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I loathe Bioshock 2....

Dropped Da Soap
Epyk MD
Keyser Söze
8 posters

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1I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:14

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

...and thus, for the following reasons consider it to be the worst game ever to plague humanity, it's makers deserving slow, agonizing death in front of a crowd of millions of on-lookers:

1. After hours of progress, Big "tin Head" fucking Daddy, gets his fucking tampon or something stuck in a staircase and is suddenly unmovable, thus forcing me to load my previous save.

2. No enemy in the game had the decency to come along and kill me so I could revive and continue from a chamber.

3. Upon loading up previous save, everything freezes (which just said to me "fuck you Greg, you fucking fuckface fuck, go fuck yourself, and when you come back, I'll let you continue...TWO FUCKING HOURS BACK!!!")

4. Firefox gives me 'not responding' bullshit the fucking second I start typing "Bioshock 2"


2I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:17

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

iv not played them, i am installing Sins of the solar empire, as we speak though...ill keep you informed.

also, sorry greg. taco?

3I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:18

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I fucking swear, I could massacre the world's cutest puppy right now...


4I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:18

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

but not pikakitty right?

5I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:20

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I would never harm an animal that looks like it might have suicidal tendencies. I'd rather watch.

6I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:20



Wow! 20 fucks in a single post... I think that's a record.

7I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:24

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Whoops, my bad...

I was always taught to try and write according to how I talk.

I swear a lot...

ahh, fuck it...

8I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:24

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i know of at least 3 places another fuck could have gone with out it looking like he was trying to hard.

game rage is a serious issue, and should be treated as such.

9I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:25



Epyk wrote:i know of at least 3 places another fuck could have gone with out it looking like he was trying to hard.

game rage is a serious issue, and should be treated as such.

Ah, ok I'll leave it as is then.
Sorry to hear that Greg. I feel your pain.

10I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:26

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


lol you should hear me over live...

11I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:29

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

This is what Bioshock has done to me...

A personification of my rage at this moment....

12I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:36

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I don't know what went wrong Greg, but that sucks you got that many mess ups. I never had anything happen to me in my 3 playthroughs+ 1 Minervas Den run through.

I love that game though

13I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:37

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

...and, to add insult to injury:

5. I think I may have broken my controller during my rage outbreak. Something's rattling inside...which can't be good.

I need to test and see if all buttons are working.

14I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:38

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Lobo: The Main Man. wrote:I don't know what went wrong Greg, but that sucks you got that many mess ups. I never had anything happen to me in my 3 playthroughs+ 1 Minervas Den run through.

I love that game though

Right now I hate it with every atom of my existence.

15I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 14:52

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

sorry to hear that greg. I'm like soap though, I enjoyed bioshock 2 and I never had any trouble with it.

16I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 16:07

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Towelie wrote:This is what Bioshock has done to me...

A personification of my rage at this moment....
are you sure its not this?

17I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 17:01

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

It's both mixed with a little bit of this:

18I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 17:31



I still haven't beaten the second one yet but the first one is amazing, and better.

19I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 17:58



Bioschock 2 was surprisngly good

20I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 18:04

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Sora Riku Kairi wrote:I still haven't beaten the second one yet but the first one is amazing, and better.

Yeah, until you get stuck on a random staircase...

21I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 18:07



Hmph thats nothing! Last night playing alpha protocol my dude glitched into a.n enemy. Was hilarious.

22I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 19:02

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

on fallout NV last night I was perputually falling into a mountin. I couldn't hit the deathclaw that was running at me because all my shots hit the ground that surroounded me but the deathclaw didn't seem to be bothered by it.

23I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 19:25

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Bioshock 1 is downright amazing.

I never had so much trouble with Bio 2, but I've only played a bit. I hope that I can finish it someday. Maybe once summer break arrives. I'm not feeling the awe and mystique feeling from Bio 2, though.

24I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 19:31



Bioshock 2 doesnt hit its stride until about mid way through on.

25I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 19:37

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Hmmm, I'll have to finish it then. Bio 1 hit with me the moment I started playing.

But even now, I wanr to finish Bayonetta too... and then there's MAG, and I also want to play some BC2 with you guys.

26I loathe Bioshock 2.... Empty Re: I loathe Bioshock 2.... 2011-02-19, 19:58

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I loved BS2. It didn't have as much of a good story as BS1, but to me, the story in BS2 was more gripping emotionally.

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