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Do you believe in God/Gods?

Patrick Star
Ron Swanson
18 posters

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Do you believe in God/Gods

Do you believe in God/Gods? Vote_lcap57%Do you believe in God/Gods? Vote_rcap 57% [ 13 ]
Do you believe in God/Gods? Vote_lcap43%Do you believe in God/Gods? Vote_rcap 43% [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 23

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1Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-10, 21:15



There isn't much religion here so I thought I'd start. I'm sure we're all mature enough to keep this civil.

No, I don't believe in god.



i does. if anything (this is just my reasoning) why not? theres literally nothing else to choose. its a motivation to live and do right by tour neighbor. a base code of law to respect.



All I need is the golden rule. I don't need religion to teach me morals.



I do



I dont.

There is just so much science proving otherwise. However I do agree with what the bible says about how to live your life but some of the stories in it are a bit over the top for me to believe.


I'd really like to believe that there is a God and there is something after this life.



when i think about science, it think, who are we, some small ass planet in the galaxy, to decide how things roll in other places. we could be an experiment by some distant civilization known to us as heaven



God only exists in the mind. The moment a god appears and calls himself/herself god, he/she is categorized as a living thing. Possibly with reality bending powers. But that still counts as a living thing.

So the only god is one that doesn't exist. I don't believe in things that don't exist.



just because god doesn't exist, does that mean hes not there?

10Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-14, 13:49



I am a God fearing Christian man.

11Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 05:14



I don't, and not to offend, and sorry if I do, but I strongly dislike Christians. They try to push their religion on you and say your wrong about what you believe in.

12Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 05:18



I used to be but i kept having more and more Doubts as i Got older and the Final straw was a Priest telling me i was Living in Sin for sleeping with D

13Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 11:44



i go by the belief that if the Christian God is real then he's a narcissistic dick who i don't want anything to do with. sorry if that offends any of you but that's honestly what i believe.

14Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 11:47

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I do, there is too much to life for me to belive that this all happened without some sort of divine intervention.

15Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 11:54

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

man i feel like watching donnie darko now. but i guess i can believe that god created the big bang and he just let nature do the rest. science has taught us not to believe in what other people tell us thus why Christianity is against science

16Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 12:00

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

to me God=Nature.

Evolution is in no way proof that God doesn't exist. I have trouble seeing how people could belive this to be so. Just because life has the ability to adapt doesn't mean it can create itself.

As always if you belive otherwise thats fine by me. That ability to think otherwise is what makes God so real to me. Gotta love free will.

17Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 12:21



scooter043 wrote:I am a God fearing Christian man.

scooter has a great avatar

and when you think really deep about life. and laws of matter and stuff. the universe had to start somewhere, yea yea yea big bang, but something had to blow up. where did it come from? to me this either proves a. time travel or b. an all powerful god

18Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 12:23

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I no longer belive in God. Time Travel! Thats where it's at! LOL

19Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 13:17



God Bless Doc Brown and his Flux Capacitor.

20Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 22:59



i need a face palm pic i started a kult with one post...

21Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 23:04



Do you believe in God/Gods? 153

22Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-17, 23:07



thank you. knew i could trust higu when it comes to pics

23Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 03:50



No. Even if there was a god I wouldnt want to believe in a guy that kills your family to "test" your belief in him.

24Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 04:03



FuzzyWuzzy76 wrote:that kills your family to "test" your belief in him.


25Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 12:59



DrBob276 wrote:
FuzzyWuzzy76 wrote:that kills your family to "test" your belief in him.


i think he's talking about the one verse where God kills this dudes family and makes him all ill and shit to prove to Satan that his people are loyal. there's an episode of southpark with it in it, the one where kyle gets a hemorrhoid and cartman owns an amusement park.

26Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 14:02



Oh, xD

27Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 17:34



XD i loved that episode

28Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 17:39

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

its called the book of Job (the actual bibal story)

I hope you all don't mind me saying, but if you pick a religion based upon taking these bibal stories literally then your being foolish. They are not literal stories (in my opinion).

29Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 17:49



i believe the same. the bible is a book of philosophy, well the old testament was. it builds what you beleive

30Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 17:53

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

1fnbighen wrote:i believe the same. the bible is a book of philosophy, well the old testament was. it builds what you beleive

Very true

I am by no means a catholic or christian but I have a lot of respect for the bibal and the things it teaches

31Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 17:57



first book ever printed has to be good.

i actually havent sat down and read the bible in entirety but ive just gotten excerpts of it.

32Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 18:04



TerryMay wrote:its called the book of Job (the actual bibal story)

I hope you all don't mind me saying, but if you pick a religion based upon taking these bibal stories literally then your being foolish. They are not literal stories (in my opinion).

one thing that i never got about that is where is the line drawn on taking the bible literally? how are you supposed to know what happened and what didn't?

that being said i do think it's a good book that teaches good lessons. my reasons for not being Christian don't really have all that much to do with the bible's stories but more to do with some deep abstract thinking by myself.

33Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 18:18



i say the old testament is usually phylisophical, the new is believe

34Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:00

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

"one thing that i never got about that is where is the line drawn on taking the bible literally? how are you supposed to know what happened and what didn't? "

Thats a good question, unfortunately I don't have those kind of awnsers. Really I shouldn't be commenting on the bibal at all seeing as how I've never actually read it.

35Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:14



imo, the bible is whatever benefits you, thats why is so great

36Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:16



I don't think it's great =)

37Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:31



It really depends on what you mean by god.

God, as in an eldery white guy with a long beard hanging out in heaven? no, i definitely do not believe in that (im not saying anyone here does).

I have trouble believing the bible, as it has been passed down through hundreds of generations, constantly changing. Not to mention that it was written by a guys on camels in arabia 2,000 years ago.

38Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:36



i use god to solve what we dont know. are we just electrical brain pulses? how the hell did that natually happen. god. saves me a headache

39Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:45



Dude, Hen... you just need to read more. There are answers to the questions that you're posing.
Modern science is a wonderful thing.

40Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:45




41Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 19:47



like i said, saying its god saves me a headache!

42Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 20:15



So you're admitting that you dont full-heartedly believe in god?

43Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 21:17



i beleive in god. and i also use Him to make any sense of how things come to be(see big bang earlier). but i dont fully beleive in anything at times. not even myself

44Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 22:28



That's because dick pickle ponies don't actually exist.

45Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-18, 22:30



shhhhhh they dont need to know that

46Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-19, 19:57



On second thought, nevermind.

47Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-21, 22:09



So were all either Christians or Atheists?

No Muslims or Jewish people or maybe some Buddhists

48Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-21, 22:12



God is a general term for the supernatural being that is worshiped in any faith.

The god of the Christian faith isn't actually named "God."

49Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-21, 22:18



I prefer Ancient Pantheons their gods were so much more Kick ass Very Happy

50Do you believe in God/Gods? Empty Re: Do you believe in God/Gods? 2010-09-22, 11:31



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