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I need some advice

Epyk MD
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1I need some advice Empty I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:33


So. I'm considering asking a girl to homecoming at my school. Here are my only hesitations about it: I've talked to her only a few times, so I'm afraid it would be a bit awkward. My friends keep telling me it's a terrible idea, and also 2 other people are planning to ask her. I guess she could be considered "out of my league", but I don't really care. Do all you guys with your infinite wisdom think I should ask her?

2I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:37

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Dude, I meet my wife a week before home coming. Asked her to go with me, had a great I'm married

Do. It.

3I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:42



The worst thing that could happen is her saying no, so why not ask her.

4I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:49


To be honest, I'm more worried she'd say yes and it would just be really awkward. I failed to mention that I am god awful with girls.

5I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:51



Well if she says yes then obviosly you are doing something right.

6I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:51


Go for it.

7I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:52



DO IT! if uve even got the motivation to do it thats a sign thats its a good idea. friends always put peope down over girls and if anything try to get it in a less people populated place so some asshole doesnt go "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh" and make it awkward. if she says yes and you cant think of anything to say just settle the time and place to meet and use that to exit and then prolly straight to the bathroom so u dont have to piss ur pants, lol jk

but yeah were rooting for ya here man

8I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 01:54



Good luck man; I have no advice for this subject really, because I have no experience with any relationship type matters.

9I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 02:02



dont forget to use a condom

10I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 04:21



Just Ask her what have you got to lose

11I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 05:09

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Be yourself (I know...cliche, but if she doesn't dig you for who you are, what's the point). Even if your shy, or not a man of many words from the start, its ok, just pay attention to her. Women love to talk. So if there's an awkward silence...honestly all you have to do is find a subject she can relate to or is about her...such as:
Your dress is beautiful.
I really like your hair like that.
I saw you during *such and such practice* how's that going?

If you can start the conversation, chances are you won't have to say another word, or only agree, or input the correct response at the appropriate time.

From there you can pick up on subjects that you have common interests in.

12I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 05:40

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Ask her. If she says yes, then get her number so you can contact her regarding plans for the Homecoming (food, meeting up, pictures, etc.). If she says yes say hi to her when you see her. Don't go out of your way to talk to her, just make it natural or feel natural. Don't come off as you're drooling over her.

If she says know then just accept it. Try not to look phased out. Everyone gets rejected. I've seen hot chicks with all sorts of guys (good or bad). Everyone has a chance, but there is no chance if you don't ask.

13I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 06:19



Who knows if shes Mature Enough she might not go for looks

Also Complimenting is always good unless you pay attention to current studies

14I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 07:14

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Just don't go out of your way for a compliment either as in try to hard. Just give a natural, honest compliment like "nice jacket/shirt/shoes/etc., where'd you get it?"

Something along that line is a good start. Most girls like their clothes and shopping so that could be a conversation starter and maybe transition into talking about style/fashion or whatever. If you got a good vibe like she's cool, laidback, or enjoying your company then you can compliment her smile, teeth, or eyes. There's no right way.

It's all on the moment so you have to adapt. Key thing when you try to talk to her is to find a conversation starter (subject) then go from there. If you feel comfortable you can try to be funny if you could sense her sense of humor.

Funny > Looks Almost all of the time.

15I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 08:35

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Mrs. Terry of Hat

Go for it! I asked Ehat to Sadie Hawkin's and he said yes after he'd said no to everyone else that had asked him, haha. Worst she can say is no, and that won't kill you! Best outcome, she says yes, you go and have a blast -- worth the risk I need some advice Icon_smile

16I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-16, 09:42



If you and your friends think it will be awkward between you two, then honestly it might be. IDK. You guys who know you and know her have much more knowledge about the situation then us internet lurkers do. It's worth a shot, yeah, but if she says yes, you HAVE to just remain cool and collected. Take a swing dancing class, be ready to talk to her about whatever at the dance, etc. Just make sure you guys won't be sitting down staring at corners and wondering what to say.

17I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 04:01

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

But you'll never know if you don't ask. The only way to get through life without regrets is to do it so you don't regret it.

18I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 05:23



Oh yeah funny wins everytime Very Happy

19I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 21:52


I totally failed. I asked 3 girls today, and although nobody else has so far, they all decided to today. Right before I asked each of them

20I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 21:53



Damn. Sorry to hear that. Sad Any other girls you're interested in?

21I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 21:56


Meh. I've got a 3 day weekend so plenty of time to think. I'm actually amazed at my bad luck. And the last girl I had talked to at lunch, asked at the end of the day and she had been asked in between. Ridiculous.

22I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 22:03



Wacco wrote:I totally failed. I asked 3 girls today, and although nobody else has so far, they all decided to today. Right before I asked each of them

i would have had that FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU face and smashed some some right after the third one. if you havent, u are a better man than most

23I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 22:04


1fnbighen wrote:
Wacco wrote:I totally failed. I asked 3 girls today, and although nobody else has so far, they all decided to today. Right before I asked each of them

i would have had that FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU face and smashed some some right after the third one. if you havent, u are a better man than most

The first wasn't much of a surprise. That was more of a dream date. The second was less of a dream date, and the third is one of my good friends, so it wasn't too bad.

24I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 22:06



at least ur good friendds with them, im... kinda thrown so far back in this that i not even trying now as to not worry. ive got no money thanks to my satan of a mom and no chance anyway. so im worrying about college and house shit.

joo lucky

25I need some advice Empty Re: I need some advice 2010-09-17, 22:26

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Early bird gets the worm man. Carpe Diem.

Always a next time and at least you asked.

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