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Java Advice Needed

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1Java Advice Needed Empty Java Advice Needed 2012-01-12, 00:16



Since I haven't seen Khult on for a while I'm just gonna make this topic Smile

I made a program to remove vowels out of a phrase someone types. It works perfectly fine but the way I did it was a bit clunky. So what could I do to reduce the wall of code and make it... better. Here's the code, hope someone can help!

import java.util.*;

public class Tester{

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner Input = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter a phrase >> ");
        String Phrase = Input.nextLine();
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("a", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("A", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("e", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("E", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("i", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("I", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("o", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("O", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("u", "");
        Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("U", "");

2Java Advice Needed Empty Re: Java Advice Needed 2012-01-12, 09:01



You have the right idea Bla, it's just that you don't need a separate line of code for each vowel. Get rid of those lines of code and replace it with this:

Phrase = Phrase.replaceAll("(?i)[aeiou]", "");

That one line of code is all you need to remove all the vowels in a phrase. In case you're wondering, (?i) is a pattern modifier that makes the pattern case insensitive.

3Java Advice Needed Empty Re: Java Advice Needed 2012-01-12, 10:18



//no comment

4Java Advice Needed Empty Re: Java Advice Needed 2012-01-12, 13:42



I was gonna say put all the letters in an array and loop through it, but looks like Khult knows a much better and simpler way.

And Infadel I like how you used comment syntax to say you have no comment.

5Java Advice Needed Empty Re: Java Advice Needed 2012-01-12, 14:49



Infadel117 wrote://no comment

6Java Advice Needed Empty Re: Java Advice Needed 2012-01-13, 00:45



Thanks Khult!

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