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Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty

Patrick Star
The Adli Corporation
Dropped Da Soap
15 posters

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No, you say that IW isn't to blame for these problems.

I say otherwise.

The method I went through in acquiring the game is irrelevant. Especially because I torrented with the intent to purchase. (An all-access demo if you will.)

Until I delved into the game files and saw there were some folders literally copy-pasted from MW2.

Nope, not gonna spend money on a game that was made by a company that believes that consumers will take whatever they spoon-feed us.



Pariah wrote:lemme get this straight. You're arguing about the sevurity merits of the xbox, while playing a pirated copy of MW3 on your pc. And you're actually complaining about a game you got for free.

I'm really sorry, but that seems really hypocritical.

The point still stands.

Infinity Ward is 100% responsible for the security of its own game. The fact that certain Modern Warfare 2 hacks were literally copy-pasted over to Modern Warfare 3, a supposedly completely different game, pretty much confirms that they aren't doing their job.



Ante, that's your opinion and I'll respect it.

Brett, even though I personally dislike the fact that you're complaining about something you acquired through theft and don't agree with your opinion, it's still your own and I'll respect it, just dont tramp all over mine either.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah... Peavs having an illegal copy of MW3 doesnt excuse IW from having shitty security measures. if he had bought it legally it would STILL have shitty security measures, just ones that you paid $60 for.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Pariah wrote:lemme get this straight. You're arguing about the sevurity merits of the xbox, while playing a pirated copy of MW3 on your pc. And you're actually complaining about a game you got for free.

I'm really sorry, but that seems really hypocritical.

Clutching at straws.



The Adli Corporation wrote:Pariah... Peavs having an illegal copy of MW3 doesnt excuse IW from having shitty security measures. if he had bought it legally it would STILL have shitty security measures, just ones that you paid $60 for.

I'm not saying it did. That was a tangential statement. In my view complaining about something you got for free is stupid, but that was beside the point I was making. My point was that I don't believe that IW's primary purpose was to make a security system, but rather a game. I believe they made a great game that is really popular and well loved among one crowd, and that the security issues, while present, are still secondary to the entertainment value of the game. Simple answer, I think they failed with security a little, but then I don't think security was their highest priority. And I'm ok with that.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:I don't believe that IW's primary purpose was to make a security system, but rather a game.

yes, but if the actual enjoyment of the vast majority of the entire game (COD is focused on MP obviously) DEPENDS on that security system, it should be damn important. the security system and the game go hand in hand, if the security system isn't good enough then it compromises the game itself.

Pariah wrote:I believe they made a great game that is really popular and well loved among one crowd, and that the security issues, while present, are still secondary to the entertainment value of the game.

i'll give you that, but when you have hacks that reset your rank circulating in public lobbies, the entertainment value is going to go straight out of the window for a lot of stat-focused gamers (of which there are many). there is a limit to how far you can justify things once hacks start to ruin the game on a widespread basis.

Pariah wrote:I think they failed with security a little, but then I don't think security was their highest priority. And I'm ok with that.


sure, its not the TOP priority, but it should be a pretty bloody big one considering how they:
A) admitted to MW2 having inadequate security
B) suffered from rampant hacking on previous titles
C) promised MW3 to be secure, which it wasn't... ON DAY ONE.

there is a limit to how far you can justify this.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Adli, I said this two pages back, and I hope it'll be a bit more understandable now. I'm not saying that this situation is blameless. I'm blaming MICROSOFT for having inadequate security on their online service. I believe that THEIR job is to provide us security for these games, thats why I'm a lot more pissed at MS than IW. This is the centre of my argument, not that IW is completely scot free.

imo, IW fulfilled their primary objective (making a fun game) and MS did not (securing that game's online play). Hence, I see this as MS being a lot more culpable.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty - Page 2 Funny-gifs-and-headdesk



Pariah wrote:Adli, I said this two pages back, and I hope it'll be a bit more understandable now. I'm not saying that this situation is blameless. I'm blaming MICROSOFT for having inadequate security on their online service. I believe that THEIR job is to provide us security for these games, thats why I'm a lot more pissed at MS than IW. This is the centre of my argument, not that IW is completely scot free.

imo, IW fulfilled their primary objective (making a fun game) and MS did not (securing that game's online play). Hence, I see this as MS being a lot more culpable.

Wow, just wow. Microsoft is responsible for the security of nothing more than the LIVE service, not the games used on it. There is no opinion here, this is fact. Microsoft doesn't have the legal ability to tamper with another games property.

I really hope you're trolling, else you have no idea how any of this works. I'm sorry, but some of the posts made by you in this thread are some of the dumbest things I've ever read.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ante wrote:some of the posts made by you in this thread are some of the dumbest things I've ever read.


*goes off the the Shed Of Dreams to invent the dumbest thing Ante has ever read*

don't wait up...

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Honestly...reading some of Pariah's posts in this topic I can't help but pray he is trolling.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

We all defend things that we like, and he likes CoD. I'm more willing to overlook flaws in BF3 because I have supported the franchise for a while now, and conversely I am more willing to exploit the flaws in CoD games.

To each his own.



Ante wrote:
Pariah wrote:Adli, I said this two pages back, and I hope it'll be a bit more understandable now. I'm not saying that this situation is blameless. I'm blaming MICROSOFT for having inadequate security on their online service. I believe that THEIR job is to provide us security for these games, thats why I'm a lot more pissed at MS than IW. This is the centre of my argument, not that IW is completely scot free.

imo, IW fulfilled their primary objective (making a fun game) and MS did not (securing that game's online play). Hence, I see this as MS being a lot more culpable.

Wow, just wow. Microsoft is responsible for the security of nothing more than the LIVE service, not the games used on it. There is no opinion here, this is fact. Microsoft doesn't have the legal ability to tamper with another games property.

I really hope you're trolling, else you have no idea how any of this works. I'm sorry, but some of the posts made by you in this thread are some of the dumbest things I've ever read.


Not really much to add to this thread that hasn't already been said. One person cant seem to get their facts strait I guess. Meh I hate drama.



Ante wrote:
Wow, just wow. Microsoft is responsible for the security of nothing more than the LIVE service, not the games used on it. There is no opinion here, this is fact. Microsoft doesn't have the legal ability to tamper with another games property.

I really hope you're trolling, else you have no idea how any of this works. I'm sorry, but some of the posts made by you in this thread are some of the dumbest things I've ever read.
Jesus fucking Christ. This is what I meant by starting a fucking jihad against me for this! This is my own goddamn opinion Ante, and honestly, I was looking at you for the more objective and reasonable debate on this. I expected insults and other such bullshit from others, but seriously man, I didn't see it coming from you. Either I'm speaking a totally different language, or you're not even considering what I'm actually saying. Either way, that was some seriously insulting shit man.

Terry Corp. wrote:We all defend things that we like, and he likes CoD. I'm more willing to overlook flaws in BF3 because I have supported the franchise for a while now, and conversely I am more willing to exploit the flaws in CoD games.
To each his own.
Thank you! Seriously, thank you. Throughout this entire topic, I've completely tried to cut out every bit of anti-Battlefield bias in my own posts, and I have seriously tried to avoid fanboyism. The second one I may have failed, but as I've stated at least three times before this:


I'm not insulting anyone's preference of games, I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence, I did put in my two cents about Peavs acquisition of the game, but that was a tangent and I apologise, but what the hell. I had hoped going into this topic that it would be civil, but no. Most of you say you want more diversity and free thought on this forum, but the second a contrary opinion shows up, its all wrong and must be obliterated. Real fucking fun isn't it.

/end rant

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:Jesus fucking Christ. This is what I meant by starting a fucking jihad against me for this! This is my own goddamn opinion Ante, and honestly, I was looking at you for the more objective and reasonable debate on this. I expected insults and other such bullshit from others, but seriously man, I didn't see it coming from you. Either I'm speaking a totally different language, or you're not even considering what I'm actually saying. Either way, that was some seriously insulting shit man.

you said MS was responsible for the online security of the games developed by others. this is not true. you can believe that MS should be all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that MS is not responsible for online security of third party products. the issues with MW3 lie with IW, not with Microsoft as it is IWs product, not Microsoft's.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

The Adli Corporation wrote:you said MS was responsible for the online security of the games developed by others. this is not true. you can believe that MS should be all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that MS is not responsible for online security of third party products. the issues with MW3 lie with IW, not with Microsoft as it is IWs product, not Microsoft's.

Whether or not he was wrong is one issue, lets just keep the "ur stupid" comments out of the thread please.

You can state facts without adding the fucking comments about him personally.



I just want to point out that "some of the dumbest things I've ever read" =/= "you're stupid."

This argument's pretty much closed. Facts have been presented, it's now up to the other party to accept them.



The Adli Corporation wrote:
you said MS was responsible for the online security of the games developed by others. this is not true. you can believe that MS should be all you like, but it doesn't change the fact that MS is not responsible for online security of third party products. the issues with MW3 lie with IW, not with Microsoft as it is IWs product, not Microsoft's.
How were these hacks distributed? Through in game lobbies. Who creates and enables these in game lobbies? Microsoft. Who do we pay ~60$ a year to make sure that hacks like this CAN'T be distributed through XBL? Microsoft again. This is my train of thought.

Ante: You're treating me like a mentally handicapped four year old. Don't take a superior attitude now, you're just as bad as I am. Actually, at least I tried to restrain myself.




Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Seriously. I have one question to ask about this topic...

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty - Page 2 It+s+posts+like+these+that+make+people+hate+My+Little+_ccffb97a52bc4244fa2d6ebd006abe8f

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Roy Drage wrote:Seriously. I have one question to ask about this topic...

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty - Page 2 It+s+posts+like+these+that+make+people+hate+My+Little+_ccffb97a52bc4244fa2d6ebd006abe8f

embeds dont work from funnyjunk, and following the URL sends you to the homepage Razz



Roy Drage wrote:Seriously. I have one question to ask about this topic...

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty - Page 2 It+s+posts+like+these+that+make+people+hate+My+Little+_ccffb97a52bc4244fa2d6ebd006abe8f

Images from FunnyJunk can't be displayed properly.

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap




pausing from the argument.

how about this, find the picture and save it, then use imgur, or if you dont have an account, just send it to me and I'll put it up.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Roy Drage wrote:DAAW

save them as an image and re-upload them?

we have a snazzy serverimg button forit and everything

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty - Page 2 00sYX



Pariah wrote:How were these hacks distributed? Through in game lobbies.

Uh no. Awareness was. That was it. As soon as xbl staff saw this stuff, they stopped it. They cant control what people send to eachother on their pcs or how they physically mod their systems.

As for bf3 having problems, not nearly as many hacks because the game is more physics based. Basically beyond damage mods theres not much you can do. Aimbots are pretty useless. Also, new engine, much bigger game, much more complex. Probably gonna have a few understandable glitches.

Skyrim had more problems than both these games when it came out. No one gave bethseda as much crap because the game is a quarter of the size of great britan.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Robert Bowling resigns as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty - Page 2 Yall-postin-in-a-troll-thread

Let it die fellas.



Gary Effin' Oak. wrote:
Let it die fellas.
I concur with this. I put out my honest opinion, really wasn't expecting to get attacked for it, but whatever. I don't feel the need to get more pissed off tonight.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ThePeavstenator wrote:No one gave bethseda as much crap because the game is less than a quarter of the size of Devon.


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