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when are we buying town status?

Manila Plague
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Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i have over 20,000 dei and i would really like to buy town rights

also, we need to keep terraforming for new plots



figure we have to build the town square first



my autofarmextended the bordersa bit




The 22nd? So I can be there.



Thats like a week from now D:

You sir are a traitor and part of the rebel alliance!

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

we still have work to do

and an epic spawn point is needed

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

and if my doors are locked please don't break in to my house guys

i really don't want to remake my house out of obsidian



Who broke in? I used magic Very Happy



The 22nd is this week.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

lies. it's everyone really.

i pause my game for a minute, my doors are locked

next thing i see is someone in my house going through my chests

oh yeah i wanted to ask you guys what you thought of limiting our residents to one house. there are some people who have way to many houses/caves and that is not fair for new residents.



I have 2 Very Happy

Anyway i didnt break through a wall i came in through the roof Very Happy



I'm going to move my 1 house into a new plot.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

it's cool guys. i know my house is the most awesome and you cant get enough

nothing has ever been taken that hasn't been replaced so i'll stop complaining

it was just an idea about having only one house

i don't care either way

people we recruit should be limited to one house though

oh yeah and 20x20 plots are very generous. most towns only have 10x10

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah people wandering into your house and looking through your stuff is annoying.
they dont even have the decency to shut the damn doors either.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

people just need to understand that the chests outside my house on the grass are public

the ones inside my house are private

next person that takes something from my chest without asking is getting jailed

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

*steals Plagues get out of jail free card*

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

oh frog lol

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

PM's have been sent so if you get jailed don't say i didn't warn you



what about mineral rights? anything directly under your property is also your land, even if that means running into someones mine.



well becuaseofmining worldthatdoesnt matteranymore



you need to get that space bar fixed Very Happy

yeah, but i can still see people wanting to develop underground. Just something to think about.

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