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Getting a dog soon, any advice?

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I'm planning on getting a boxer within the next few months, it's going to be a puppy. So I was wondering if there is anything I should NOT do when training it and stuff, cause I want this to be a good dog, not one that takes a shit on my face when I'm sleeping.




Hmmm I think if it took a shit on your face that this would be funny.

Flashback..... Playing army in the fields behind out neighborhood and I was using another kids gun. There where about 6 of us I think. So we decided where hungry and ready to go eat something and we need to climb over this fence and we all throw our stuff over the fence first. We get over and I notice that the kids gun I had been using the handle was laying in this big ole pile of dog crap so I say hey Eric there's your gun thanks for letting me use it. THen I walk away. I hear its in poop!!!! You have to get it and clean it. Well we all juast left and I think maybe he started crying.

Man I kindas feel like an ass now.

Ok I'm over it. HAHA



Boxers are hyper dogs.


DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Hmmm I think if it took a shit on your face that this would be funny.

Flashback..... Playing army in the fields behind out neighborhood and I was using another kids gun. There where about 6 of us I think. So we decided where hungry and ready to go eat something and we need to climb over this fence and we all throw our stuff over the fence first. We get over and I notice that the kids gun I had been using the handle was laying in this big ole pile of dog crap so I say hey Eric there's your gun thanks for letting me use it. THen I walk away. I hear its in poop!!!! You have to get it and clean it. Well we all juast left and I think maybe he started crying.

Man I kindas feel like an ass now.

Ok I'm over it. HAHA

Literally LOL'd.



Get a German Shepherd. I had two growing up and they are awesome dogs. Smart, loyal, and just awesome!



HAHA Good deal D I was hoping some folks would get a chuckle. Us geezers should start a flashback thread of funny childhood memories.



I figured you for a poodle guy Bla.


DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:Get a German Shepherd. I had two growing up and they are awesome dogs. Smart, loyal, and just awesome!

I had a German Shepherd mixed with some sort of wolf (according to my dad anyways). Anyways I love that dog. If I got a dog again I would consider and GS. Either that or a long-haired dachshund.

My dad told me a story about when I was young our GS pawed me in the face and gave me a black eye lol. I vaguely remember this.



Look up as many dog breeds as you can, and find a personality/activity type that fits yours. For example, if you don't like going outside much, you may not want a dog from the herding group such as a Border Collie. While they are very intelligent and love to work, they are very active and run around your house for hours, and will do things like try to make you play fetch the entire day. If you don't like grooming you dog often, get one with shorter hair.

Something that you should avoid when training is rewarding bad behavior. Don't give the dog scraps from the table, don't reward jumping up, etc. Reward things that you want the dog to do. However, don't use kenneling the dog up as punishment, because if you want to kennel them later, they will not want to be kenneled/think of it as a punishment.When the dog politely sits when it comes to you, give it a treat/praise (tell it that it's a good dog, be excited, raise your voice a little to let it know that you are happy, pet the dog).

Look up more advice from plausable websites as well. Good luck with your dog! Smile



Weird D because my first GS also had part wolf in him..........

Had hip displacia real bad when he was 8 so I had to put him down. Great dog though.



Hahaha I like all kinds of dogs, and animals. But my dad told me that he wants to get a dog and probably will get a boxer. I used to have a boxer years ago and loved the dog, I have a huge yard too so it can get lots of exercise and stuff.



Thanks for the advice Bob! Very Happy



I dunno if anyone said this, yet:

Adopt from a shelter.

It's cheaper, and you're not supporting the pet stores, who often get their pets from puppy farms.
It's going to be lots of mutts, and dogs ranging from puppies to crumbly old farts, but they need homes. I'm sure if you spend a little bit of time with the dogs there, you'll find one with a temperament that fits what you're looking for.
Besides, mutts are generally healthier, as many breeds have genetic problems that can be debilitating for both the dog and your wallet.



The Cramtron wrote:I dunno if anyone said this, yet:

Adopt from a shelter.

It's cheaper, and you're not supporting the pet stores, who often get their pets from puppy farms.
It's going to be lots of mutts, and dogs ranging from puppies to crumbly old farts, but they need homes. I'm sure if you spend a little bit of time with the dogs there, you'll find one with a temperament that fits what you're looking for.
Besides, mutts are generally healthier, as many breeds have genetic problems that can be debilitating for both the dog and your wallet.

Forgot to mention this, thanks Cramtron! Also, to add to that, some clinics have deals with spay and neuter clinics so that they'll fix your dog for less/free if you adopt from there.



I'll be looking at shelters and stuff, but my dad wants to get a puppy and the shelter by my house usually doesn't have any younger dogs Sad



If you live in an urban/suburban area, I'm sure there's lots of local shelters.
But hey, it's most likely your dad's call, so whatever.



It is my dads call, I would love to get a dog from a shelter but I think he might go to a breeder.



Saving a shelter dog is a good thing Bla. I'm proud of you.



I got all three of my cats from the shelter =]

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