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3D is getting out of hand.

Captain Pirate Pineapple
12 posters

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13D is getting out of hand. Empty 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:09



The 3DS works because it's glasses-less and the 3D can be turned off. I generally think 3D is gimmicky. This is nuts. I'm never going to pay $800 for something like this.

23D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:10



then dont. the beauty of the american (mostly) free market economy is that you make your own choices. if you dont want it, dont buy it.

33D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:11



I'm slightly interested. Problem is it doesn't mention resolution so it might be no better than the one I had, but with 3D capabilities.

43D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:12



That'll probably be just about as successful as the virtual boy.

That picture looks incredibly fake though, is this thing even for real?

53D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:14



Chewy wrote:That'll probably be just about as successful as the virtual boy.

That picture looks incredibly fake though, is this thing even for real?

I don't see why not. I've owned a couple different Sony headsets. I think I got the first one right after the Sega Saturn released in Japan because we played the import of Panzer Dragoon on it.

Old tech.

63D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:15



It's 95% credible.

I know I don't meed to buy it Pariah. But the entire game industry is slowly moving in this direction. I'm fine with 3D when it's like the 3DS, glasses-less and has the option to be turned off.

73D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:19



I'm definitely not doubting the tech is possible and similar things have been done before but that picture just looks goofy as hell.

I don't think that 3D is gonna get that huge though. It's a gimmick and I think it will stay that way, it's been around for pretty long already. Glasses-free 3D technology would be cool but most people aren't going to want something like that headset replacing their regular gaming/movie viewing.

83D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:20



ThePeavstenator wrote:It's 95% credible.

I know I don't meed to buy it Pariah. But the entire game industry is slowly moving in this direction. I'm fine with 3D when it's like the 3DS, glasses-less and has the option to be turned off.

I agree.
I played some Crysis 2 in 3D mode and while it looked ok when you were just looking around tring to get a sense of the depth, trying to actually play and do good was a whole other matter.

The 3D is so hard to focus on and so distracting that you get disoriented. At least I do.

93D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:23



When they make realistic 3D holograms to replace our TV screens, I'll care about 3D. The popout depth thing going on with 3D right now is distracting or disorienting. I'll game in 2D thank you very much.

103D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:24



ThePeavstenator wrote:It's 95% credible.

I know I don't meed to buy it Pariah. But the entire game industry is slowly moving in this direction. I'm fine with 3D when it's like the 3DS, glasses-less and has the option to be turned off.
Explain please. I've seen these two examples of 3d in modern gaming. And it seems to me that the 3ds system already has a large backing. if anything, I'd say that would be the direction the industry will take. That and to fully embrace this type of technology would be ridiculously complex and nigh catastrophic to the gaming industry along with any coinciding aggregates.

113D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:28



3DS 3D works a little differently than glasses with a TV 3D. With a glasses and TV 3D, things pop out at you from the screen. This is cool in a movie or show, but in gaming it's distracting and disorienting. 3DS has what I call "fishtank 3D". When you look at the screen with 3D on you see depth inside of the screen. Nothing pops out at you and it works.

123D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:31



Here's a visual representation from the side. Vertical lines represent the screen and slashes represent objects that have depth in 3D. Ignore the dashes in the 3DS example. It's the only way I could get the vertical lines to extend out.

TV and glasses:

| /
| \


133D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:34



ThePeavstenator wrote:3DS 3D works a little differently than glasses with a TV 3D. With a glasses and TV 3D, things pop out at you from the screen. This is cool in a movie or show, but in gaming it's distracting and disorienting. 3DS has what I call "fishtank 3D". When you look at the screen with 3D on you see depth inside of the screen. Nothing pops out at you and it works.
I have a few hours of 3DS gameplay, and while I personally found it boring, it was leagues above the usual glasses 3D.

143D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:36



I agree with Peavs on this. All these gimmicks are... just that. Gimmicks. I'll stick with controllers and a normal screen/monitor please.

And $800? Is Sony TRYING to make this fail?

153D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:38



My point was that its unlikely sony's design will ever catch on. I'm totally indifferent to 3D otherwise.

163D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:39



Virtual Reality/3D headsets never will really work.

*Ahem* Virtual boy

173D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 01:45



ThePeavstenator wrote:Virtual Reality/3D headsets never will really work.

*Ahem* Virtual boy

We owned a VR headset once that connected to PC. I think the only games that actually worked with it were Descent and Magic Carpet though.

You had to constantly adjust focus for both eyes. You'd turn and get tangled in the wires. You would lose your sense of balance and equilibrium and after about 15 minutes you'd start to get a headache. Weighed quite a bit to so your neck got sore.

Thing cost a ton and wasn't worth it at all.

183D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 02:37



I dont know, look kinda cool imo

193D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 03:15



But not worth $800

Plus the Wii was kinda cool as well. Look where that ended up.

203D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 10:25



Juat because a concept hasnt worked so far doesnt mean that itll never work. To expect the video game industry not to explore every possible profitable venture would be madness.

213D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 12:46



I think the thing is right now gamers don't really want 3D that much. It was kind of a cool thought but it didn't really work in games. If they could make the 3D more like the 3DS so it didn't disorient you, I would consider using it. The game companies just keep coming back marketing the same 3D.

223D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 12:58

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I'm with the whole gimmick thing. It's annoying! It's just some cheap trick to try and sell a system/TV. If I wanted to play a game in 3D, I'd put down the controller and step outside.

233D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 13:00


I never understood the hype of 3d.

243D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 13:01


El Duderino wrote: If I wanted to play a game in 3D, I'd put down the controller and step outside.

Haha i almost typed the same thing.

253D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 13:54



3D is nowhere near motion control on the "Gimmick Scale" though. I wanna smack silly whoever made that crap up.

263D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 14:00



Fun fact:
The man who designed the Kinect went to Nintendo first. They shot it down for some reason to go with shitty graphics, and having to use a controller.

273D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 14:01



Stifler wrote:3D is nowhere near motion control on the "Gimmick Scale" though. I wanna smack silly whoever made that crap up.

I think our Kinect is pretty cool. The girls think it's the coolest thing ever.

I'm really looking forward to head tracking in Forza 4 and the fact that the new Steel Battalion uses the Kinect and a controller for gameplay has me pumped. I'm also hoping Ryse turns out cool.

It's actually pretty cool tech. I fully expect it (or something similar) will be standard with the next gen of systems. If you view it with an open mind you'll see that there is a ton of potential there (unrealized as of yet).

EDIT: Head tracking is where the real, true 3D effect begins.

283D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 14:05



I think its cool if a game does 80% controller, 20% kinect. I dont think games should use motion control for the sake of motion control, but to actually enhance other games (like in forza)

293D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 14:10



Metalzoic wrote:
Stifler wrote:3D is nowhere near motion control on the "Gimmick Scale" though. I wanna smack silly whoever made that crap up.

I think our Kinect is pretty cool. The girls think it's the coolest thing ever.

I'm really looking forward to head tracking in Forza 4 and the fact that the new Steel Battalion uses the Kinect and a controller for gameplay has me pumped. I'm also hoping Ryse turns out cool.

It's actually pretty cool tech. I fully expect it (or something similar) will be standard with the next gen of systems. If you view it with an open mind you'll see that there is a ton of potential there (unrealized as of yet).

EDIT: Head tracking is where the real, true 3D effect begins.

To each their own I suppose. When it comes to gaming, I'd much rather be sitting in my chair with a bottle of Mountain Dew within reach. *Shrugs*

303D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 14:47



When I said standard I just meant that they will all come with something like it out of the box. I didn't mean it will replace a controller (or that it should).

It also works just fine sitting down with a Mountain Dew within reach. My point is it does have real gaming potential even if all it's being used for at the moment are gimmick-style party games that makes you jump all around.

313D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 20:18



I agree with the head tracking. Glasses and most other 3D stuff is terabad for gaming because it delays reaction time. Your brain has to make sense of the 3D, which adds a few ms to even a few second brain-latency. Not interested at all in something that makes me worse.

Edit: although Minecraft anaglyph is fun for a bit.

323D is getting out of hand. Empty Re: 3D is getting out of hand. 2011-09-10, 21:08



Well, one practical application I can think of for BF in terms of motion tracking devices is to implement some sort of comm rose for hand/arm gesture so that console players would be able to use comm rose type of commands without having to be cluttered up with Select button all the time.

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