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Yesterday was the most painful day of my life

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First things first. I was helping my father move a medium sized cement slab so we can dig down a little farther. We had it on some 2X4's so we can get our hands underneath it to flip it. While we were doing a flip, the cement hit the end of a 2X4 and flicked it up into mah boyz.

Later on, while Ray (friend of the family) was taking me back to his place to dump a load of dirt with his dump truck and to grab a forklift piece to the Bobcat we stopped at Phil's (drunk motherfucker with a hot wife) to see if he wanted some. I ran up to his deck to knock on the door and his wife walked out with their dog. I started to ask her if she wanted the dirt when the fucking ankle biter bit me. I screamed out in pain "Fucking Shit!" and was about to kick the damn thing so I walked (limped) back to the truck Waiting for Phil. The damn dog kept following me, and I was just about to punt it when the dog went back into the house. After all that, Phil said no.

While I was at his house, he had part of the piece wedged underneath the hitch of a boat. We went on either side to lift up the trailer to knock the piece we needed out. He didn't tell me he was going to drop it immediately so when we lifted, he let go and let a 1000 lb+ boat fall on my leg, I screamed and did that little dunning around in pain thing while he was laughing his ass of. BTW, it was the same leg that the dog bit me on 15 minutes earlier.



Ouch; the dog thing is kinda funny, but having the boat fall on your leg would really, really suck.



I would have punched this Phil guy in the dick with cement fists. Repeatedly. While laughing.



i would burrow soaps flail and go to town on that dog

then find a that woods tree family and gears of war the bitch

then drive a boat/bus convertable into phils house

edit: AAANND I forgot to log off my bros account this is tallness



yeah, i knew your brother had better spelling/grammar than that...



idgaf about grammama when i post i see enough of that at christmas


The last part sounded serious i am pretty sure that would crush your leg?



It kinda did but the trailer "rolled" off my leg.



ive gotten my foot run over by a car.. TWICE. they were pretty small cars so it didnt completely flatten it or anything.

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