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Been playing Prototype...

The Mr. E of Hat
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1Been playing Prototype... Empty Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 06:59



It sure gets to be a fuckin bloodbath in missions lol,really frustrating sometimes,but other time's all the chaos and gore makes up for it.7/10 so far...good concept and such,but sometimes there's too much going on screen at once and you press one button and Alex Mercer does whatever he wants to...usually end up killing the monsters anyway lol.

Too much bonus side stuff I never cared for in games like racing to collect checkpoints against a timer counting down and such,and many military bases to destroy for achievements and monster lairs to destroy....

I'm just going to do the story though...I've never cared for that kind of side stuff in a game,and I'm burned out on games as it is...I just finally played through it since I got it for 20 bucks at gamestop and never played it yet.

After this,I'm going to pick up the dirt cheap Dark Sector,The Darkness,then Bioshock 2.Doesn't look like I'm going to be able to get Dead Island when it comes out,dirt poor and scraping by as it is...I hope I can at least get Skyrim...65 dollar games with tax a pop sucks -__-

Anybody else play/like Prototype?I believe the sequel comes out in 2012,Feb if I read game informer right...

2Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 11:53

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

A friend lent it to me about a month ago. I liked it. I ignored all the side stuff. Not one for that shit either. The story was cool but...the final boss felt like a cop out and the story directly before the final boss confused me...

If you can make sense of it by all means explain lol.

I'm excited for the sequal but cautious at the same time. From what I have seen it's the same game... different guy. The main char from the first is apparently the villain? I dunno. I will definately try it out when the time comes but I just don't know.

3Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 14:09



I liked it a lot. It had its share of issues, but the sheer violence that can be unleashed had me hooked.
Really looking forward to the sequel.

4Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 19:21



I'm stuck on this damn boss battle when you go into a hive and this guy jumps down shooting a million grenades and has a shock baton -___-

5Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 19:42



JrTapia1991 wrote:I'm stuck on this damn boss battle when you go into a hive and this guy jumps down shooting a million grenades and has a shock baton -___-

Hit and Run. And chuck a rock or 2 his way.

Good game. couldn't play Crackdown again after it and is way better then inFamous.

6Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 19:49

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

What GM said.

Its a great game, just has its flaws. I am also looking forward to the sequel.

The final boss was a pain in the ass though. But it was still a pretty epic fight. I would try gliding from 100s of feet above him and attacking him and he just chucked freaking fighter jets at you, or leapt at you and threw you to the ground.

7Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 19:51

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

The finaly boss was a pain but I still feel it was a cop out. It wasn't even an original monster. I was like "WHY ARE YOU SO HARD I'VE KILLED THESE THINGS BEFORE!?"

8Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 19:53

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Yeah I didn't understand that either. It starts off and I was like "Really? REALLY?!? That its! I have killed hundreds of these things.!"

Then it proceeded to kick my ass. It never managed to kill me, but it was still a pain.

9Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 19:54

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

It never killed me...I just dont work well under time limits haha.

10Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 20:17



oh those Hunter things?They're a bitch lol

11Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 20:19



The Hunters are bitch until you get the armor, the sword, and buy the suplex upgrade. The drop pretty quick after that.

12Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-21, 23:53



I give up.Taking everything I have no to snap a fucking disc....that's only ever made me so mad once before,beating RE4 on pro mode back when it came out on PS2.

This stupid fuckin commander cross guy....spams fuckin grenades,my attacks tickle him...blocks everything,gets me with his shock baton and his attacks take all my health...and I only start the fight with half health.

-___- The controls are this game are horrible I think.I press one button and just hope for the best like in fighting games lol.

I give up.I'll trade it to a friend or somethin >__> . I'm burned out on games as it is...

I watched a vid on youtube and the guy did the Y claw spikes out of the ground attack,well when I do it he always dodges it even if i do it fast or charge it up,or when it does hit it barely hurts him.

Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad I haven't been this mad at a game in forever.I need a damn beer and a quesadilla lol

13Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-22, 00:01



Lock-On Drop Kick him and run away. Locking on slows the game down. You said you have been skipping things....have you bought any upgrades???

14Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-22, 00:17



I've bought plenty...I'm broke now lol.It would take all day to kill him with the drop kick.When I've calmed down I'll try...but every time I even get close he spams his damn grenade gun and killed me in 1 hit pretty much.

I bought some upgrade that said when my health is low I can do a devastating attack but I have no idea how to....I don't know how to do ANY of the cool stuff in the game really....I just know how to change disguises and make my claws come out and grab and eat people

15Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-22, 02:05



This is one of the games I'm glad I pirated. Saved myself 50 bucks.

Crackdown was so much better, in my opinion.

16Been playing Prototype... Empty Re: Been playing Prototype... 2011-07-22, 02:17



Yeah I think I should of gotten Crackdown 2 instead...had zombies,and was co op...not the best controls ever,but better than this dude lol.

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