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Another Frosty Moral Debate

The Mr. E of Hat
Mrs. Terry of Hat
Captain Pirate Pineapple
Keyser Söze
The Adli Corporation
15 posters

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1Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 17:57



Your running away from a serial killer with a girl but she has injured her leg and the serial killer is rapidly catching up with you

what do you do!



kill the serial killer



turn and fight.



You turn and fight Go to page 23

You are both brutally murdered,The serial killer wears your skin while touching himself and browsing 4chan

Last edited by Frostbyrn on 2012-03-10, 18:10; edited 1 time in total

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i'd tell the serial killer to drop the girl and talk about things like two reasonable people.

and possibly then ask why he decided to use a crippled girl as a murder weapon.



Ok, describe this serial killer and the environment please. Then I can make the best choice.



The Adli Corporation wrote:i'd tell the serial killer to drop the girl and talk about things like two reasonable people.

and possibly then ask why he decided to use a crippled girl as a murder weapon.

The Serial killer is Frank West he can use anything as a weapon even humans and all those wars he covered finally got to him

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Knock her out so she doesn't feel anything and get the fuck out of there.



Frostbyrn wrote:You turn and fight Go to page 23

You are both brutally murdered,The serial killer wears you skin while touching himself and browsing 4chan

Well if that isn't a victory then what is?

10Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 18:06

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:The Serial killer is Frank West he can use anything as a weapon even humans and all those wars he covered finally got to him

wow, i guess we shouldn't ask frank about drugs then...

the government really need to revise their campaigns.

11Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 18:07



Ok your 2 fucking choices are

*Leave the girl
*Try to escape with her

Thank you Greg for being serious

12Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 18:08

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Bye. There's plenty of other hot ass out there that can out run a serial killer with me.

13Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 18:10



Try and escape, and try to take the girl with me. Worst comes to worst, I can try to fight him off, and if even that fails, then whatever. I'm dead, its not like I cant regret it.

14Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 18:15

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

I don't even know this fucking girl, so who cares....?

15Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 18:18

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Dance Hall Derelict wrote:I don't even know this fucking girl, so who cares....?

Damn right. Even if I did, I'm more of a "Survival of the Fittest" kind of guy.

16Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 19:39



is she hot?

17Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 19:44

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Doesn't matter if she's hot or not. There are plenty of hot chicks out there.

18Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 19:45



she could be really hot

19Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:10

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

How well do you know her?

I'd probably stay and fight either way but just for the record.

That's if she doesn't leave you behind first...

Wait, what if I'm the girl with the injured leg?

If so, I'd throw myself at the serial killer. That's always an option and then you don't have to choose. Self-sacrifice for the win!

20Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:14

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

Run...and let the girl blame God for making them ALWAYS injure themselves while running from danger...I mean really. You dont see female zebras breaking there legs running from lions...

It must be genetics...women are natures scapegoat. Thats right...God hates you.

21Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:15

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Hey, I would be much better at running from a serial killer than you. True fact.

22Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:15

The Mr. E of Hat

The Mr. E of Hat

You run like you closed.

23Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:16

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Yeah, and I drive really fast. Case closed.

24Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:16



Ah yes, another lifeboat question.

Once again I'd toss a baby at the serial killer and bail. Although this time the baby would serve as an adequate distraction. It wouldn't know what was going on so it wouldn't be a big deal and it isn't my baby anyways so who cares.

25Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 22:56


I would throw my shoe at the killer.

26Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-10, 23:23



another question, do i have a knife? or a gun?

27Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 03:45

Manila Plague

Manila Plague

leave the girl and user her as bait

28Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 05:29



Is the girl my wife? If so I trip her and let her die.

Wait... why am I running from the serial killer.He must seriously be a big scary guy, otherwise he's be running from me...

I digress. Wife: Let her die. Other chick: Save her.

29Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 05:37



let the killer meet mr AK47 Twisted Evil

30Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 05:52



For you to be that mad at her you must really love her Metal

God my family is fucked up Mad

31Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 08:24

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

The Mr. E of Hat wrote:Run...and let the girl blame God for making them ALWAYS injure themselves while running from danger...I mean really. You dont see female zebras breaking there legs running from lions...

It must be genetics...women are natures scapegoat. Thats right...God hates you.

AC for you good sir, you are now my hero.


32Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 12:43



Send out my best Pokemon and prepare to fight!

33Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 16:55



In horror movies females almost always seem to act like this

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

34Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 17:09



The Mr. E of Hat wrote:Run...and let the girl blame God for making them ALWAYS injure themselves while running from danger...I mean really. You dont see female zebras breaking there legs running from lions...

It must be genetics...women are natures scapegoat. Thats right...God hates you.


35Another Frosty Moral Debate Empty Re: Another Frosty Moral Debate 2012-03-11, 17:10



Metalzoic wrote:Is the girl my wife? If so I trip her and let her die.

Wait... why am I running from the serial killer.He must seriously be a big scary guy, otherwise he's be running from me...

I digress. Wife: Let her die. Other chick: Save her.


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