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Mass Effect trilogy disscussion thread

Ron Swanson
Cubist Castle
Artimise Flare
12 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This thread is for the discussion of anything related to the Mass Effect series. Have fun, ab please let's be civil Razz

A question for you folks who are veterans pf the series and are going to be purchasing ME3 in the coming future. What features are you most excited about? What features are you hoping return and which ones do you hope are removed.

I am most excite about the fact that they've brought back some more RPG elements to the game, and customization has been expanded. What I'm hoping doesn't make a return is the pendulum system as far as morality is concerned. In ME2 you felt restricted by this system since dialog required you to be either completely renegade or completely paragon in order to advance upon certain paths. (spoiler: a good example is when your trying to avoid being seduced by Morinth)

The points system seemed to be the best approach to the morality system IMO which is how it functioned in ME1.



I liked the RPG stuff of ME1, I've never been a big inventory guy, I don't manage them well so having different "types" of guns was cool instead of having to compare a gun every minute, but I would love more customizing options like they had in ME1. In ME2 I enjoyed the smoothness of the gameplay, especially during gunfights.

I'm very excited for 3, just to finish the story, and they seemed to up the action along with RPG stuff. I very rarely compare games to each other, I like to enjoy a game for where it is then, not what it was or will be. I like story, I like the characters, so I'm sure I'll love ME3.



they need to modify it so that certain classes dont need to play combat like a cover based shooter. i got a class pretty close with the vanguard, geth shield boost, and geth shotgun. but i have to wait in cover for a while at times

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

If you build your vanguard right, the only time you'll be spending behind cover is waiting for Charge to cool down.

Anyway, I loved the combat in ME2. IDGAF about ME1's inventory system. Every gun and armor was the same, except for the numbers. I'd rather have four or five assault rifles with different strengths and weaknesses, and different rates of fire, than 1000+ guns which all do the same damn thing.
I think ME2 was a vast improvement over ME1. However, the story wasn't nearly as good. It was decent, but there was WAY too much focus on building your squad and keeping them happy. I wish there could have been more story-relevant missions in 2.
Also, not enough side-quests. I missed the planet exploration. Scanning was just a pain in the ass.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what ME3 is going to be like. I'm just worried Bioware will screw it up like DA2, which was an absolute train-wreck of an action/RPG.

I really haven't kept up with ME3 news since the first trailer was released--I don't want to get excited by the previews and then be let down when it finally arrives. Besides, I've been paying much more attention to Skyrim and BF3 since both will be out sooner.



HAL 9000 wrote:If you build your vanguard right, the only time you'll be spending behind cover is waiting for Charge to cool down.

Anyway, I loved the combat in ME2. IDGAF about ME1's inventory system. Every gun and armor was the same, except for the numbers. I'd rather have four or five assault rifles with different strengths and weaknesses, and different rates of fire, than 1000+ guns which all do the same damn thing.
I think ME2 was a vast improvement over ME1. However, the story wasn't nearly as good. It was decent, but there was WAY too much focus on building your squad and keeping them happy. I wish there could have been more story-relevant missions in 2.
Also, not enough side-quests. I missed the planet exploration. Scanning was just a pain in the ass.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what ME3 is going to be like. I'm just worried Bioware will screw it up like DA2, which was an absolute train-wreck of an action/RPG.

I really haven't kept up with ME3 news since the first trailer was released--I don't want to get excited by the previews and then be let down when it finally arrives. Besides, I've been paying much more attention to Skyrim and BF3 since both will be out sooner.

Bioware won't fuck up ME3. There's a completely separate team on Dragon Age and EA won't risk messing up something like the Mass Effect series.



Funny thing is I might get it. Hated ME1 but loved ME2 to death

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

These are two important games that I missed. I plan to get them someday and play them but it just hasn't happened yet.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Agreed, I'm playing ME1 again on the PC and the weapons are just so boring compared to ME2. Essentially I loved ME1 for the story and it's RPG elements, and ME2 was fantastic for its combat but there wasn't a whole lot to do as far as side missions were concerned which I sort of missed from ME1.

However, I do like the fact that ME2 got a lot of DLC as opposed to ME1 which only got two.

Firewalker, Overlord, Shadow Broker, Arrival all were fun to play Firewalker being the exception it was sort of "meh"



I must be the only one who likes the 1st better. It was an actual RPG......2 was a watered down Gears with a good story. Good game, but everything about the 1st felt more epic to me. The story was incredible, the RPG elements were deep and I LOVE the inventory.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I hated the inventory, I don't care about the numbers I like having unique weapons that go beyond just looks. They all did the exact same fricken thing as opposed to the truly unique weapons you got in ME2.

Combat aside, I too feel that story wise ME2 was kind of weak. I think this is because in ME1 you had a focus, a true villain that you could hate, Saren was your goal and you were chasing him down to prevent him from winning and destroying all life in the known galaxy.



I can't wait to see what they'll do with ME3, from the bits and pieces I've seen, it looks like it's going to be a great Q1 2012 Very Happy

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


Last edited by Epyk on 2011-08-03, 18:02; edited 1 time in total

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Pretty much, though ME2 also suffered from the fact that it couldn't be too much like its predecessor and couldn't go too far ahead because then it would be dipping into ME3's content. The middle game always is the toughest to make in a trilogy IMO.



I feel that ME2 was a set-up for ME3. Kind of like putting all the pieces in place before a final assault.


The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i think its overrated...


Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Since I have to find everything and do everything or else i freak out my first run through in RPG games I didnt finish ME1.

Do that in ME1 felt like I was grinding through it trying to finish.

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

You technically can't do everything in just one playthrough, dude.

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

yeah, its one or the other on a lot of decisions.

and some you wont have enough sway to interact with.

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

HAL 9000 wrote:You technically can't do everything in just one playthrough, dude.

Well yeah i know but i search every corner of the game try to find everything its just stressful

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I see a lot of people hating on ME2 for the Citadel being nerfed as bad as it was.

I am glad they did, and I know they are bringing it back in ME3. I just hope its not as boring as it was in ME1.

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