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 » The Lounge » Archives » Bioshock


Captain Pirate Pineapple
Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
11 posters

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1Bioshock Empty Bioshock 2011-06-02, 00:47

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

If any of you are familiar with the series I need t=not tell you how great it is. For the rest of you, if your a fan of FPS, and you like a little atmosphere in your game this is the game for you.

I only own the second one, and I am patiently awaiting the third, but this game is a 9 in my book. The game is set in the 40s-60s in an underwater city called Rapture. Rapture was founded to escape the "oppression" of the goverments of the world above. So basically there are no laws, or boundries on what science can do. They begin messing with peoples genetic codes to give them abilities, such as strength, speed, and much more fantastical ones such as the ability to conjure fire.

Long story short is that the stuff drive people insane. Its almost like a drug that people get addicted to, and they have to use little girls to gather the stuff. I don't have time to explain it all here but I would strongly suggest checking it out. The only word to define what is so awesome about this game is "atmosphere". It really takes you to another world, and provides a fun and exciting FPS experience as well.

2Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 00:55

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

if bioshock two is a amazing to you, you should try the first one

3Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 01:06



The first Bioshock blew my mind. The voice acting in it is phenomenal.

4Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 01:27


You've only played the second Terry?! You're missing out man. I haven't played the second, but I know that the first is one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Now that I think of it, I might try and do a run to get all those audio diaries and everything

5Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 02:58



While I have yet to read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged (which BioShock is partly based on), I would imagine that the game does an phenomenal interpretion of laissez faire capitalism with it's primary strengths and weaknesses. This game shall be remembered as The Prince of video games.

6Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 10:33



Mr. Bubbles!
Really good game (the first one)

7Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 10:48

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I'm keeping my eyes open for the firs one, the gf actually has it for pc, but we don't have a pc that can run it lol. The second one is really enjoyable though, great voice acting must be a staple for the franchise.

8Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 10:51

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

MR. T wrote:I'm keeping my eyes open for the firs one, the gf actually has it for pc, but we don't have a pc that can run it lol. The second one is really enjoyable though, great voice acting must be a staple for the franchise.

Not that long ago I saw the first one bundled with Oblivion for like $40 new.

9Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 12:21



The first one is like literally twice as good. Bioshock 2 was fun dont get me wrong. But nothing beats the first time seeing Rapture after taking the elevator after the crash in the 1st.

10Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 18:37



I loved doing this:

11Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 19:22



I have and beat the 1st one. Amazing, fucking amazing. I still haven't finished the second one though, I got too distracted with the multiplayer >_>

Speaking of which, we should play sometime Terry, the multiplayer is pretty good on Bioshock 2.

12Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 19:54

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Ive had mixed results on the MP. I've a little fun, but often the matches seem empty, or the players seem disinterested. It can be pretty fun though

13Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 22:03

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Bioshock 1 = Best single player FPS this gen.

I love every single fucking part of it.

Bioshock 2... eh, I have not finished it.


Symbolic wrote:The first one is like literally twice as good. Bioshock 2 was fun dont get me wrong. But nothing beats the first time seeing Rapture after taking the elevator after the crash in the 1st.

This. My head exploded from the amazingness.

14Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 22:17

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i had bioshock two then it disappeared still don't know where its at

15Bioshock Empty Re: Bioshock 2011-06-02, 22:45



Many memorable moments in Bioshock. " Would you kindly?" will never be the same again.

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