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where's the ghost nerf

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1where's the ghost nerf Empty where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 03:37


i think it's time they fixed something that actually needs to be fixed

2where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 03:41



Its true Storms ghost needs a Nerf Very Happy

3where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:11



I don't have much of a problem with Ghost users; they're not that hard to find if you just watch where a teammate dies, or they're using an unsilenced weapon. That, or Tac Mask Pro finds them easily. I think what they should do though is allow them to appear on radar if they sit still for too long, or that they show up every 2nd/3rd ping from the Spy Plane.

4where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:14



Lol i never even pressed start it just seemed Stupid blocking your Screen like that in the middle of a battlefield

5where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:16



The Radar is in the upper-left. You don't have to push "Start" to see it. >_>

6where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:17



I honestly never noticed it before

Plus all the people i was playing with were either to dumb to understand what i was asking or told me you only saw it in the start menu

7where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:22



It's not to difficult to see; it's also where it's always in been in every CoD, lol.

Also, I am happy to see that the knife is where it should be; you have to pretty much be touching somebody to knife now. I had a couple mess-ups where I died today because I'm used to the BS mini-commando.

8where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:24



Oh so they made it like the Shitty BC2 Knife i honestly liked the Knife as it was in there if i was playing with people in NZ/AUS i never had BS RKS like on BC2

I cant believe i never noticed it mind you i dont play COD's often too bad a community for me

9where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:27



It actually works, but it has almost zero lunge. BC2 knife has crazy lunge sometimes, but it's hit detection sucks ass.

CoD and BC2's community should have a "World Championship" as to who has the dumbest teammates. I think CoD usually would win, with my 0-20 teammates, but sometimes, there are people on BC2 that make me question that. "Give me ammo!" "I need ammo" "Hey, I need ammo over here!", watches a guy just run away. Or people that are afraid of your medkits, as if they are full of mange/anthrax.

10where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 04:29



Yeah its that Fucking Stupid Stab/Slash Mechanic they added

BC1 Knife works Perfect and it only slashes

11where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 13:22



ing wrote:i think it's time they fixed something that actually needs to be fixed

I haven't noticed an epidemic of people mostly using it, but I agree it's not perfectly balanced. Maybe it's better to buff the other perk 1's so they're all so usefull it's hard to choose?

Ghost makes you immune to spyplanes, sentry guns, attack choppers and you have no triangle highlighting you during chopper gunners and gunships right? Too much.

Then maybe (just brainstorming off the top of my head)...

Flak Jacket should make you survive direct hit RC cars, survive Valkyrie rockets unless it's a direct hit, and only take 1/3rd damage from chopper bullets.

Lightweight: 10% more mobility, 15% faster sprinting, mantling, crouching and prone. When sprinting your highlighting triangle trails far behind where you were not where you are so they have to lead you to hit you. Faster aim out of a sprint. Faster knife. Faster effin' everything! Can outrun dogs. Can sprint backwards!

Hardline: 1 less kill for killstreaks and 1 re-rollable care package for free at 5/6 kills (so you can actually have 4 killstreaks total).

Scavenger: Start with all weapons at max ammo, explosive weapons start with 1+ ammo (law with 2, strella with 3 etc...). can resupply explosives but only 1 at a time and only if you're empty. So you can get another grenade for your 40mm, rocket for your law or claymore but you can't pick up another until the one you have has exploded.

Ghost: Make it so they do get a highlighting triangle but only after a few seconds or only if they're holding still for x amount of time. And also make it so you only wear a ghillie suit if you are using a sniper or an AR with either the Acog or Infrared scope.

12where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 13:37



I like the idea there Metal. Like I said, the problem isn't Ghost itself, but it's Ghost combined with people using a suppressed FAMAS, while hiding in a corner for 5 minutes.

13where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 13:55



I think ghost is fine. I use it cause i dont like dying to killstreaks, so it helps

14where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 13:57



xsilentshooterx wrote:I think ghost is fine. I use it cause i dont like dying to killstreaks, so it helps

I hear you. That's why I'm not saying nerf ghost, but improve the others so that they're all equally powerful. They should each be so useful in their own right that no single one stands out.

15where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:01



I personally don't have a problem with it, but there are a lot of people who do, so I've kind of thought of ideas for them.

16where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:01



I think they are all fine. ghost just fits my playstyle better. i dont like to rush the enemy, how ever useful flak jacket is, i dont find myself dying to explosives a lot, i almost always use dual mags, so more ammo isnt necessary, and since i use higher kkillstreaks, hardline doesnt make a big difference. but thats my opinion.

17where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:02



The only two I don't really use are Lightweight and Hardline. I don't move aggressively enough to benefit from Lightweight, and I don't need help getting killstreaks with Hardline, more than I like being protected from explosions, getting more ammo, or being hidden from radar. Even when I don't have Ghost, I always have Counter Spyplane at all times.

18where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:04



xsilentshooterx wrote:I think they are all fine. ghost just fits my playstyle better. i dont like to rush the enemy, how ever useful flak jacket is, i dont find myself dying to explosives a lot, i almost always use dual mags, so more ammo isnt necessary, and since i use higher kkillstreaks, hardline doesnt make a big difference. but thats my opinion.

You just proved my point exactly. You don't feel any of the others really have any benefit. That is exactly the reason the need small improvements to up their value.

19where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:05



I cant rely on teammates to take killstreaks out or counter them in any way, so i just make it hard for them to find me

20where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:06



Ghost nerf = Blackbird!

21where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:07



I love blackbirds, its pretty much hacking the game and putting in easy mode

22where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:08



Ghost is counterable by a lot of means, actually:

Tac Mask Pro
Warlord Pro + Scavenger Pro (spam stuns/flashs into rooms)
Motion Sensor (unless they have Hacker)
Listen for them moving when you suspect one is nearby (unless they have Ninja)

Special grenade spam is the best though.

23where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:09



I agree with you guys that ghost is fine, just that the others need a bit more oomph.

24where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:10



What does tac mask pro do?

25where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:14



Immune to Nova gas, almost completely immune to flash and concussion and when you flash/concuss a room it gives you a marker showing which direction the person you flashed is.

What it should do:
After your flash/concussion goes off it should highlight the person you flashed through the wall in red for a second and then fades away. (like hacker does for equipment)

That way you could tell exactly where they are and whether or not they were actually affected by your grenade.

26where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:19



I hate getting hitmarkers with concussives and flashes, only to stroll into the room and watch this guy hipfire me to death. I shouldn't get a hitmarker if it barely affected him.

Level 48, prestige 1. Tac Mask Pro progress:
Flash: 0
Conc: 4
Nova: 2

27where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:22



The Cramtron™ wrote:I hate getting hitmarkers with concussives and flashes, only to stroll into the room and watch this guy hipfire me to death. I shouldn't get a hitmarker if it barely affected him.

Level 48, prestige 1. Tac Mask Pro progress:
Flash: 0
Conc: 4
Nova: 2

I agree. That's why I think it should work a bit like hacker so you know if you actually stunned them or not.

28where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:25



Its dumb, sometimes, i get a hitmarker, but i walk in the room and he can see just fine. Other times i dont get a hitmarker and he is flashed and cant see

29where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 14:28



xsilentshooterx wrote:Its dumb, sometimes, i get a hitmarker, but i walk in the room and he can see just fine. Other times i dont get a hitmarker and he is flashed and cant see

Yep, even with Tac mask Pro, that's why I propose the slight buff.

30where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 15:48



all the perks that aren't ghost fucking suck, that's why its lame

you can still die to certain explosives even with flak jacket (the only ones people use), scavenger sucks and you can't resupply any of the horrible underbarrel/launcher munitions with it, lightweight is still garbage and hardline was always ehhh and they took the only trolly/fun thing away from it.

they should make it impossible to use ghost in conjunction with the ak74u, galil or famaug. then nobody in the cod community would use it

or take the knife away from ghost users

31where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 17:31


or make them slow as fuck since they have to drag the 100 acre wood along with them everywhere they go

32where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 17:32



Frostbyrn wrote:Its true Storms ghost needs a Nerf Very Happy
It sure does.

33where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:11



I'm curious. Why nerf Ghost when it would be so easy to buff the others?

34where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:14



Metalzoic wrote:I'm curious. Why nerf Ghost when it would be so easy to buff the others?
I have to agree with metal on this. The other blue perks just need a buff.

35where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:22



Speed reduction on Ghost would make sense, or make it so they have no secondary. That's kinda what they did in one of the SOCOMs, IIRC. It would take up both equipment slots, that you could use to have more ammo and such.

36where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:30



Speed reduction is actually a good idea. Who the hell can be stealthy when they're running?

37where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:44



The Cramtron wrote:Speed reduction is actually a good idea. Who the hell can be stealthy when they're running?
Or make it so that you show up on a UAV if you run.

38where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:50



T-800 wrote:
The Cramtron wrote:Speed reduction is actually a good idea. Who the hell can be stealthy when they're running?
Or make it so that you show up on a UAV if you run.

i think that that would actually be too much of a nerf.

39where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-15, 19:52



hotdamnitssam wrote:
T-800 wrote:
The Cramtron wrote:Speed reduction is actually a good idea. Who the hell can be stealthy when they're running?
Or make it so that you show up on a UAV if you run.

i think that that would actually be too much of a nerf.

40where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-16, 02:56


nothing is too much of a nerf for a perk that completely exempts you from an entire aspect of the game.

41where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-16, 17:09



ing wrote:nothing is too much of a nerf for a perk that completely exempts you from an entire aspect of the game.

A 3 killstreak?

42where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-16, 18:49


yeah, you know, the 3 kill streak that is the only thing that makes public matches fun because it's not just hide and seek every game. ghost is basically a troll perk used to ruin everyone's fun

43where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-16, 18:51



Ghost makes the spy plane useless yet Flak Jacket doesn't make the RC XD useless

what the fuck.png

44where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-17, 01:21



That's why in my first post I said the others need a buff.

It doesn't just counter the spy plane. Counters Sentry guns. Counters attack choppers. No red triangle highlight during Valkyrie Rockets, Chopper Gunner and Gunship. Your name doesn't show in red when highlighted.

Not showing during spy plane also means you won't be targeted during Napalm or Rolling thunder. You'll only be killed by them if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So basically it works to some degree against all offensive killstreaks except dogs. That said I still don't think it should be nerfed and it's by far my least used perk 1. The others should be buffed

45where's the ghost nerf Empty Re: where's the ghost nerf 2010-12-17, 01:50



I don't have much of a problem killing Ghost users, and I didn't have a problem against UAV Jammer/Camo/CB users. I also still have yet to be killed by an RC car while using Flak Jacket, and I've been ran into 20+ times. Ghost Pro is the one that protects you from all killstreaks, but that takes forever to get, so I don't have that much of an issue with it.

I don't have difficulty finding people when I have no Spy Plane, honestly. Most people don't use suppressed weapons, and half of the time, you simply can find them by letting your teammates go first through doors/alleyways (chances arethey deserve to get killed repeatedly anyways) You can also still simply listen for the direction the shots are coming from, skulls where they died at, listening for footsteps, or using the motion sensor, or like I said before, simply check suspicious areas with a special grenade before you enter them.

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