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Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty

Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
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Today On Twitter he Posted:

"Today, I resign from my position as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty, as a lead of Infinity Ward, and as an employee of Activision."

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

HAHAHAHA! With the news of MW3 being hacked recently or whatever....this is HILARIYOUS



Looks like he got tired of getting caught in the shitstorm of everything being thrown at IW/Activision.



Roy Drage wrote:HAHAHAHA! With the news of MW3 being hacked recently or whatever....this is HILARIYOUS


MW3 was hacked in like the first week

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:
Roy Drage wrote:HAHAHAHA! With the news of MW3 being hacked recently or whatever....this is HILARIYOUS


MW3 was hacked in like the first week

two days ago.
one of the hacks resets your rank to one and wipes all of your stats.
oh, and it is infective. if you get the hack, you pass it on in the next lobby you join.

Activision is going to get so much shit Razz



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Frostbyrn wrote:
Roy Drage wrote:HAHAHAHA! With the news of MW3 being hacked recently or whatever....this is HILARIYOUS


MW3 was hacked in like the first week

two days ago.
one of the hacks resets your rank to one and wipes all of your stats.
oh, and it is infective. if you get the hack, you pass it on in the next lobby you join.

Activision is going to get so much shit Razz

That is not a hack, it is just a new feature called automatic prestige. Razz

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

PrototypeT800 wrote:That is not a hack, it is just a new feature called automatic prestige. Razz

aaah, i see.
adding replay value...




This is actually kinda shitty. Bowling's a good guy. Hopefully a better developer picks him up.

Last edited by Ante on 2012-03-26, 20:45; edited 1 time in total

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Hahahah Tom! You got me laughing. You did, oyou did.



Frostbyrn wrote:
Roy Drage wrote:HAHAHAHA! With the news of MW3 being hacked recently or whatever....this is HILARIYOUS


MW3 was hacked in like the first

For real.

But IW isn't to blame for new shitty CoD franchise.

Its activision fucking shit up. I hope respawn, the studio created from the IW break up with all the old IW guys, does well. Maybe he'll join them.



Lol this letter to him might be the Reason he Resigned.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

How did that topic lasst long enough to be archived?!

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

The fuck did i just read.


Creative Strategist? They had one?



I actually regret his leaving, he was a good exec. And honestly, I don't blame IW and Acti for the hack. Hackers gonna hack, can't keep em out forever.



Pariah wrote:I actually regret his leaving, he was a good exec. And honestly, I don't blame IW and Acti for the hack. Hackers gonna hack, can't keep em out forever.

explain how black ops didnt get hacked then. they had WAY better tech support



Really, I have never seen a hacker in BlOps. Literally never. And honestly, I don't tend to blame companies for hacking. They're not responsible for the hell that some specific assholes wreak on their games. Microsoft is a different matter, their job is to provide security for XBL, but IW and Acti are blameless in my eyes.



if black ops did it, mw3 should have.

they make too much money do be deemed, "not responsible" for something wrong with their game



How to improve the general experience of Modern Warfare and cut down on hacking?


But nah they probally cant afford them



Pariah wrote:Really, I have never seen a hacker in BlOps. Literally never. And honestly, I don't tend to blame companies for hacking. They're not responsible for the hell that some specific assholes wreak on their games. Microsoft is a different matter, their job is to provide security for XBL, but IW and Acti are blameless in my eyes.

Considering the Call of Duty franchise is partially responsible for the hike in XBL prices, I'd say yes, yes they are responsible for keeping their own damn game free of hackers.



Saying IW and Activision are not responsible for keeping hackers out of their own game is like saying that the Food and Drug Administration is not responsible for making sure that food sold in the US is safe to eat.



1fnbighen wrote:if black ops did it, mw3 should have.
This I agree with, but again, I don't really believe it's possible to keep out determined hackers. Ever.

Ante wrote:Considering the Call of Duty franchise is partially responsible for the hike in XBL prices, I'd say yes, yes they are responsible for keeping their own damn game free of hackers.

Don't get me wrong, I'm utterly against game-hacking like this. But really, I doubt that any company could ever make an airtight game. It's just not possible. And I sincerely disagree that CoD caused a hike in XBL prices. That seems wrong to me and completely overly-dramatic.

ThePeavstenator wrote:Saying IW and Activision are not responsible for keeping hackers out of their own game is like saying that the Food and Drug Administration is not responsible for making sure that food sold in the US is safe to eat.
The job and commission of the FDA is to control the food and drug quality in the US. IW and Acti are making a game. They're not those in charge of protecting our accounts, that'd be Microsoft.

This is my honest opinion on the matter, I'd appreciate it if you who disagree don't spawn a jihad to bludgeon me into your own beliefs.



Okay, Activision has one of the highest grossing game series in the history of videogames. They brought the FPS genre (for better or worse) to front and center in the gaming industry. With the amount of money and resources they have, they had better make a pretty decent effort at eliminating major holes in the game before they become an issue.

Were not talking about a few leaks here, we are talking about new hacks and guys importing hacks on MW2 directly to MW3 day one.

That's a problem.

Check it:



I've played this game for 2 months now, I have never once run across a problem such as this. Playing the free-to-play weekend on PC, every game had issues. That's a different comparison. On xbox, I've seen literally nothing that shouldn't be there, this is the first I'm hearing of any hacking. And the first I'm seeing.



glitches up the ass too. one of the primary resons i didnt get the game. some guy has an entire youtube channel devoted to exposing glitches and hes put out about 40 different vids of game breaking flaws. the channel is like teh laser or something i dont remember



Hackers are actually pretty rare on consoles (as far as on the mp games ive played). only serious hackers with a lot of resources seem to get through, and its usually big news when they do. I agree with pariah though, there will always be these sort of people.

exception is games that devs have forgotten about... like cod4



hackers i understand for outdated games, still wish they would keep them out, but oh well.

hackers while your game is a month out is embarrassing



Try one day.



Actually, I think that a game getting hacked at release is much more permissible. When a game is just out and has fresh, untested security features it makes a lot more sense for it to be hacked.



Pariah wrote:Actually, I think that a game getting hacked at release is much more permissible. When a game is just out and has fresh, untested security features it makes a lot more sense for it to be hacked.



Brett, you're exactly what I was referring to by "don't start a jihad"
Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty ZluvO



I'm sorry man, but geez, no amount of fucked up logic could make that statement make any sense.

The programmers have months if not years to prepare security for servers and the game itself.

If the guys that have only seen the game for a day can crack it, there's something really wrong.



I'm pretty sure IW hired some of the most prolific MW2/BO hackers during development of MW3 to make sure there was minimal hacking/exploiting at the release of MW3. Someone failed somewhere, and I doubt it was the hackers on IW's payroll.



ThePeavstenator wrote:I'm sorry man, but geez, no amount of fucked up logic could make that statement make any sense.

The programmers have months if not years to prepare security for servers and the game itself.

If the guys that have only seen the game for a day can crack it, there's something really wrong.

Stop and think about it. When is a system most vulnerable? Anyone with any sort of back ground in literally ANY form of security (computer or otherwise) will tell you that systems are most vulnerable at genesis, because it is at this point that breaking them is most desirable, causing the most concentrated volume of attack and widest spectrum of necessary defense. If a system is mpenetrable in theory, that means nothing about how it will perform when actually put in the crucible. Being made to resist hacking and actually resisting hacking are two different things, and unproven, untested security will almost never succeed in both categories. And I believe it was Donald Knuth (don't quote me on the attribution though) who said:
"The greatest threat to a computational system comes at its creation, when the new and unorganised must be dealt with by unproven algorithms."



That argument might hold up if the fact that MW2 hacks were directly ported to MW3 and worked wasn't true. MW3's "genesis" was in 2009.



This is the same game engine they've been using for seven years. They've had at least 5 CoD games and known hacks to get this right.

If you can't make a game that doesn't get hacked on day one and you are a huge publisher like Activision, there's an inexcusable problems.

PS: Big words do not make your argument any better.



Ante: Modifying a hack to go form one program into another program built in the same way, by the same company in the same method isn't exactly a challenge I believe.

Brett: get a job at Infinity Ward, steal the basic code for every single one of the past five games, and prove irrevocably that they are so similar and then I'll believe you. Even in Intro to Programming we learned about 30 different ways to move a dot to the left. If you really think that the games are the same throughout, ignoring the entire range of the series, then you're just being biased. And ps, being an asshole doesnt make your argument any better.



Pariah wrote:Ante: Modifying a hack to go form one program into another program built in the same way, by the same company in the same method isn't exactly a challenge I believe.

You just validated my argument.



I'm not arguing that point. I'm arguing the responsibility distribution.



Its not a secret that the IW engine is used in every CoD game.

IW announces it, all the game files have the same IW engine extension types (.iwi, .iwd, etc.)

You also contradict yourself when you say that MW2 and MW3 are similar to Ante, but then that all the CoD games are different when addressing me.

Also, if these problems were known in MW2, give me one good solid reason they shouldn't be able to prevent them in MW3, knowing they exist.

When a new system comes out, its broken through after people have a look at it. Think of the Death Star, the rebels weren't like, "lol blow it up by shooting down this space, easy peasy lol"

People need time to look at what they are busting though before they can just break it. Day one hacks mean that nearly zero effort was needed to bust through and a pretty obvious gap wasn't filled.



Pariah wrote:I'm not arguing that point. I'm arguing the responsibility distribution.

Our point, IW is responsible for security problems with MW3 because of lack of effort in preventing hacking.

You agree with the fact that its easy to hack because of lack of effort. Therefore, IW is responsible.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Im going to have to agree with Peavs. With the amount of money they make, and all that. It is inexcusable to have the game hacked day 1



Pariah wrote:I'm not arguing that point. I'm arguing the responsibility distribution.

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty NoDXd



ThePeavstenator wrote:/snipped.

Ante is being a lot more objective, you're just arguing at a base level. Hence, I'll argue in a different manner with you than him. And read my comment, I didn't say the games are different, I placed burden of proof on you. Different things.

Day one hacks don't mean that the security is lousy, just that there was effort involved. And if you really really believe that there are no hackers collaborating and sharing notes on the game's security DAY 1, then you're just plain wrong.

ThePeavstenator wrote:
Our point, IW is responsible for security problems with MW3 because of lack of effort in preventing hacking.

You agree with the fact that its easy to hack because of lack of effort. Therefore, IW is responsible.

You're making an illogical leap in my reasoning. I'm saying that the responsibility of IW wasn't to make a hack proof game, it was to provide a game to understand its players.

Oh, and to just establish fact, do you even own the game?






Seriously? Because I kind of remember you vehemently swearing against it when you switched over to Battlefield. And bashing the entire CoD series for hours on end.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

This thread neeeds more anger. and hate.



Roy Drage wrote:This thread neeeds more anger. and hate.

I'm doing my best to argue my point logically.



Well, there are these files on my PC, that all work together and make MW3 happen.

Did I necessarily pay for them? Well...



lemme get this straight. You're arguing about the sevurity merits of the xbox, while playing a pirated copy of MW3 on your pc. And you're actually complaining about a game you got for free.

I'm really sorry, but that seems really hypocritical.

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