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Rent A Server

3 posters

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1Rent A Server Empty Rent A Server 2012-06-01, 14:01

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I just love when people rent servers and then you kick their ass so bad that they quit.

2Rent A Server Empty Re: Rent A Server 2012-06-01, 15:16

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I always enjoy it when I kill whoever owns the server. Not sure why but its like being the road team in a football game and knocking out the other teams QB. Feels good man.

3Rent A Server Empty Re: Rent A Server 2012-06-01, 15:46

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

I've been playing Team Death Match (no one to play with), and the clan that owns the server don't like me. I keep getting kicked, but join again, 870/knife and then teabag. It's a wonderful process.

4Rent A Server Empty Re: Rent A Server 2012-06-01, 16:47



too many crybaby admins.I've been booted because I used the type 88 on a "pistol" only map,but yet everybody else in the server was using aek's,etc.

hard to find a good server,and hard to find an even game.Everybody is always getting steamrolled....puts me on the team full of chumps vs all gold eagles lol

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