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Forgot how hard Dark Souls is

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1Forgot how hard Dark Souls is Empty Forgot how hard Dark Souls is 2012-04-26, 02:03



So some of you know I started playing this again since the PC is gonna be a shit port. I never got very far, but man.....Once I get to Blight Town Im getting rocked. I think maybe I need to roll a new class as the Knight is just wayyyy to slow.

What class did you guys roll?

Who beat the entire game?

How many damn times did you die?

This game is much harder than Demons Souls, which I beat. God damn its brutal haha.



Got a Wanderer, a Thief, and 2 Pyromancers.

Start taking off the lesser pieces of armor off your Knight, until you get to 50% or below.

Pretty sure me, Metal and Toast (if he's still here) beat it. Jr got pretty far, but I don't know if he finished.

A lot of times. But it lessened as I went.

Get purple moss.



How is the pyro?

I was thinking of rolling one.



It's not a mage class, more of a melee with a side nuke.

It starts off at <25% so you get the really light roll. The good thung about pyromancy is you don't need a stat to make it stronger, just upgrading the tool that casts.

The starting spell makes the first few bosses a breeze as long as you cast after you dodge their attack/s and they start to revert.



im stuck in that freaking cavern with the giant skeletons and darkness



I picked:
-Wanderer (because it looked the coolest)
-The "ring that seems to do nothing" because it sounded the coolest.

-I use absolutely zero magic (besides the estus flask), because magic is for pussies.
-I'm using the same armor I started the game with, upgraded (because it looks the coolest)
-I mostly use the same sword I started the game with, upgraded. I won't use a sword without a curved blade, because they look the coolest.

I'm right towards the end of the game, but I haven't beat it yet because BF3 came out and I didn't play a single game but that for months, up until about 2 weeks ago.

I've died a billion times. Mostly at the Demon sub-boss (with the 2 dogs) before blight town. He killed me probably 200 times before I beat him. All the other bosses I managed to beat after a couple tries.



Infadel117 wrote:im stuck in that freaking cavern with the giant skeletons and darkness

ooooo that part was a bitch. Did you get the lantern and the save point /fire place down there?Honestly I just ran past alot of stuff in there...the boss down there if I remember right was a joke he was so easy lol

I got to the last boss fight and almost beat it,but couldn't parry him (couldn't get the timing down)

I used that lightning spear upgraded,with that spider shield you get down in the sewers if you take this secret drop down to a ledge (above the giant rat)

I wouldn't say it was so hard,as you just kinda had to play defensively.I've never done that in a game before,I'd just go all guns blazing pretty much.It was a really cool change of pace to have to react to enemies.

I actually wouldn't mind getting the game again now that I think of it...should be like 20 something bucks by now 0__o

everybody always talked so much shit about blight town but I honestly never had any trouble down there....just use your shield and time those poison dart thrower guys' attacks and you should be good.Lure enemies out 1 by 1 down there if at all possible tho,because they'll swarm your ass real quick...

damn now I really miss that game....I had like half the achievements in it,the others seemed way too much of a pain to get,just grinding for upgrade stones...

I never even went to some of the areas like ash/groom lake,and the prison again....I think there was 1 other area as well *shrug*

I just knew there was a secret area in blight town swamp,and one in that big ass castle place with huge knights,you needed this doll from when you went back to the prison (had to get that raven to take you back)



I restarted again with a Pyro.

The fire spell is a little OP on the early enemies haha



wait till you get the high end pyro spells.



I used a little pyro but magic wasn't my thing.....there was supposed to be this chick/guy that sells master pyro spells in blight town swamp but the bitch never showed up for me lol



shes right before the boss battle near a piller in the swamp.

your pyro hand has to be +5 i think though before she shows up.



ah....maybe it's only during that specific point in the story,cuz I had mine to like +9 (think the max is 10?) and kept going back down there but she never showed up Sad maybe those mosquito monsters killed her lol they keep respawning



I usually only do melee characters in RPG's, but the Pyro is really fun haha.

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