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Why are people stupid?

Honey Badger
The Adli Corporation
Patrick Star
Ars Diaboli
Artimise Flare
15 posters

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1Why are people stupid? Empty Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 03:59



Because if anyone has a different lifestyle then they are automatically "weird" or "losers". I was over at a friend's house and the topic of jobs came up. I mentioned that I had applied at GameStop not really expecting a job offer but it was worth a shot. You what my friends mom said? "Don't bother, the only people who work at GameStop are 35 year old losers!" So many things wrong with that statement I don't even know where to begin. This isn't even random internet trolling, these are real opinions. Why do people look at gamers and otakus and say "loser?" My grandma even said to not get caught up in gaming and technology because "that won't take you anywhere."
Why are people stupid? 20100108063328!Exploding-head
Gahh...I don't really expect anyone to read this. I just needed to put my feelings into text where no one would see them. So I put them here. Mad

/end rant

2Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 04:14



With like 85% of Teenage males Gaming its not really weird

Just Old people with their Out dated opinions shaking their Walking stick at the kids on the Front lawn *Cough* DL *Cough* Very Happy

3Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 04:17



Most older adults I know HATE videogames.

4Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 04:32



My sister thinks because I'm 21 and playing video games, I'm considered lower than her. So damn ********.

5Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 04:49



I think it's because people are so afraid of not being the experts and not being right. They'd rather live in their own safe little world where they have control over what happens to them and they understand everything.

6Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 04:57



People have always been stupid, and will continue to be. All hate comes from fear and ignorance. Plain and simple. Old people dont like technology because they are old. They dont get it. And anybody in my generation (18-30) who still looks at somebody who plays video games as a loser need to grow up. Fuck em.

Last edited by Symbolic on 2011-08-04, 05:08; edited 1 time in total

7Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 04:59



I work in a grocery store so I get the most diverse demographics possible coming through the checkout lanes. I lose more and more faith in the human race every time I work.

8Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 05:15

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Then it's up to us as the next generation to teach our children different. I've learned to just not get worked up about this kind of crap, getting angry at things outside of my control takes way too much energy and accomplishes absolutely nothing.

But no worries man, I understand the need to get something out, ranting to those who are willing to listen and try to understand is a good way to get the pent up frustration out. I do it all the time, much to some of my friends dismay lol.

9Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 05:19

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Technology and games are for losers, dude. I mean, I miss the old days where we would burn people with a different opinion. Technology is for pussies that want humanity to progress.

10Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 05:40

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Ars Diaboli wrote:Technology and games are for losers, dude. I mean, I miss the old days where we would burn people with a different opinion. Technology is for pussies that want humanity to progress.
Why are people stupid? 175-58

11Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 08:38



already trying to teach my little bros to love video games just so they arent gonna hate them and turn out to be little rednecks

also screw people that think nothing good will come from video games just look at rvb they made a franchise out of another franchise that they didnt own

12Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 10:23

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

meh. my parents need my help just changing the AV channel from the Xbox to the Digibox, their opinions dont mean much to me Razz

13Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 11:08

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

Lol my brother and step brothers and me are the ones who play the box. Also people around have to accept it really cause EVERYBODY in my area plays videos games.

14Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 11:13

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

It's just a job. How old are you? It's not like you're going to just apply for some respectable job at a law firm and get it. Who gives a fuck about her misinformed opinion? At least you're getting paid, and that's all a job comes down to in the end, is that you're making enough to support yourself until something better comes along.

15Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 11:56


Eh it's a job like any other i applied there myself like a year ago or so and i think i am lucky i didn't get a call, i can't stand pushy salesmen.. I wasen't getting many hours at my current job and that's why i did try.

Some people are just stubborn so i wouldn't take it personally.

16Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 12:34

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

people are stupid for this reason.

God hates me and he is looking for ways to punish me for anything bad I have ever done. So he created stupid people.

17Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 18:22



I'm of the opinion that unless you either do something that actively hurts others or are living on welfare and being a drain on society (not that all people on welfare are), no one else has the right to tell you what to do with your life.

I'm also practically anarchistic when it comes to social matters, though.

18Why are people stupid? Empty Re: Why are people stupid? 2011-08-04, 18:42

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

there is nothing wrong with loving or working with video games. If so there is something terribly wrong with me too.

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