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BF3 Beta Date!!!

Honey Badger
Cubist Castle
Cardboard Fox
Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
Ron Swanson
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1BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:04



SOOO STOKED! but so long to wait...

2BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:20

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

did I read that right? is it going to be open and free to all?

AC for posting this first. I am pleased

3BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:20

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


words cannot express the awesomeness Very Happy

4BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:21


Yeah have known about this for awhile should've posted it i guess.

5BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:27

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Just "Sir" will do wrote:did I read that right? is it going to be open and free to all?

AC for posting this first. I am pleased
sorry to break it to you but unless you held on to MoH you won't be playing No

6BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:30



Wait a minute. How can it be a Beta if they are releasing it that late? I'm pretty sure they would've finalized everything by then. It's a Demo.

7BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:30



MoH is supposed to start earlier...everyone gets to play the september release one

8BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:30



grey its so the can fix last minute bugs, they did it with bc2

9BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:33


lurking camel wrote:
Just "Sir" will do wrote:did I read that right? is it going to be open and free to all?

AC for posting this first. I am pleased
sorry to break it to you but unless you held on to MoH you won't be playing No

It's an open beta, they changed it.

10BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:41



I'm looking forward to it, but also am worried about whether it'll live up to how good it looks or not. New releases/demos on games make me more nervous than excited, because there's always a chance that they'll disappoint you. Sad

11BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:45

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

So those who bought MoH for the beta get no bonus whatsoever? Sucks to be them.

Great news anyway.

12BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:49

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

well then in that case.... Smile

13BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:50

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I almost bought MoH just for the beta. So I'm really glad I didn't

14BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 16:54

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

For PC only, right? If not, how do you get a copy?

15BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:05



its for xbox its called download....

16BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:09

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Oh... I thought I'd have to ask EA/DICE for it. Most betas are usually limited in distribution, from what I remember.

17BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:28



I'm one of those that got screwed on MOH. Pisses me off.

18BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:30



Cryogenic freezing anyone?

Also what a fucking rip, I blew $60 on that peice of shit MoH hoping to get early/exclusive acces to the BF3 beta, but no I get nothing other then the one of the worst games I ever bought.

19BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:31




20BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:32



TexasMace wrote:I'm one of those that got screwed on MOH. Pisses me off.

More people playing the beta means more bugs get found and fixed. It's lame that they went back on their decision, but I guarantee EA did this because they weren't happy with the amount of people who bought MoH.

21BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-14, 17:35



Hey dont feel to bad Tex- Infamous2 came with an early access beta code for Uncharted 3. I was like woot. Then comes the release day and its available to everyone! Screw you Sony! Grrrrr. Granted I loved inFAMOUS 2 and would have bought it anyways lol.

22BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 03:06

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Woop! When that comes out i will be shitting rainbows and pissing kittens!

23BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 04:02



looks like im going to have to make a new account to download this... My age on xbl is my real age so i cant download M rated demos... WTF Rolling Eyes FUCK YOU WORLD


But yeah, this is still awsome Very Happy

24BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 04:08



Zillah wrote:looks like im going to have to make a new account to download this... My age on xbl is my real age so i cant download M rated demos... WTF Rolling Eyes FUCK YOU WORLD


But yeah, this is still awsome Very Happy

You can't change that in the parental settings or anything?

25BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 04:11



Nope. ive researched it and theres really no way to change it. I think if i download it on another account i can play it on my Zi11ah account (as long as im on the same harddrive)

26BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 04:17



That's weird. You would think it would be a parental discretion type thing.

27BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 04:20



I guess now that I think about it it shouldnt really be too hard. Just use my 2-day xbox live trial from halo reach on my alt and download it. problem solved.

28BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 05:46



Mr. Badger gets cred for hilarious remark.

I went through the same thing with my step son, zillah. Never found a way around and we had to make him another account and now I pay for both live accounts.
Good luck, brother.

29BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 14:17

Cardboard Fox

Cardboard Fox

My account, I'm pretty sure, has my real age, but I can still download whatever I like.

30BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 17:55



So maybe Im late to the party but I just found out they are ditching the medic kit! YAY. Assault will supply health, and the SUPPORT class is back as well! LMG's who supply ammo to the frontlines. Oh man this is so awesome. Plus they are nerfing the wookies even more, with a required hold breath feature in order to shoot accurately. And sniper muzzle flash! Man those will solve so many of my issues with BC2.

31BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 17:57

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

<3 what they've done with the LMG's

now i can use the T-88 to my hearts content without worrying about ammo.
although i'll have to be frugal with my M16 now, i loved spamming that thing in BC2 Sad

32BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 18:46



Plus the new suppression technique sounds beyond awesome. I already attempt to do that in BC2, but its not very effective.......I also wish they would implement some system where when you get shot, your aim is effected in some way or another. I hate putting 3 rounds into a wookie, while he sits there and shrugs off the bullets and pops me in the head a millisecond before he should be dead.

33BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-15, 20:48



Symbolic wrote:Plus the new suppression technique sounds beyond awesome. I already attempt to do that in BC2, but its not very effective.......I also wish they would implement some system where when you get shot, your aim is effected in some way or another. I hate putting 3 rounds into a wookie, while he sits there and shrugs off the bullets and pops me in the head a millisecond before he should be dead.

I disagree about flinch. Flinch adds a metaphorical dice roll to firefights and takes control away from the player. Stuff like that has no place in an FPS like Battlefield.

34BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 10:35



nah viewkick is annoying imo

35BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 11:54


Ante wrote:
Symbolic wrote:Plus the new suppression technique sounds beyond awesome. I already attempt to do that in BC2, but its not very effective.......I also wish they would implement some system where when you get shot, your aim is effected in some way or another. I hate putting 3 rounds into a wookie, while he sits there and shrugs off the bullets and pops me in the head a millisecond before he should be dead.

I disagree about flinch. Flinch adds a metaphorical dice roll to firefights and takes control away from the player. Stuff like that has no place in an FPS like Battlefield.

Oh god that was one of the things that made me hate Gears i am pretty sure it has it? Either way i didn't like the game.

And symbolic all that has been known since E3 O.o. I think i will be assault most of the time now -looks at stats sig-.

36BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 12:59

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

*cough* medciwhore *cough cough*


37BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 13:02


Just "Sir" will do wrote:*cough* medciwhore *cough cough*


Pfft you kids. It's called Skill when i play it. I just like LMG's if the medic didn't have them then i wouldn't care for it that much.

38BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 13:06

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

LMG's are pretty sweet, but htey are a little slow for me at times. I prefer the adaptability of an AR, but I can see myself playing a lot of Support in hte next game as well as Assault

39BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 15:24



I just remembered, there was this topic on GFQs and some dude was saying that DICE said you could disable vehicles in multiplayer. I called BS, but does anyone know if that's true or not?

40BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 15:28

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i just cant live without infinite ammo Sad

i love to spray too much, especially with the epic guns like the M14 and M1, most of my shots are just because i love the sound they make Razz

41BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 15:46



Hannibal Lecter wrote:I just remembered, there was this topic on GFQs and some dude was saying that DICE said you could disable vehicles in multiplayer. I called BS, but does anyone know if that's true or not?

Yeah it's true.

Once a vehicle reaches a certain percentage of health remaining (we'll say 20% for shits and giggles) it can no longer move. but the weapons will still be operable. You can still instantaneously blow up a vehicle, you'll just have to make sure it goes from whatever percent to zero in one shot.

42BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 15:57

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Hannibal Lecter wrote:I just remembered, there was this topic on GFQs and some dude was saying that DICE said you could disable vehicles in multiplayer. I called BS, but does anyone know if that's true or not?

Yeah I heard in an interview that if you get any vehicle below a certain amount of health it becomes "disabled" and can no longer move giving the people inside a chance to bail. Guns and such will still work on it though.

They more or less said it's to prevent vehicles from becoming deathtraps like the vodnik or humvee. It will still be possible to instakill just harder...let's say for random example the disabled threshold is anything below 30% gets disabled and lets say a rocket does 40 damage against a tank or something. So 2 rockets will disable the tank and a 3rd will finish it off but the people inside will probably have bailed so no kills for you. If you want to instakill the thing you'd have to get the tank down around 35% or what have you. Just close enough to the threshold that you can take it out with one hit while it's still operational.

Also engineers can repair a "disabled" vehicle back to working status. The auto-heal on vehicles won't get it working again nor does it permit a vehicle to fully regain all of their health. Only engineers can repair back to full health

edit: damn it ante beat me to it!

43BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 16:01



HydrasBreath wrote:
Hannibal Lecter wrote:I just remembered, there was this topic on GFQs and some dude was saying that DICE said you could disable vehicles in multiplayer. I called BS, but does anyone know if that's true or not?

Yeah I heard in an interview that if you get any vehicle below a certain amount of health it becomes "disabled" and can no longer move giving the people inside a chance to bail. Guns and such will still work on it though.

They more or less said it's to prevent vehicles from becoming deathtraps like the vodnik or humvee. It will still be possible to instakill just harder...let's say for random example the disabled threshold is anything below 30% gets disabled and lets say a rocket does 40 damage against a tank or something. So 2 rockets will disable the tank and a 3rd will finish it off but the people inside will probably have bailed so no kills for you. If you want to instakill the thing you'd have to get the tank down around 35% or what have you. Just close enough to the threshold that you can take it out with one hit while it's still operational.

Also engineers can repair a "disabled" vehicle back to working status. The auto-heal on vehicles won't get it working again nor does it permit a vehicle to fully regain all of their health. Only engineers can repair back to full health

edit: damn it ante beat me to it!

BF3 Beta Date!!! Ninja7_xlarge

44BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 16:27



I can't wait until the Beta, the more I think about it. I'm getting GoW probably, but I'm going to try to save money just in case I like the Beta. I hope it's good, because if somehow it sucks, I'm going to be extremely disappointed, because it looks so damn good.

45BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 16:31

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i've preordered already, and so has my friend.

because A, i want the cool shizz and the BTK pack at no extra cost,

and B, because if i dont preorder and tie £40 in up a giftcard i will spend it all on beer and pubbage and have none left to buy it on release Rolling Eyes

46BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 17:33

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I like the idea of vehicles not being instantly out of the fight while being pummled. My friends and I normally coordinate out rockets anyway so that we can instant kill vehicles anyway. Two rockets from the side at the same time leaves those inside no chance of escaping. I'd imagine this would work well in BF3 as well. Two or three coordinated strikes will freak the crap out of any driver.

47BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 17:50



September will be a busy month... Football, BF3, GoW3... I might need a clone to do it all.

48BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 17:57

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Fox Shepard wrote:September will be a busy month... Football, BF3, GoW3... I might need a clone to do it all.

thats even if your kids don't break any more limbs in the meantime.

49BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 17:59

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Sucks I won't be able to run with you guys all that much when it finally comes out. I'll be leaving for basic like.. two weeks after BF3 comes out roughly. Even so, I'm getting it for PC first.

50BF3 Beta Date!!! Empty Re: BF3 Beta Date!!! 2011-07-16, 18:03

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

*shakes fist* damn you Arty

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