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Moral Debate

Patrick Star
Dropped Da Soap
HydrasBreath ♜
Ron Swanson
13 posters

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1Moral Debate Empty Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 17:58



Just like was proposed in Epyk's thread, I figured we could start now.

Ok, for the first one let's start off with something well known.

There is a train coming along its tracks. And on those tracks are two people, tied up and unable to move. One is your true love, and the other is your closest familial relative. You can only save one, and the other will die a quick, painless death. Who do you go for?

edit: oh, and a little explanation why

Last edited by Pariah on 2012-03-05, 18:03; edited 1 time in total

2Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 18:02



The Girl I love

3Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 18:07



I'd toss a baby on the tracks and bail.

Serves them right for getting themselves tied on a train track, you're not supposed to do that.

4Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 18:10

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Chewy wrote:I'd toss a baby on the tracks and bail.

Serves them right for getting themselves tied on a train track, you're not supposed to do that.

Winner! Razz

I would save the girl I love. Simply based on the fact that my mother has a lot less life ahead of her.

5Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 18:12



I'd go for the girl too, mostly because my family is not too close to me anyways.

6Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 18:24



Yeah same here Pariah

Plus you know only one of them is putting out

*Smacks Adli*

You know what that was for

7Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 18:27



the girl because fuck my family

8Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 19:44

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:the girl because fuck my family

pretty much this and plus like someone already said the girl would presumably (unless you're into GMILFS Cool) have more of a life ahead of them.

I think this choice is a bit too easy. I propose a slight modification. If you pick the girl your family member dies a slow,excruciating and painful death that you must witness but if you pick your family member over the girl she dies quickly and painlessly and you don't have to see it.

would anyone's choice change under these circumstances? I know mine would. I don't think I could bear to witness my family crying out in agony...I just couldn't live with that.

9Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 19:52



mine wouldn't. I'd still save the girl, then leave.

10Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:01

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:mine wouldn't. I'd still save the girl, then leave.

could you explain your reasoning? I'm curious as to why it wouldn't change for you.

11Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:09

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

This sounds like a more boring tame version of "Would you rather?"

But I would go with family, fuck bitches

12Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:11



HydrasBreath wrote:
Pariah wrote:mine wouldn't. I'd still save the girl, then leave.

could you explain your reasoning? I'm curious as to why it wouldn't change for you.

yeah. my pleasure.

ok, my father and I have never been close. Literally the first time I talked to him about growing up/girls/sex/anything emotional was last sunday. Honestly he and I just coexist in this house. I'm just barely starting to care about him. we're still pretty distant though.

My mum and I have a love hate relationship. As in we hate eachother constantly.

I hate my sister. Just straight up hate her.

13Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:18



mine wouldn't change either.only reason I haven't kicked my mom out of my apt is cuz she pays the light bill lol but as soon as I have a way of paying that bill she's out....she's too hateful and bi polar and threatens to call the cops for the littlest of things,like,me not giving her a wtf

sad thing is,the cops here are so corrupted they would probably really try to take me to jail over a coke

14Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:20

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Siren Dropped Da Soap wrote:This sounds like a more boring tame version of "Would you rather?"

But I would go with family, fuck bitches

well let's get at the fundamental question behind the scenario. Why is romantic love more important than other types of love? Is it perhaps due to a biological need to advance the species or is there something more at work?

Most of you chose the you guys think it's right to chose romantic love with someone that perhaps you haven't known that long versus the love of say a mother who brought you into existence and sacrificed so much to raise you and who you've know your entire life. Do you guys think it's really right to choose the girl?

(and sorry pariah this kind of turned more philosophical than ethical)

15Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:23



no problem at all hydra, I love the development.

Honestly, I considered the girl because I've gotten almost no companionship from my family, and that's one of the things I value most in life.

16Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:24



well,I just thought of another way,I would only pick the girl if she would stay with me forever and not turn out to be a bitch like all other GFs have been lol...

other wise she could get run over for all I care Razz Evil or Very Mad

there would be no way of knowing if one day after you save the girl from the train,you come home,to find her in bed with your dad or even worse lmfao

17Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:28

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:
HydrasBreath wrote:
Pariah wrote:mine wouldn't. I'd still save the girl, then leave.

could you explain your reasoning? I'm curious as to why it wouldn't change for you.

yeah. my pleasure.

ok, my father and I have never been close. Literally the first time I talked to him about growing up/girls/sex/anything emotional was last sunday. Honestly he and I just coexist in this house. I'm just barely starting to care about him. we're still pretty distant though.

My mum and I have a love hate relationship. As in we hate eachother constantly.

I hate my sister. Just straight up hate her.

Yeah I get that...Me and my father are pretty much the same. He's a racist, homophobic, hateful biggot piece of shit. Me and him haven't ever really talked beyond anything superficial like "where are you going?" "what do you want for supper?" that kind of thing.

If it was him on the train tracks it's really hard for me to say what I would do. Thinking about it I would probably leave him there.

Now my mom is different me and her are cool. I'd probably save her over the girl (it would depend who it is as I am not currently with someone). Hard to really know without being in the heat of the moment.

My brother is probably the one I'd be most likely to save out of all my family. He and I are the closest.

18Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:29


I would jump infront of the train and stop it with my bare hands.

19Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:30

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Pariah wrote:no problem at all hydra, I love the development.

Honestly, I considered the girl because I've gotten almost no companionship from my family, and that's one of the things I value most in life.

yeah philosophy and thinking of all the different angles on issues and the world has always been a love of mine. I have some pretty unique views on some things.

20Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:31



damn man sounds like my dad.Doesn't help he was an illegal immigrant and barely knows any english....really been thinking of moving back to his place since my mom has really lost her fucking mind,I mean,who threatens to call the cops over a soda?lol...

but.......remembering how bad he is,she might be the lesser of two evils.idk.the good thing about my dad is he never ever talks,like ever.My mom can't shut the hell up 0__o

21Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:32

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

JrTapia1991 wrote:well,I just thought of another way,I would only pick the girl if she would stay with me forever and not turn out to be a bitch like all other GFs have been lol...

other wise she could get run over for all I care Razz Evil or Very Mad

there would be no way of knowing if one day after you save the girl from the train,you come home,to find her in bed with your dad or even worse lmfao

ah but that's the chance you take with the don't know if they will betray you. With your family (presumably) you'll get unconditional love.

22Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:33



HydrasBreath wrote:
Siren Dropped Da Soap wrote:This sounds like a more boring tame version of "Would you rather?"

But I would go with family, fuck bitches

well let's get at the fundamental question behind the scenario. Why is romantic love more important than other types of love? Is it perhaps due to a biological need to advance the species or is there something more at work?

Most of you chose the you guys think it's right to chose romantic love with someone that perhaps you haven't known that long versus the love of say a mother who brought you into existence and sacrificed so much to raise you and who you've know your entire life. Do you guys think it's really right to choose the girl?

(and sorry pariah this kind of turned more philosophical than ethical)

Well I think it all really depends on the relationship with both people. Regardless of who deserves to live more, if a person were in this scenario they would likely instinctively choose who they more enjoy being around. I mean that train has got to be close as shit if you can only save one, so there wouldn't be a whole lot of time for logic and philosophy.

Yeah that completely defeats the purpose of the question, deal with it.

23Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:34



I guess I have to clarify. I said "true" love. I meant to imply the love that stays forever, like the perfect girl who'd be there for the rest of your life.

24Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:38



oh well then hell yeah I'd take the girl Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

25Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:41

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

If you put it that way i would most definitely choose the girl, i mean i love my family but the girl will make always make you happy and you'll enjoy being around her. But the burden of knowing that one of your family members died(unwillingly) so you can be happy might haunt me.

26Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:47

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Camel wrote:If you put it that way i would most definitely choose the girl, i mean i love my family but the girl will make always make you happy and you'll enjoy being around her. But the burden of knowing that one of your family members died(unwillingly) so you can be happy might haunt me.

Yeah I suppose if we are talking true love I'd need to go with that. It's presumably a once and a lifetime thing. I guess it just depends on how far you are willing to go and how much you are willing to sacrifice to be happy.

27Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:51



Honestly, I think I'd value that a lot more than familial love. Since I've proven in my own eyes I can live without my family, then I'm pretty sure I'd be ok.

28Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 20:54



True love would be the lesser of two evils I suppose...

29Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 21:05



probably my family. 6 months after saving the girl im infatuated with i'd probably cease to like her or vice versa, then i'd be fucked.

30Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-05, 21:06



Familial member because I'm young and can find other true loves to have interkorz with. I'm a mafucking highschooler, after all.

31Moral Debate Empty Re: Moral Debate 2012-03-06, 20:43

Cubist Castle

Cubist Castle

This isn't morality; you're just giving preference to love interest or family. It's completely subjective to whomever is being asked the question.

I won't decide, or assign a value to one or the other. THAT is a moral choice.


I lay down between them.

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