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Gaming drought...

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1Gaming drought... Empty Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 04:27



What have you guys and gals been playing this summer for this drought it's been so long to me it seems since a really good game has came out... -__- smh.

Dead Island,Rage,and Gears of War 3 all come out within a week of each other in Sept.Battlefield 3 is in Sept,then somewhere in there Halo remake,Saints Row 3,and the RE4/CV X remakes and Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City...

The other day I finally beat the 1st mass effect...

I'm thinking of borrowing Two Worlds 2 from my friend after hearing on how to fix the off center screen problem,or maybe getting Bioshock 2 or something..idk really.I feel I've either played,beat,or owned anything "big" on 360... Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil

2Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 09:24



I'm excited about Dead Island and Gears 3. I'm sure I'll get BF3, but I'm not pumped about it yet.

Playing some old games right now. Brutal Legend and FEAR at the moment.

3Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 09:27



Your list has a suspicious lack of Skyrim

4Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 17:22

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I have been following Dead Island for over 4 years. That game is MY Duke Nukem forever.

After it just disapeared off the rader 3 years ago only to turn back up a few months back, I wsa so happy I could kick a puppy.

But yeah, this year is gonna be tight on the wallet. I am certainly getting Skyrim, Gears 3, and BF3. But I just don't see how I am going to have the time to play any of them. Especially Gears 3 and BF3.
I have like 10 friends that will all be playing Gears 3 for months, and several friends(plus the SeC)playing BF3 for months.

Also: Remake of RE4? WHAT>
How many times has that game been remade?

5Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 17:48



GET TWO WORLDS 2! I need people to play MP with.

Also again, I cant recommend Trenched enough right now. The game is awesome! Its a hybrid tower defense/3rd person shooter with great depth. It has MP as well.

Also From Dust in the Summer of Arcade looks great.

6Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 18:02



ne wresident evil: Operation Racoon city comes out soon. And it looks awesome...gameplay vids were awesome...cant wait.

7Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-12, 23:38



Definitely getting BF3 and GoW3, maybe Skyrim. Don't know anything about it but I'll check it out since it's obviously really popular.
I just can't decide if I want to try and get a new PC for BF3 or take the easy way out and get it for 360.

8Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-13, 02:32



>__> I forgot Skyrim...good god...All I need is Skyrim and Battlefield 3,but I'll get Dead Island to hold me over until then..

and yeah I've played Re4 so many times I'm not even gonna buy it on 360...great game,but I'm burned out on it...same with Halo remake,I wonder when people will get burned out on Halo?They keep splitting up their fanbase with every year now..

I honestly just feel burned out on everything,but who wants to hop on bad company 2?I'm finally going online for the first time in played some death match yesterday on my bro's account on his xbox and still got best player in a match >=D

9Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-13, 12:03



Dude Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City looks amazing...gameplay and is way different and its not a racist story in the beginning anymore. lol

10Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-13, 17:33



Trenched Trenched Trenched!

11Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-14, 00:35



>: O I may have to get Operation Raccoon City :3

I need to get a job first when I move to my new apt finally in the middle of town so I don't even need a car now...I can just walk to a job.

Although I only played the beginning of Brotherhood,I wouldn't mind getting the new AC game.I loved the concept of multiplayer on Brotherhood,but never got good at it...

alas,I'll be a happy guy with Skyrim and Battlefield 3,with Dead Island holding me over until then....and MAYBE AC Revelations or the Halo Remake or Operation Raccoon City or Saints Row 3.

>__> I want every good game coming out,but I'm as poor as the dirt now...

12Gaming drought... Empty Re: Gaming drought... 2011-07-14, 17:17



Trenched Trenched Trenched

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