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Which is worse:Day 17

Dropped Da Soap
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
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Which is worse?

Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Vote_lcap42%Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Vote_rcap 42% [ 8 ]
Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Vote_lcap58%Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Vote_rcap 58% [ 11 ]
Total Votes : 19

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51Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 11:39


DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:

Women do deserve special treatment. They deserve to be put on a pedestal! Why? Because they bear and deliver our children. That is one of the most painful, strenuous things anyone can do and is simply an amazing miracle.

Not every woman can have kids, just saying... cyclops

52Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 11:42

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frost, good job with this one, its even for once Very Happy

53Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 11:43

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

While you are right with that Gil, it's still only something a female is capable of.

54Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 11:45


I would just say the obvious answer that everyone wants to see, cause boobs.

55Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 11:51

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I personally have to agree with Terry and DL on this. While I may treat some women like crap, I was always raised to never lay a hand on them. It's something that I have always followed. Opening doors and all that other stuff is different for me. I do a lot of it as it just comes naturally to me. Guess it's just the way some people were raised.

56Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 15:31



Terry Corp. wrote:You guys are talking about the damage the bullet would do to the foot, but have you ever seen what kind of damage a punch can do? You could break a jaw, the orbital bone (which can possibly cause you to lose an eye), the nose, concussions, brain damage. Realistically, a strong punch to the face has a higher chance of killing someone than a bullet to the foot.

Of course this all depends on who throws the punch/takes it, and what caliber of gun you use and where it hits the foot. Just remember, I'm imagining this girl gets fucking decked.

You gotta be kidding me. A bullet to the foot is going to break your skin, pierce through your foot probably cutting important nerves and vessels, break every bone it comes into contact with, burn your skin, get a bunch of debris in there, and come out the other side. You can bleed to death by cutting your wrist, what do you think putting a huge hole in someone's foot is going to do? Not to mention that the damage and debris are going to cause an infection. That foot is getting amputated without serious medical attention. I know a guy who got shot in the shoulder in the 80's. He cannot use that arm now. Video games and movies play down the effects of firearms way too much. Unless the puncher is Mike Tyson, a punch is not going to approach anywhere near that, and girls have higher pain tolerance than men anyways.

We don't need to put women on a pedestal for having babies. We have way more than enough babies. It would actually be better if women stopped having so many babies and we gave homes to some of the millions of kids in orphanages.

57Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:01



And too think I thought I couldnt find something that wouldnt result in a landslide for hitting women

58Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:05

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:And too think I thought I couldnt find something that wouldnt result in a landslide for hitting women

i still think you should do H vs S, just to see the arguments Very Happy

59Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:05



It would result in a landslide for H so kind of boring

60Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:06

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

My friend shot himself in the foot with a .223 and he is fine now. Sure he may have gotten lucky, but its not a sure thing as far as damage. Also head injuries are tricky, it doesn't take much to cause damage so you never know.

Still, I know what your saying, I'm not suggesting getting punched is worse as far as damage, but I still find hitting a women more detestable.

61Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:13



i have a huge problem with women being treated better than men. it stems from a personal situation that i wont unload. it is wrong to treat a women like she deserves more. it is wrong to treat people differently based on race isnt it? the leaders before us fought for this equality and its doing those people injustice to say that one side deserves better.

and getting shot is worse than a punch, i know that the punch thing isnt specific to where the punch is landed but also take into account but neither is the caliber of the bullet being delivered. a .50 cal to the foot , i may be wrong, but im pretty sure that takes away the whole foot and then some

62Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:18

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Frostbyrn wrote:It would result in a landslide for H so kind of boring

how about the others? Very Happy

63Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:25

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Can I just say that I highly doubt any of us could really cause some major damage to a woman by punching her. I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but most of us here are not trained to fight, barely know how to fight, or can't even throw a punch properly.

Just because several of us have been in a fight does not mean were capable of fighting correctly. So the odds of us permanetly damaging a woman by hitting her in the face as Terry described are fairly low. Sure some of the older guys might do more damage then us smaller guys(like the majority of this site)but none to the extent as to what Terry described.

I know for a fact that me, Pariah, Adli, and Zillah would maybe only be capable of giving a black eye or a sore jaw.

So yes, I don't believe in hitting women for any reason. But if I had to choose one or the other, I would choose the one that would do less damage to the person. So I would deck the girl in the face over shooting the guy in the foot.

She can cry and moan for several minutes, but I am not going to permanetly ruin a guy's foot just because I have morals.

64Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:26

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:Can I just say that I highly doubt any of us could really cause some major damage to a woman by punching her. I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but most of us here are not trained to fight, barely know how to fight, or can't even throw a punch properly.


Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:I know for a fact that me, Pariah, Adli, and Zillah would maybe only be capable of giving a black eye or a sore jaw.

also yup.

65Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 16:43



What if the person is transgender? is it then worse to punch them than shooting a man in the foot?

Gender is just a cultural idea and making treatment decisions based on it is kinda irrational old-worldly. Sure you can try and rationalize it in some way but thoughts about this are just based on upbringing, nothing more.

66Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:04



You can wear there clothes but your still a dude under that skirt and I have no problems punching a dude

67Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:13



Born with a male psyche in a female body? I forgot what thats called...

68Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:32

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

its called being a lesbian

69Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:37



nah thats a male's sexuality.

70Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:45



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:

I know for a fact that me, Pariah, Adli, and Zillah would maybe only be capable of giving a black eye or a sore jaw.
'Scuse me? I may not be a hand to hand oriented guy (oh how I love my swords) but I can still pack a punch. You don't swing around a three foot long steel bar for 6 years without developing some muscle.

71Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

Zillah wrote:nah thats a male's sexuality.

Thats different from the psyche? lol

I'm pretty sure everything that has to do with being a male goes back to chasing tail.

72Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:50



^also points out how ironic it is that men would have little qualms with pressuring a woman for sex but do a complete 180 when it comes to hitting them. I know theyre two very different things, but still...

73Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 17:54



That is literally what the female of the species is for and why we defend them

That may sound sexist but im talking from a pure biological stand point

74Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 18:00

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Pariah wrote:
Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:

I know for a fact that me, Pariah, Adli, and Zillah would maybe only be capable of giving a black eye or a sore jaw.
'Scuse me? I may not be a hand to hand oriented guy (oh how I love my swords) but I can still pack a punch. You don't swing around a three foot long steel bar for 6 years without developing some muscle.

There is a difference between having muscle and knowing how to throw a punch. I for a fact know a 5'6 105 pound kid who could knock me out in one swing if he wanted too. Because he knows how to punch and fight and infact holds several records in his school and has won various tournaments.
And he can barely bench 80 pounds yet could still kick my ass in just one flurry of punches.

I can bench a good 150 if I want to, so I have some muscle too. But having strength and knowing how to properly use it are two different things.
In fact I can swing around my 13 pound claymore(and you being a sword guy should know how heavy those 13 pounds actually are)pretty effortlessly. But actually using it, no I don't know how. Because I don't have the finesse or training to do so.

75Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 18:58



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:
Pariah wrote:
Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:

I know for a fact that me, Pariah, Adli, and Zillah would maybe only be capable of giving a black eye or a sore jaw.
'Scuse me? I may not be a hand to hand oriented guy (oh how I love my swords) but I can still pack a punch. You don't swing around a three foot long steel bar for 6 years without developing some muscle.

There is a difference between having muscle and knowing how to throw a punch. I for a fact know a 5'6 105 pound kid who could knock me out in one swing if he wanted too. Because he knows how to punch and fight and infact holds several records in his school and has won various tournaments.
And he can barely bench 80 pounds yet could still kick my ass in just one flurry of punches.

I can bench a good 150 if I want to, so I have some muscle too. But having strength and knowing how to properly use it are two different things.
In fact I can swing around my 13 pound claymore(and you being a sword guy should know how heavy those 13 pounds actually are)pretty effortlessly. But actually using it, no I don't know how. Because I don't have the finesse or training to do so.
And the difference being, I have the formal training, as well as expanded personal training. As to throwing a punch, I'm less practiced in it, but I'm not stranger to fights.

76Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 19:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Just because you have been in several fights, does not mean you know how to fight.

I have been in a few myself, does not mean I know how to punch properly though

77Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 19:34



A black eye or a soar jaw doesn't mean you're a wimp or something, Pariah. It's not that hard to throw a punch, but causing some kind of life threatening damage with a simple punch would require some kind of ninja skills or a body builder's physique.

78Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 19:38



Lets just say if I hit a woman it would be really bad. Im a big guy and used to box.....

I agree with Terry totally in this thread.

Women are fragile....much moreso than men. It really only takes knowing how to throw a punch to really fuck somebody up. Especially somebody smaller than you, and hit in the right spot.

I would shoot 35 guys in the foot before hitting a woman at all. Just how I was raised and my personal beliefs.

Last edited by Sym on 2012-05-22, 19:40; edited 1 time in total

79Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 19:39

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Sym wrote:Lets just say if I hit a woman it would be really bad. Im a big guy and used to box.....

I agree with Terry totally in this thread.

in your case, yes. in my case, no. i wouldn't do much harm at all :S

80Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 19:40


I think i'd hit her then ask her to dinner. Some girls like that you know...

81Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 19:43



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Sym wrote:Lets just say if I hit a woman it would be really bad. Im a big guy and used to box.....

I agree with Terry totally in this thread.

in your case, yes. in my case, no. i wouldn't do much harm at all :S

Depends on the woman. Cool

Its more of a principal thing. I wouldn't just randomly shoot anyone lol. But I would never deck a woman no matter the situation.

Lose lose for a man.....gotta either run away or pin them on the floor haha.

82Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 20:12

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

But Sym having boxing knowledge could also mean that you know how to properly punch, and can both avoid hurting her terribly due to having experience and knowledge and can ccontrol your own power. Just sayin

83Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 20:26



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:But Sym having boxing knowledge could also mean that you know how to properly punch, and can both avoid hurting her terribly due to having experience and knowledge and can ccontrol your own power. Just sayin

Valid point Thumbs up

84Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 21:32



I dont know why you all assume your hitting the chick in the face though

85Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 21:46



If I have to punch her it's gonna be in the face. The way I see it I have a job to do, and I'm gonna do it right. NO MERCY!

86Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 22:07

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Then if its not the face then I will punch her in her baby maker...

Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 1200267225490

87Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 22:47



Would you rather punch a girl in the face or shoot her in the foot? Because even if men are built tougher than women, a man's foot offers the same protection a bullet that a women's does.

88Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 23:00



Not necessarily, women's feet are generally a shitload smaller and you'd be damaging a higher percentage of it.

But yeah I'd probably do the punch. I'd surely be able to damage her foot more with a bullet then her face with a punch, unless she was really small.

89Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-22, 23:41



Sym wrote:

I would shoot 35 guys in the foot before hitting a woman at all. Just how I was raised and my personal beliefs.
I'm agreeing with you on this but just out of curiosity...why 35?

90Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 00:16



Pariah wrote:
Sym wrote:

I would shoot 35 guys in the foot before hitting a woman at all. Just how I was raised and my personal beliefs.
I'm agreeing with you on this but just out of curiosity...why 35?

Just throwing random numbers around here.

91Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 00:20



Oh. I was imagining something hilarious.

*little 5 year old Sym being talked to by his dad*
Son, remember. If you must absolutely hit a women, make sure you don't have the option to shoot at most 35 dudes before. 35 and below, you're good. BUT SO HELP ME GOD IF YOU SHOOT A THIRTY SIXTH, I'LL KICK THE CRAP OUT OF YOU!

92Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 00:45



I am not frail.

But I do expect you to buy me cake.

I haven't voted because I can't pick. I ain't scurd to punch no cow in the face. Women are horrible, evil creatures (except for the ladies of the sec lol)

But I don't think I could just randomly shoot some poor bastard in the foot.

93Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 01:04



Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:Just because you have been in several fights, does not mean you know how to fight.

I have been in a few myself, does not mean I know how to punch properly though


I think I'd knock the shit out of both you guys

And sheep would you rather punch a woman in the face or shoot a man's foot?

94Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 01:23



I can't pick.

Is it wrong to say I would do both?

I'd feel more comfortable punching. I know I could do that. Shooting a foot? I might miss and shoot something else. Or someone else entirely.

95Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 02:28



Lol it doesnt really apply to women much does it?

I know I didnt want to do Talls suggestion because I thought it might not be relevant to some of the older people but this one isnt really relevant to girls since their is no moral Qualms about girls hitting other girls

96Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 07:11

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Zillah wrote:I think I'd knock the shit out of both you guys

i smell a wager!

97Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-05-23, 07:48

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Zillah wrote:
Surprise....BUTTSECKS wrote:Just because you have been in several fights, does not mean you know how to fight.

I have been in a few myself, does not mean I know how to punch properly though


I think I'd knock the shit out of both you guys

BROTHER! My 24 inch Pythons would run wild all over you! You can't stop a freight train of this magnitude from stomping all over you! BROOOOOTHER!

98Which is worse:Day 17 - Page 2 Empty Re: Which is worse:Day 17 2012-06-27, 18:24



The answer is shoot the guy, then sleep with the girl.

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