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Why GRFS randies? Why?

4 posters

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1Why GRFS randies? Why? Empty Why GRFS randies? Why? 2012-06-03, 02:10



Horrifically brain dead teammates galore! It's like they want to stay as far as physically possible from the object marked A or even B. WE DON'T GET POINTS FOR KILLING PEOPLE, DUMBFUCKS!

Checking the map, I was the only one of the half of the area anywhere close to the objective.

Why don't they make a nice brain dead mode for all the brain dead players who just want to shoot and laugh at the funny noises?

2Why GRFS randies? Why? Empty Re: Why GRFS randies? Why? 2012-06-03, 02:24



They do make a mode for brain dead people its called Team Deathmatch Very Happy

Unfortunately most of them dont utilize it

3Why GRFS randies? Why? Empty Re: Why GRFS randies? Why? 2012-06-03, 03:16



Pretty sure GRFS doesn't have TDM.

They have "Random objectives" "Dummy objectives" "Plant the neutral bomb" and "one life something something."

4Why GRFS randies? Why? Empty Re: Why GRFS randies? Why? 2012-06-03, 03:18



MH wrote:Randies

5Why GRFS randies? Why? Empty Re: Why GRFS randies? Why? 2012-06-03, 04:31



they enter herp a derpa pats for patrick mode

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