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Need help choosing a game

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1Need help choosing a game Empty Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 03:42



I played mw2 for a couple of days and I just returned it haha, so now I'm wondering what other game I should get. I have four games in mind and would love if you guys would give me your opinions on them. Final Fantasy XIII, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, or Assassin's Creed 2. I can't decide and I'm getting a game tomorrow so I would appreciate all of the help you can give me. Thank you!!!

2Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 03:48

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

assassins creed gets boring after you beat the dead same but you can choose to be evil or good and still do jobs and good deeds for the community plus it has multiplayer... i have not played mass effect 2 but i heard final fantasy sucks

3Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 03:54



Did you like the first Assassins Creed 1 a lot? because I loved it so I don't know if I will like number 2 even more than most people do because I hear a lot of people saying that they didn't like AC1 that much, if that makes sense. And I haven't played a Final Fantasy before but I watched my brother play through all of them so I don't know if that matters much because I won't be expecting anything so it won't be so different to me. Since they changed the battle system and it's more linear this time, I just thought that it might be a good introduction for me to be able to get into the series?

4Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 03:59

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i couldnt get passed the part where they gave you four assassin jobs at once the one from each kingdom or something so i just raged and never played it again.... assassins creed 2 is easier and good graphics if you have HD and a lot of new weapons but it does get tedious after you have got over 50 hrs on it after you beat the campaign which is pretty long about 14-20 hours and im not too sure on what your saying about final fantasy

Last edited by delicious camel on 2010-09-15, 04:04; edited 1 time in total

5Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 04:02



I just beat AC1 again today so tedious isn't really an issue for me. And lol I know it was a jumbled mess of words, but I'll try and explain. I haven't played a final fantasy game before, so I won't be expecting anything to be a certain way. I'm guessing that's one of the reasons why people didn't like this one cause they changed it a lot.

6Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 04:06

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

well if your considering on getting Final Fantasy you should do some research (reviews, youtube videos, ECT.) first. im hoping im making sense tho Very Happy and

Last edited by delicious camel on 2010-09-15, 04:12; edited 2 times in total

7Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 04:11



You are making sense, don't worry! And I have looked at some reviews of it and it got some pretty good ratings from IGN and stuff. I'm leaning towards red dead redemption though, mostly because I loved the game GUN for the xbox. My friend says that ME2 is awesome though, and I love assassins creed... I'm almost at the point where I just want to flip a coin haha, but I don't want to buy another game and hate it like mw2.

8Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 04:14

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i still enjoy red dead but i sold assassins creed 2 for it so i cant really give a good review about it but im going to bed now the midnight launch of reach got me off sleeping schedule i'll be on around 7 am pacific tho Need help choosing a game Icon_smile

9Need help choosing a game Empty Re: Need help choosing a game 2010-09-15, 04:18



okay, thank you for the help! Very Happy

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