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Any programmers want to lend me a hand here?

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So I have to make program that displays the max/min of a set of 5 user-entered numbers when the corresponding button is pressed.

Seems simple enough but I have very little experience in Java. Would probably be done hours ago if this were javascript.

Here's what I have so far:


This works in the sense that it will run without errors, and when you enter the numbers and press the buttons it gives you a number back. But it only seems to take the max out of the first two numbers....

Not sure if anyone here knows Java but maybe I just did something stupid that I can't seem to recognize.

I've also used this alternate method which seems to give me more random results:

So if anyone wants to lend me a hand here that would be awesome.



Well shit, it's working now for some reason.

All I did is throw try and catch around some things and now it is paying attention to all the text fields. Not sure why the hell that fixed it but oh well.



Dude all that did was make my head spin lol. Programming seems so tedious.

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