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The worst players in BC2 are like gods in MW2.

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Been playing MW2 for the past couple weeks. I swear to god, sometimes I can't handle how bad my teammates are. I never get mad when an enemy kills me, or I get fucked by a killstreak...

But when we never had a chance of winning the game because I've got some fool on my team who goes 3-21... I just can't wrap my head around it. It's baffling. HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO THAT? I'd have to try so hard to get a score that bad.



Why are you playing that game?



Because I got tired of BC2, and I have no other games to play until FO:NV.
Besides, I took an eight month break. It's like new again.



But when it was new, nobody knew the glitches or any exploits, and it was actually fun.



The Cramtron wrote:Been playing MW2 for the past couple weeks. I swear to god, sometimes I can't handle how bad my teammates are. I never get mad when an enemy kills me, or I get fucked by a killstreak...

But when we never had a chance of winning the game because I've got some fool on my team who goes 3-21... I just can't wrap my head around it. It's baffling. HOW THE HELL DO YOU DO THAT? I'd have to try so hard to get a score that bad.

Exactly. I've many teammates go 0-20,1-30 before, but the record of all time was on WaW, and they went 1-42 on War...that possibly could've earned the enemy 6 dogs.



Bob, they might have been doing it for the lulz.



No, they were raging and actually trying, that was the sad part about it.



Also, you can watch someone who is doing poorly, and you can tell if they're screwing around, or if they're actually trying.

I dunno. I was in a match earlier today where this goofball just kept running around into claymores. I kept seeing his name pop up on the killfeed, with a claymore symbol next to it. He just would not learn to TAKE IT SLOW. I had sitrep on, so I could see all the claymores (there must have been three people setting them up because there were a lot), and he just kept giving them the kills.

Some people just don't think.



Yea a friends little brother insisted on playing with us one night and we ended up making him cry because we were messing with him so much for his really horrible games. He was going 3-25 and such for a good 2 hours but we were still winning lol. We would trash talk the other team for losing to us when we had the brother playing with us.

My friend convinced his dad to get his brother a live account so he would stop screwing up the K/D of his account.

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