getting better. My new favourite thing is Ghost though, because it saves me 3-4 times on average per match. I love it when I can't kill people, but I can still piss them off, so I'll shoot them a couple of times, or once with the big ice arrow (forgot the name of it), and usually their friend comes running after me, as well as that guy once he isn't frozen to the ground anymore, and always leads to a hilarious chase in the jungles between lanes. But they never catch me if I can actually get into the jungles, because I just run them around stupidly and get away; Ghost makes me just fast enough to keep them out of attack range. xD I love it.



Wait till you get flash...



I know; that's what I'm waiting on. Very Happy

I'm kinda pissed right now though; I went 10-3, lost because of randoms, then the next game, I go 1-5, because somebody on our team left at the beginning, and then some other idiot went AFK for over half of the match, so we're at an utterly stupid disadvantage. I love/hate this game.



Ghost > Flash

Flash is better for escaping a bad situation and it can get through walls, but you will still get chased down unless you have ghost.



So I should keep Ghost instead of Flash?

Also, rage-quitted a match for the first time today; both allies in 3v3 were complete idiots for some reason, and left bottom lane for ME (as Ash) to defend against 2 players, and sometimes all 3. I was at 0-5-3, and I just left the match, because I was so pissed off, and I suddenly was invited to a BBQ at my Mom's house (didn't even know we were going to do that this year, only 2 other people than my direct family were there though) My record now has been permanently marred with a horrible K/D, and a -_-'

I may make a new account, I'm so embarrassed. :/



You can use whatever you want, but on some champs ghost is better.

And don't make a new account. It doesn't even track your K/D >_>



I'll have to try it.

Wait, I thought it did? You can see all of your previous matches in the list, at least for me. I rage quit so hard today; that says a lot though, because I've lost a couple of matches that I found annoying, but I think the 0-5 and teammates trying to make a character that needs to be carried do 2v1s or 3v1s made me want to tear my own face off.



It only shows your last 10 matches.



Oh, that's a relief at least. xD

Well, I just went 7-4-9 Very Happy I even got an Ace (I think by killing last 2 players alive).
I'm starting to really get the hang of playing Ash (even though Ash is a pretty easy character to play it seems). I really, really HATE Akali though; evil bitch is always finding a way to kill me. Sad

Btw, in that game where I went 10-3, I had a 9 killstreak, I don't know how on Earth that happened though, lol.



Good job lol Very Happy

Akali is another anti-carry Smile

Don't worry. You won't see her much anymore since her free week is over.



Thank you! Very Happy

Also, yes, thank God. I grimace every time I see that I'm going into a game against Akali. I'm glad she was the last person I killed with the Ace I got, made me feel better, because a majority of my deaths are always to her. Even when I know that she's there, she always manages to chase me down and utterly destroy me any time before the 45 minute mark or so. I don't like fighting Kassadin much either; I think it's more because he looks intimidating than anything, along with his spell that silences. Nunu, Xin Zhao (something like that, not sure of his name exactly), and the guy with the tank on his back are 3 others I don't like fighting either.



The guy with the tank on his back is Singed, one of my favorite champs.

Never try to focus on him in team fights, and never chase after him. He is super tanky and is near impossible to kill. I noticed when I played with you people on our team often tried to go after him >_>



Yeah, I learned to leave that guy alone really fast. The main reason I hate him is because he can do the thing where he throws you over his back, and after dying to that a few times, it made me rage, but I never stepped near him again. Him and that one robot guy (I think he's called Blitzcrank?) with his stupid extendo-arm of extreme bullshit make me head for the hills when I see them, because they lead to me getting ganked if I stick around.



Blitzcrank is free this week, so you are going to be having fun for a while Wink



I'll have to give him a shot; he utterly pissed me off in one match after he dragged me a few times. Two of my friends were telling me about how annoying he was, and we were teasing the guy by dodging the claw at the last second. But once, he shot me from the bushes, and dragged me into ALL 3 of them, and died. It was kinda funny, but very annoying at the same time.

Also, I love it when I get competent teams. For instance, at the start of the last match, I was the only one going bottom; since I'm Ash, that will only lead to bad things, lol. But after I asked if anybody else wanted to go bot, somebody actually ran down and helped me. Very Happy I like that most people are team-players, unlike random people from other games that I know...




Competent people can be rare in this game Sad. It's best to play with friends.



That was fucking ridiculous! xD

Yeah, it does seem that way. But what I mean is: even though they aren't always competent, a lot more of them seem to be team players than people in other games. I've only seen one person so far that deliberately would go out of their way to try to get kills, and would whine when you'd kill mobs near them and such (which I kept doing anyways). While having 12 assists in a game annoys me, I'd much rather have 12 assists knowing that I'm helping my team win, then letting teammates die just to hog kills (which is a good way of losing too). Not only that, but I don't mind if other people get mob kills first; it's not like I'm the only player that needs gold for better items, and I still usually get very strong around 45 minutes like that guide said, so it's all good.

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