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Bad randies of the day

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1Bad randies of the day Empty Bad randies of the day 2012-06-23, 14:44



Why do all the damn chumps never have the balls to push forward? I'm the only one ever pushin....

it's like they're scared they're really gonna die in real life if they die in the game....and their K/D was horrible so I guess it's not like they care about the K/D lol

-____- Joined this CQ earlier on the "winning" team 1200-900,but all the people on my team SUCKED.I don't know how the hell they were winning....maybe all the good people's xboxs froze out >__>

ooooooo and the chumps that keep reviving me the instant I die,only to die again.....

it's been annoying as hell lately facing teams of nothing but medics....does no good to kill a few then die,they only get revived =/

god damn it I swear if the team just had the balls to push forward we could have taken the base,but nope.... "I'll just sit here on the stairs the whole game getting killed like a chicken w/no head" is what their plan was for the day -___-

2Bad randies of the day Empty Re: Bad randies of the day 2012-06-23, 14:52

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I hate squads who are nothing but medics and revive whore.(though i may be a hypocrite) Makes it so much harder for their tickets to bleed.

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