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The Assault class

Cookie Monster
Artimise Flare
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1The Assault class Empty The Assault class 2010-10-03, 22:39



why is it so gay

how can anyone stand to play this class all the time, it's retarded and broken.

2The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 22:40



JDM_Jev wrote:it's retarded and broken.

Just like 99% of the LIVE community. See? It's fits their personality. xD

3The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 22:41




The Assault class D0013354_486b7bc9accc7

You saying broken, as in under or over powered???

4The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 22:45



I think he means OP because of the AN-94, M16, and M416 users.

5The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 22:47



DrBob276 wrote:I think he means OP because of the AN-94, M16, and M416 users.
That I can give.

Though, it is their job to be anti-infantry.

6The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 22:48




F2000 and AUG aside everything is an auto sniper, and up-close they're on-par (most of the time better than, also 40mm shotgun) with the Engineer.

Though if the Engineer's packing an AKS, Uzi or PP2K he's gone.

It's such a huge loophole with the game, it's complete and total easy-mode. Every time I die it's because I got hit like 5 times by one of the multitude of stupid guns in that class. Never do I die to anything else, why they nerfed the CG and M60 at all really amazes me now looking at this class.

With Engineer and Medic you have to aim since their guns are weak as balls but that's wholly irrelevant as Assault.

7The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:09



At least they are required class, and should be the majority class in any type of map. Medic should not be a kill-mode class, which people tend to use it as so. Engineer is anti-vehicle, not an anti-infantry.

Over abundance of Assault class with EZ mode weapons usually only becomes too much of a problem on the maps with no heavy hitting vehicles.

Recon is for some weirdos.



8The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:09



Uuuuuuhhhhhhh... What?
I love Assault. I also love the F2000, the Aug and I think the Uzi is the best engineer weapon. I read your post but I'm still not sure what you don't like?.. Shocked

9The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:13



Metalzoic wrote:Uuuuuuhhhhhhh... What?
I love Assault. I also love the F2000, the Aug and I think the Uzi is the best engineer weapon. I read your post but I'm still not sure what you don't like?.. Shocked
His point is that

Assault Class = EZ Mode

Compared to other class.

10The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:23



StormEye wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:Uuuuuuhhhhhhh... What?
I love Assault. I also love the F2000, the Aug and I think the Uzi is the best engineer weapon. I read your post but I'm still not sure what you don't like?.. Shocked
His point is that

Assault Class = EZ Mode

Compared to other class.
The only reason I can see the assault class as EZ mode is because they have unlimited ammo but other than that every class can also be EZ mode with the right weapons and specs.

11The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:26



Just because one class is called Assault and has 'anti-Infantry' in the description doesn't mean it should over-power every other class in the game.

Seriously, they get the job done with unlimited ammo and the multitude of weapons in the class (since the class has no where near the amount of clones that Medic/Engineer has, and 40mms). They never have to worry about ammo and can tear cover apart with the tube or rip people a new one with the shotgun.

Why the ARs themselves should be as strong as SMGs at close range and stronger than everything else in the game the rest of the time is beyond me.

In a perfect world if healing and repairing mattered anywhere near as much as it did in previous BF games I'd agree with you Storm - but the way it is now everything runs anti-infantry 90% of the time and removing any incentive to play the other classes apart from novelty or challenge seriously disrupted the balance of the game.

Why bother healing if the health is much lower than normal and guns are way more accurate, why bother repairing if C4 can be thrown 15 feet and rockets deal an ass-load of damage and can be tracer-guided from behind cover. Keeping a tank alive for longer than 3 minutes without 2 or more Engineers is more trouble than it's worth.

This class honestly needs a tone-down, even with 12.5 damage at range it'd still out-power the Medic class. 14.3 is just too much.

12The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:47



I understand your frustration of EZ'ness of Assault mode, but they only perform part of the equation. Your point derives from the assumption everyone plays just to get kills (though it may be about 80% true in most cases, sadly enough).

Medic is needed to be there to keep the push constantly happening, especially in Rush where Attackers need to constantly pressure the Crates. Also it gives a ticket back. Defenders can also benefit of having full team as fast as they can, but not as important. Medics have their purpose even if they would only get a pistol for their defense, though most would play it since everyone wants to get a bigger gun completely overseeing what the class is supposed to do. Conquest has less emphasis on this class.

Engineer is the only true anti-vehicle. You can have C4 with the Assault, but you cannot have the EZ mode guns you have listed. If EZ mode guns are available, with the C4, then there would be a lot of problem. Assult has to choose to have C4 or run from vehicles.

Recon's motion sensor can produce extreme advantages to a team that has it available.

It just depends on how you see it.

13The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:55



Well, I guess I see what you're saying now but I disagree with you. In fact I don't think I've ever even seen anyone complain about the entire Assault class before (just the An, M416 & M16). I'm also not sure why you're saying the Smg's are outclassed up close when 4 of them have a .4000 Ttk (and 3 do 20 damage) compared to only two Ar's that can kill that fast (and only 1 that's 20 damage). The rest are all fairly close.

Usually it's people complaining about wookies and medics. In fact I generally see more wookies/medics in a game than Assaults.

14The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-03, 23:58



Due to the game's pacing the medkit isn't nearly as useful as it should be.

You aren't going to sit on a medkit during a firefight, it only comes in handy afterward. There aren't as many moments of downtime in this game as previous BF titles, so if they changed the medkit to an injection that tripled health regen instead of a magic box you have to stand on top of for 10-15 it'd be more-useful as you could continue attacking instead of wasting time.

And the only anti-vehicle niche Engineer has is against helicopters, in all other scenarios C4 is superior.

The way the assault class was balanced just really bothers me. The Engineer weapons work best up close and suck at long, the Medic weapons have superior accuracy at long range but are pretty terrible up close (MG3 aside) due to their awful mobility (hip accuracy in this game) yet the Assault supersedes both classes at all ranges.

Which is gay.

15The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:00



Every class has a role to fill.

Assault's main purpose is for killing infantry. This is why they are incapable of little else. It's just part of the balance of the classes.
If you want to compete with an Assault player, one-on-one, you should be using the Assault class. If you're sniping, keep your distance. If you're playing Medic, you should be providing support (i.e. stay behind your Assault teammates). If you're playing Engineer, you should be sneaking around and flanking.
The three classes that aren't Assault all have a special purpose. Assault has no purpose besides killing; and that's what it excells at.

BTW, WTF is your avatar? I asked you in a thread. I sent you a message linking you to the thread. You never responded, and if you did, you did it long after I stopped checking.

16The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:02



yet the Assault supersedes both classes at all ranges.

You must not have read my post.

17The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:04



Metalzoic wrote:
yet the Assault supersedes both classes at all ranges.

You must not have read my post.

It was posted during my post :p

The XM8-P and AN94 handle just as well at close-range as any power SMG, and two of the power SMGs basically make one kill every reload and are not-good.

Also, 40mm shotgun.

18The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:06



I agree with the Med Kit being not THAT useful. Though defib is what the medic class is basically for, not the LMG.

I can somewhat agree with the C4, but then the Assault would not get the EZ mode guns, as I see those are the ones you are really expressing concerns about.

I agree that Assault is better at suppressing in all ranges, but that is also my point that it is Assault's job to do so. Also, Medic can have some awesome time suppressing a line of fire much longer with weapons like T88 LMG where you have nice constant flow of 200 rounds firing.

19The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:10



I find it ironic that Assault Weapons > Everything, but Assault is the worse class in the game for making points. It really makes me mad to see some asshole medic win, when he just spam revived a teammate in front an MG, never took an objective, and never healed/revived people that actually needed it. I wish they could actually make a fair point system with this game, or just take out points all together, and just have it win/lose.

20The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:15



It's all a matter of versatility; the Assault should be able to do CQC and long-range, but not better than Engineer or Medic, respectively. That would be a balanced scenario; if it was the jack-of-all-trades but master of none. Unlimited ammo and the awesome Assault gadgets (even post-nerf the 40mm grenade is still good, you just can't use it to kill a full-health soldier with a half-assed 'in the ballpark' shot anymore without Ex. Mk2) would still make it the best anti-infantry class, but with less damage and more recoil they wouldn't make the other two classes useless on most maps.

The way the game stands the support options the other classes provide are laughable. Vehicle counters are too powerful so a single Engineer can't guarantee a vehicle's safety and the terribly low health makes healing a waste of time so Medics have to focus on defibbing all the time, which nobody likes.

Last edited by JDM_Jev on 2010-10-04, 00:19; edited 2 times in total

21The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:16



DrBob276 wrote:I find it ironic that Assault Weapons > Everything, but Assault is the worse class in the game for making points. It really makes me mad to see some asshole medic win, when he just spam revived a teammate in front an MG, never took an objective, and never healed/revived people that actually needed it. I wish they could actually make a fair point system with this game, or just take out points all together, and just have it win/lose.
Or bring back the best class player, like the BF2

Something like this

The Assault class Th_AnotherDomination

Last edited by StormEye on 2010-10-04, 00:54; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Pic link changed)

22The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:25




I definitely do agree that Assault has the best versatility, thus should be the majority class performed, and the most attractive to every player.

The way I see it, as I have put it before, you are expressing concerns about EZ mode weapons, not the Assault class itself.

23The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:28



StormEye wrote:
DrBob276 wrote:I find it ironic that Assault Weapons > Everything, but Assault is the worse class in the game for making points. It really makes me mad to see some asshole medic win, when he just spam revived a teammate in front an MG, never took an objective, and never healed/revived people that actually needed it. I wish they could actually make a fair point system with this game, or just take out points all together, and just have it win/lose.
Or bring back the best class player, like the BF2

Something like this

The Assault class Th_AnotherDomination

That would actually be pretty awesome. Smile

24The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:38



StormEye wrote:@JFM_Jev

I definitely do agree that Assault has the best versatility, thus should be the majority class performed, and the most attractive to every player.

The way I see it, as I have put it before, you are expressing concerns about EZ mode weapons, not the Assault class itself.

It shouldn't do everything better than anything.

I don't even see the difference between the EZ mode Assault weapons and the rest of the guns in the class (except for the F2000 and AUG) due to the fact that it's just so glaringly overpowered.

It's like Modern Warfare 2 mode in this game. The support options are underpowered, so the role of an all-out anti-infantry class is no where near as niche as it should be.

Buff Medic/Engineer or nerf Assault. Then the game would be perfect, numerous glitches and certain underpowered guns aside.

25The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:46



Unfortunately that is not how I see it. Though I do agree with the OP'ness of EZ mode guns, they are not THAT OP'd, imo (not denying OP'ness).

Also, as most of the situations I have been put into, it is usually a one-sided battle of getting killed from unseen assailant, not the face to face battle.

On top of that, I usually do not see enough Assaults, as some of us would have observed.

26The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:50



no all purpose weapon is appealing becasue you will never beat the guy in his ideal condition. i.e the ranger akimbo in mw2 vs say the tar21

27The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 00:54



StormEye wrote:Unfortunately that is not how I see it. Though I do agree with the OP'ness of EZ mode guns, they are not THAT OP'd, imo (not denying OP'ness).

Also, as most of the situations I have been put into, it is usually a one-sided battle of getting killed from unseen assailant, not the face to face battle.

On top of that, I usually do not see enough Assaults, as some of us would have observed.

That's because this isn't a Battlefield game.

Visible cover, sights for all guns, no health wtf?

And one-on-one Assault beats Engineer or Medic at every single niche the two classes should hold. Which is ridiculous. Which is what is overpowered about it.

It's all in the advantage it has though, sure 'who sees who first' matters a lot more in this game but if the support classes are underpowered then the overwhelming strength of the anti-infantry class doesn't really make sense, especially considering you have to focus on that all the time as engineer (due to the lack of vehicle maps) and as medic (defib-grief aside).

28The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 01:03



I really do not see Assault being THAT much better in all niches. It may have advantages above those two classes, but it is not something that I would be concerned about.

Vehicle heaviness always in tricky balance, since it will always either be too much vehicle or too little. In this game it is too little in most of the maps.

29The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 02:40

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

What threw assaults balance out the window, as did for most of the guns is the utter lack of fire select.

Previous BF titles required that you switch to semi auto in order for you to have any kind of hope at killing someone down range. Now, with burst weapons like the M16 and the AN-94, you have a sniper rifle that can kill across the map AND have medium to close range capabilities on par with other weapons designed for that specific purpose.

As an advent Assault player, I know how you feel for the most part, but calling the entire class overpowered seems a bit much to me. The only weapons I gripe about as an assault player are the M16 and AN-94, both guns need a nerf in fire rate, or simply the fire select thing needs to return. I don't care how good of a shot I am or how accurate my AR is. I should not be able to snipe someone with my M16 or my preferred weapon, the AUG, by burst fire. That should only be effective to medium range at most.

There have been many times where I've gone nuts with the other classes, and for a long while, I was running around with the Thompson and still did very well. It depends on the tactics you use as well IMO. Any class can be a killing machine if played right. EZ mode IMO only comes in he form of the M16A2 and the AN-94 which seem to fire explosive warheads equal to a tank with laser point accuracy at just about any range.

30The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 02:49



Or introduce 'inaccuracy'. Even sniper rifles had inaccuracy before.

31The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 03:49



I pull much better scores playing Assault but I rarely do it. Most of my play time with it was when I got the game, same with Medic <_<

I joined the master race of big boy engies like three weeks after I got it. But since you actually have to aim with that class to make a kill, switching to assault is just free kills everywhere. The rifle you pack is irrelevant.

The power behind those guns, coupled with the complete lack of recoil makes it too cheap.

Statistically, 1v1 Assault is going to win against every class against every weapon, shotguns and snipers aside outside of the close-range 'advantage' the power SMGs have (XM8-Prototype and AN94 say hi). That's just not balanced bro

The way the game works ammo matters much more to the team than health so it's not really the anti-infantry class as described but more or less the anti-everything that also happens to be a mobile armory due to the lack of vehicle maps.

You recover health normally, and when you actually need health there's no Medics to be found. The medkit is of more use to the Medic himself than his teammates >_>

They got the balance right with vehicles in this game, they're way too easy to take out so there honestly should be more of them. Ever since BF2 they've been getting worse and worse by losing armanents and gaining counters (we lost the co-axial gun this time around, and the one you can elect with v-alt takes 9 freaking hits to kill) so they're honestly not that big a deal.

My only gripe with vehicles is that you can jump in and out like 15 times in one second. They need some sort of animation delay to keep people from bailing after a bunch of free kills.

32The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 12:09



The only weapons I gripe about as an assault player are the M16 and AN-94, both guns need a nerf in fire rate, or simply the fire select thing needs to return.

Or introduce 'inaccuracy'. Even sniper rifles had inaccuracy before.

Fire select and inaccuracy are both good ideas.
The M16 definitely could use more inaccuracy (it's damage and RoF aren't really out of whack).

but don't lower the RoF of the AN! The AN already fires at only 1/3rd the rate it does in real life (600 instead of 1800) Shocked Take it to it's real RoF, drop it's damage to 16.7 and give it a long trigger pull delay between bursts. Make it so it's the longest Ttk weapon but is still accurate.

I still don't see how you can really think assault is overpowered as a class. Engineers have more high damage/quicker killing CQ weapons, can take out vehicles and have the CG. I have almost as much play time with Engineer as I do Assault and get just as many kills using engineer.
Medics are more accurate under full auto, can lay down a ton of fire and have a shit ton of bullets. They can also pull in points like mad. Hell the most OP weapon in the game was a medic gun until they patched it.

40mm shotgun? It's very powerful but really rare to even see it and has a long reload time.

40mm grenade? It's not often you're even killed by one because it takes a direct hit and has a slow reload.

Like it's been said by others many times in this thread, the only thing overpowered about Assault is the AN (and to a lesser extent the M16)

33The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-04, 16:49

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True. I'd have absolutely no problem with most of the guns if you had to switch to semi auto for long range shots, perhaps also give it that accuracy "bloom" like effect, the faster you fire in semi auto, the less accurate your shots are at range just like on the current semi auto rifles.

Honestly, I don't have too much trouble with other classes like the Engineer and what have you since I try to aim for the head, I usually win against assault players all the time by doing that. While certain guns in Assault are disgustingly easy to get kills with, I can say the same for Medics as well. Recon? Not sure what to say about recon. The only gun that can be a tinsy bit annoying is the VSS, but it has so many cons to it that it balances it out.

Easy mode weapons across the board I'd have to say are as follows.

M16A2: Post nerf, it is not as bad as it was, in most cases it takes 3 to 5 rounds to kill someone, perhaps more at range

AN-94 Abaken: The best AR in the assault line up, fast ROF, incredibly accurate. Kills in 3 to 4 rounds, which you can easily squeeze out with two taps of the trigger. Possibly 2 rounds in CQC. It's only problem is that it's burst fire, and that in itself is not a large handicap. Much of the advantages and disadvantages of this weapon are the same as the M16A2. If you have to name an "easy mode" weapon the AN-94 is definitely it.

M60: Not so much of a beast as it was before, but still very powerful in the right hands. The most accurate LMG in the game, large capacity drum mag, and large reserve ammo capacity. Does the most damage of any LMG in the game, it's only draw back is it's heavy recoil (which can be easily mitigated) slow fire rate, and moderately obtrusive irons (which most use optics on it anyway). I've seen less and less of this gun in recent times, but it's still around. Most of my deaths nowadays comes from the AN-94 to be quite honest.

34The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 02:10



All of my deaths recently have been from the Assault class since there's no reason to play anything else on Infantry maps. I'm going for plats on all the Engineer guns so I don't want helicopters distracting me with their awesomeness.

To reiterate, the vehicle presence isn't heavy enough to warrant playing anything else, and ammo is much more of a team asset than healing (repairing is debatable since it's hard to keep a tank alive against a team with some brain activity) so it's a better support class and a much better killing class.

Calling the other classes support options at all when the Engineer's class role is useless on most maps and the Medic is capable of little apart from defib-spamming since the low health and nature of the medkit goes against the usefulness of the class due to the faster game pacing.

On consoles, on-release the M16A2 did 21.8 damage due to the 1.25 damage bonus on top of the regular damage of 17.5 (so 27.2 with Magnum on consoles) so it could 4-shot at 800 RPM while the M60 could 3-shot at 550.

And the Assault class had access to the on-release 40mm grenade, which was basically the exact same as the MW2 tube without Danger Close. Though throwing Ex. Mk2 on made it bullshit.

The M60 was not the best gun ever. I'm not-even going to bother going through the list of other Assault weapons; just multiply their in/out damages by 1.5.

Though prior to some buffs the AEK did 12.5 damage at long range iirc. Same with a few other guns.

35The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 03:10



Medics who dropped a shit ton of medkits all around them were a bitch to kill in BF2, especially when they squaded with each other.

But anyways, introducing a PC-BF2/2142 aim/recoil system would eliminate the players, even though they are the people who use the assault class as you say. Don't mind the AN-94 3 place on my sig, my AUG is right behind it.

Back when I was an idiot on the PC, i barely got kills even when bursting. Switching to semi-auto fixed that, but XBL is dominated by COD junkies who don't understand the concept of recoil. And anyways, guns do have recoil, so I manually tap my full-auto guns.

36The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 04:36

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

Well, with the 40mm shotgun. If you're time is up your time is up. That goes both ways especially when it doesn't get a hitmarker.

37The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 11:07



Without reading everything i'll just post my .02.

The AN94 is the most accurate at all ranges and kills the fastest even when hip firing. When i want "EZ" mode i use this.

The m16 when tried to use in very quick bursts sprays everywhere leading to in-accuracy. Hip fire with the m16 is a role of the dice. Usually you don't role 7's. When i want nostalgia or alot of rounds down range i use this.

The neostead will kill anyone VERY VERY quick! thats it.
I don't use this it's FUGLY!

38The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 11:19

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

godscouchpotato wrote:Without reading everything i'll just post my .02.

The AN94 is the most accurate at all ranges and kills the fastest even when hip firing. When i want "EZ" mode i use this.

The m16 when tried to use in very quick bursts sprays everywhere leading to in-accuracy. Hip fire with the m16 is a role of the dice. Usually you don't role 7's. When i want nostalgia or alot of rounds down range i use this.

The neostead will kill anyone VERY VERY quick! thats it.
I don't use this it's FUGLY!
all the pump actions have the same stats same goes for the semi autos

39The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:01



the assault class is still the best class in the game due to versatility and the support options are superior to engineer/medic on most maps, which is a big 'hurrrrrr' moment considering healing and repairing should actually matter but there's no vehicles (and on the maps with vehicles, a shit-ton of super-power vehicle counters) and the health is too low

40The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:21



It probably is, and I will not argue about that.

Though, in decently balanced teams, team full of Assaults, and a team of assorted the outcomes vary depending on the composition of the class percentages. Assault will still be the majority, with a few medics and engineers, possibly a Recon for motion sensor, would be a much better force than just Assaults.

Also, even though I see a lot of complaints about the EZ modes, I really do not see them THAT much of an advantage, which I am stating constantly. Sure, I hate it when I get killed by them, but its not something I would carry on frowning about.

Having higher HP would actually emphasize Assault's role even more due to more ammo needing to be dished out to kill a single target, and Assaults have hard hitting fast shooters already.

If the person loves playing the game only to run around and shot people and hates playing support role, which you have stated not a glorious job to fill, then he should just stick with the Assault and fill the majority. Though in many close call matches, it is not the Assaults that turned the tide or achieved a breakthrough in stalemate, but it was the support roles that did it. By reducing the ticket drain, or by keeping a vehicle alive longer.

41The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:32

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Honestly Id rather the old classes make a return with some minor tweaks, as well as bring back fire select and inaccuracy.

Assault: As is but with no ammo boxes

Support: as is but has ammo boxes

Medic: Uses Unsuppressed SMG's or PDW's (P90, PP2000 etc.) or if they must, give them carbines like the M4 and only allow up to red dots to be applied to them

Engineer: Keep them as is, but allow their repair tool to safely disarm land mines

Recon: Keep them as is.

For the game in general, eliminate Magnum ammo and Body Armor. They serve no purpose to the game IMO.

42The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:38



I would rather have no spec, but people are too used to 'customization' (pssshhhh), thanks to so many games these days, that removing it would make people angry

43The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:40



The assault class should just be -slightly- weaker, or the medkit tweaked and vehicle armaments given back (get rid of V-Alt, make that default like it logically should so tanks could actually defend themselves).

That way they don't have to increase health or something stupid which would make Engineer and Medic even weaker.

44The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:42



JDM_Jev wrote:The assault class should just be -slightly- weaker, or the medkit tweaked and vehicle armaments given back (get rid of V-Alt, make that default like it logically should so tanks could actually defend themselves).

That way they don't have to increase health or something stupid which would make Engineer and Medic even weaker.
I can go with that.

45The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:46



I'll say it and it'll cause an "ooooh no you diin't" response.

Ultimately it comes down to the user behind the controller with how "EZ" mode the class can be.

I can't play medic or engy for shit, err maybe i'm not that bad but I AM a good assault and recon player. So i tend to lean towards those two classes more than the others.

Give a competent person most SeC members a shitty weapon and a noob an "EZ" weapon see who wins. I got my money on the "skilled" player.

Most engagement distances in this game are close-mid range. With the exception of some countersniping or "Holy Horseshit i got him" shots. Most of the weapons in the game fall into the close-mid range category with the exception of snipers and some assault rifles.

46The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:49



We've already disregarded the 'skill' argument because it's stupid.

Okay, so give one played an Assault weapon and an equally skilled player anything else (other than a shotgun or sniper obviously). The assault wins every god damn time.

not cool bro

47The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:51



I personally hate the assault class. I just suck with it.

48The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:52



JDM_Jev wrote:We've already disregarded the 'skill' argument because it's stupid.

Okay, so give one played an Assault weapon and an equally skilled player anything else (other than a shotgun or sniper obviously). The assault wins every god damn time.

not cool bro
I am sorry but this is wrong every class can outplay the assault class with the proper set up of guns and specs.

49The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 15:54



T-800 wrote:
JDM_Jev wrote:We've already disregarded the 'skill' argument because it's stupid.

Okay, so give one played an Assault weapon and an equally skilled player anything else (other than a shotgun or sniper obviously). The assault wins every god damn time.

not cool bro
I am sorry but this is wrong every class can outplay the assault class with the proper set up of guns and specs.

Providing the Assault class isn't playing the right set up either, right?

I mean obviously the SCAR-L, M60, MG3 or VSS is going to beat the F2000 but against the XM8-P/M16A2/AN94/M416/AUG to a lesser extent with Magnum Ammo the Assault is going to win.

50The Assault class Empty Re: The Assault class 2010-10-05, 16:09



I understand what your saying jev.

If i go into a building with my m16 and encounter a guy with a shotgun or fully automatic weapon, 9/10 times i'm dead. It does come down to using the appropriate weapon for the level.

For example using conquest to get a map layout in your head. Granted engineers will be around but i don't use the class as it's not my cup o' tea.

Arica harbor: m416 w/1911 or (no vehicles no need for engy)
White pass: m16 w/1911 (one vehicle no need for engy)
Laguna presa: m14/m16 w/m9 (same as above)
Panama canal: m14 w/m9 (c4 vehicle rich environment)
laguna alta: m416 w/1911 or USAS12 w/m9 (one vehicle no need for engy)

Shotguns (cqb/indoors) Assault rifles (out doors) LMG's (confined areas or alleys) Sniper rifles (long way off).

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