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Has hit detection been a bit more dodgey than usual for you all lately?

Cubist Castle
Artimise Flare
8 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Lately I've been having issues with my shots not connecting. Example
would be I'd fire three rounds into a wookie with my cross hairs dead
center and only two of the rounds would confirm, mind you he isn't even
firing at me yet. Rockets also not doing any damage even if it's a solid
hit on their broad side, or C4 not detonating after you plant it on a
tank. Ran a few games and this has been happening a lot.

I normally don't play during the day, so I don't know if this is normal, but it sure as hell is agravating.



I've had that happen before...maybe a bad server.

I used to read about a way to disable certain servers that are too far away with router configurations but it seemed too complicated to me.

I think the level 50's use the lag to their favor lol I know I've shot them and they should be dead but they still kill me and it says they have 1% health remaining or sometimes it said 0%

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

I had a few days where all my games were slightly laggy, and it was very aggravating. I changed my xbox location to Europe, in hopes that it would connect me to some different servers. I don't even know if that truly works, but I haven't had any problems since.



I'm a Lvl 50.



You might be right art, lately i've been getting a lot of roadkill hitmarkers.. Seriously how do you get hitmarkers with a roadkill ... Did i just run over his foot or something?

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

Switch to third person for roadkills.


I do, i love roadkilling people.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah I've been noticing some crappy hit detection for awhile time I shot an AT4 at a humvee coming at me and the rocket went through the humvee and I believe he ended up getting a roadkill on basically looked like my rocket went in through the windshield and out through the back window and he just kept on coming...I was like

Has hit detection been a bit more dodgey than usual for you all lately? 2458268739



I don't know about hit detection, but I've noticed problems throwing grenades--I've had to tap the left bumper repeatedly before the command works. But maybe that's just a problem with my controller.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Elraptor wrote:I don't know about hit detection, but I've noticed problems throwing grenades--I've had to tap the left bumper repeatedly before the command works. But maybe that's just a problem with my controller.

probably not I've had problems with C4 not detonating no matter how many times I mash the trigger. I'd rush in and C4 an unsuspecting tank only to be left mashing the trigger furiously when the tank notices me and then blows me away. That's pretty rage inducing too.



These issies have always been around to some degree since release. There are still times where my c4 does dont detonate, or I'll empty an dentire clip into someone for them to just shoot me a few times and I am dead. Lag or connections issues. They happen.

I'll take it over the old rubber banding days. That was some crap there!

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

yeah the lag for like a month after release sucked. And I don't know if it's just because I took such a long break and don't remember what it was like at first but it seems like the hit detection is worst now than it used to be. Like I never had a rocket just teleport through a vehicle when the game first came out. But maybe it's just me and probably don't fully remember what it was like at the start.



Hmm not sure. I havn;t played much the last few monthes but the games I have played all seem to be runnning the smoothest I have ever had it run.

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