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Armored Kill, a bore-fest on consoles

2 posters

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just what I was expecting,even more of a bore-fest than caspian. On that huge new desert map,it felt like I was alone in like GTA4 it was so huge

oh,and that AC130 jumbo jet is absolutely USELESS......any pilot worth their weight in salt can take that thing down in a jet, or, you can just easily jet ram it (which I did by accident,but still killed everybody inside it lmao)

not to mention the thing is huge and so slow and flies in the same path over and over. I haven't tried to take it out with a stinger,but should easily be able to. Hell I could hit the damn thing with an RPG lmao.

well,for the new assignment for getting jet kills, you can EASILY milk double kills off the AC130 gunship with guided rockets then come in for the swooping kill



I need to try it today



It is a lot of fun on pc from what I have played so far.



The maps are WAY to big for the Console. It needs more players. But, some people like huge maps. I am not a fan because i either just ride around and find no one or get kill by some random sniper that is doing zero work. lol

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