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ITT: I talk at you.

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1ITT: I talk at you. Empty ITT: I talk at you. 2011-07-07, 12:14

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Ima go about updating anouncments and stickies today. And deleting/ merging any forum that hasn't been used in two weeks except groups and help forums. I may add one or two as well.
I may take a hard look at the groups as well..any unused or multi-grouped undisplayed groups may get deleted.

If anyone has any questions or requests throw em at me today as they'll more likely get done in a timely manner.

2ITT: I talk at you. Empty Re: ITT: I talk at you. 2011-07-07, 12:17

The Neverending Peter

3ITT: I talk at you. Empty Re: ITT: I talk at you. 2011-07-07, 12:27


4ITT: I talk at you. Empty Re: ITT: I talk at you. 2011-07-07, 12:53

The Neverending Peter

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