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Turning SeC town into an Actual town

The Adli Corporation
Razzle Snazzle
Epyk MD
Manila Plague
13 posters

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There would be Pros and Cons of course

-We would get our own spawn
-We could use Town chat to encompass the entire SeC
-Town Pride Very Happy
-We could recruit people to the town and then the site

-We would have to pay taxes



That's what I'm hoping we will possibly do soon. That's why I'm trying to get things organized. So people that would visit could find there way around. So we need to first raze the area to a flat surface.



Name it sheepville!!!!!



No. I already named a road after you. We need a shop in the mall as well.



Work on earning money now by baking cakes



I'm pretty sure it will be Speak Easy Town

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i think it's a good idea

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I've got ALOT of diamond/ lapis/ redstone I can sell.

Alot of iron we can use for tracks if need be. (I've been using for armor)
My new mine comes complete with 4 diffrent giant lava [strike]pools[/srtike] lakes (so far) and a mob spawn.

Ill continue my quest to keep the CSBs stocked and start the foundation for the town bank.

Razzle Snazzle

Razzle Snazzle

i would like to know who deleted my stairs and placed a farm down there? I need the stairs somewhere, and i expect you to give me back my stairs and stuff. ^^

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Also I've done the math. Selling just diamonds at 60dai ill have 15000



how do you have so many diamonds.. I got my first 2 today

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Im a badass miner.

Also I use the branch mine technique. 2 high one wide. Three blocks between branches.

I go through alot more area than all those people doing strip mines.
I start my mine at bed rock
strip mines take hours/days to get to diamond/redstone level.



i got 2 stacks of diamonds from my Strip mine Very Happy

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, how much is the town taxes?
if its less than 50d a day per member its fine, since you get that by voting alone.

i would be cool with SeC town Very Happy



lol stalingrad has no taxes now...woot

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Pff you carved out half the island with that thing.

I use exclusively diamond tools ass well. No stone.
so I mine faster (yes im wasint diamonds, but I judt have so many Razz )

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

One. Should we ban mines with in town? If we get more people the town town mining its likely to cave in on us.
mine doesn't count as my mine is under the ocean. Jealous much?
2. We should verify that any surrounding structures arnt in use.
that mountain farm would fall inside sec boundaries.
as well as that monalith outside the south gate

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Holy god phone posting is fail for me.
this happen a lot?



200 for home plot
2 extra for extra 10x10 plot
Since Frost can churn out at least 3k a day from farming, (That's before the new super autofarm) I'm pretty sure we can keep up.



lol..share the love epyk...err I mean the diamonds Razz but anyways I think once a town is made, that means plots and that means unless they own a plot they cant mine it will just replace the block...stalingrad for example.



We'll make a rule. The mine can only consist of your plot.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I say.
someone pick the mayor and make almost all the Current residents assistants
Frostys got the farmy thing covored so ima drop that and work on mining and suppling mats.

Also. Cookies are going to be stackable so make room for some coco trees



I say She- Oh wait. That's right. She doesn't have the game. Could we be comayors? Like elders? BTW. Do not start building in that new area till the mountain is gone. We want new make sure there's room for new members (besides the members of the SeC). Let me lay down some plot places. 1 plot will be 20x20.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

I've already clamed the plot at the end of the road ...

But have refrained from doing anything to it becuase I new we were going with something more uniform...and we still have a good chunk of that damned mountain.



I know. I asked a mod/admin for some tnt to blow it up, because Sock was doing that to me and Manilla in jail, and I got put in jail. Don't ever do that.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

You got put in jail for asking them to tnt a mountain for you?



Yes. Don't know why. I didn't want to ask any more so I wouldn't have gotten into anymore trouble. Question is now. Where would the spawn be? Frost thinks your old CQB building. I'm thinking the SSN. Pointing towards the stairs with a welcome sign above.



menacinglemon wrote:lol stalingrad has no taxes now...woot

We don't pay taxes. but Snipey does.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

We can clear out somplacw inbtween them.
like that random ass fenced off lake (not lemons large one.L



That's also Lemon's. He put a sign up. I'm going to ask him about that.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


Space needle is good. It may be bad for random people spawning in the CSB



the one behind adli's house can go ...I was bored and had extra fences lol....



ive got about 100 or so diamonds and lapis we can sell. I dont know, I think it'll be fun actually having to generate revenue.



I don't have money, my brother spent 40 of my initial dei on visiting different towns.

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

i'll help in anyway i can. i think having a town would be better. grey you gotta show me how to make the dollar bills err uh dei

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

the new plots area looks great now guys. i'll be on all day if you guys want to clear more land. are we clearing the mountain directly behind my house. dammit grey where are you when i need you

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

so my first stint in jail was fun. i was burned alive. exploded with tnt. grey broke out of jail 3 time and broke back in there was on guard that was always bending over, watch out for him. sorry again about what we did lemon. in the future we will ask but it was for the greater good. the torch room was lulz though. apparently you like torches Smile

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

what did you get jailed for plague?

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

we are taking that whole mountain out plague.
its ALL got to go Evil or Very Mad

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

me and grey were clearing land for the new plots. we leveled my house and frostbyrns house. while leveling frosty's house we discovered that lemon had made a hideout under his house. we filled it in. this bought me a 24 hour stint but the mod was just teaching me a lesson. i got let out in a few hours

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

good to know epyk, thanks. i'll be working on that today

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

im "spring" cleaning atm, but ill join you guys eventually. Anymore building should start heading south. i almost think frosts floating house is too far north.
but we shouldnt build anything more past the road until we talk to snipey



I do branch mining too. That thing where you just dig a huge hole straight down is stupid. Rare minerals don't even show up until a few layers up from bedrock. It's the same strategy I used to mine in Dwarf Fortress, which is like super super retro underground minecraft with ascii graphics.



lol it was meant to grow trees...but didnt work so I said fuck it and placed orches everywhere

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

sauce you started sec town yes?
have you talked to snipey before? id like to know if hes expanding the boundaries of Stalingrad.

i also wonder if we should move since it has like 200 members and would probably win in a land dispute.


Manila Plague

Manila Plague

well i'm on now and will start clearing the mountain

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

heres what i mean.

the red is the area of the new builds
the gold line would be their new boarder if they expand

which cuts us in half

Turning SeC town into an Actual town Untitl10

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

wow we are close

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

anyone want to hop on the server and help me an zillah with the mountain

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