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Walking Dead

Gary Effin' Oak.
Epyk MD
9 posters

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1Walking Dead Empty Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 21:21



Walking Dead 546400_442289082479722_1952431870_n

Scumbag Rick Razz

damn I'm ready for the new season Twisted Evil

2Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 21:26

Epyk MD

Epyk MD


3Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 21:26

Gary Effin' Oak.

Gary Effin' Oak.

Needs more rape...if its anything like the comic...needs more rape.

4Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 21:45



Needs more Forest Butt sex

When the series started promises were made Dammit!

5Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 22:04



When the series started they stated;

We don't want the people who have read the comics to know everything that was going to happen before it did, so we changed some things (they took out some characters, created some new ones, changed some plot points, created some new ones)....

That was not a direct quote but the jist of what they said....but nonetheless the jail is gonna be good...and the guy playing the governer looks like him...minus the fu man chu,...

6Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 22:28

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah starts back up in October sometime...should be sweet!

7Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-09-11, 23:19



Wish they made the "Black hawk downish" episode with the Spec Ops guys in the city

8Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-02, 14:43

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

You guys see the preview AMC released a few days ago?

9Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-02, 15:22



with Glenn's GFs nipple poking out of her shirt? lol I guess zombie killing turns her on

10Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-02, 15:29

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

They just added teh second season to Netflix, so I'm gonna get to check that out.

11Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 14:03



I'm pumped for the new season. It looks like it's going to get more on track to the comics, which is a good thing if you ask me.

12Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 14:06

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

While the series strayed far from the comics, I was glad it did. It was still amazing. sure the second season wasn't stellar, but it was leagues above anything else on tv at the time.

And I love how they rewrote or changed things. Like I knew Shane was going to die eventually, but he was such a compelling character I was dreading the moment they killed him off.

13Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 14:48



I wish they would of kept Shane alive......I think he was a better leader than Rick

14Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 15:29

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Well I think they were both even.

Shane was more like we need to do such and such to survive. While Rick is the yes but if we do such and such without checking this out this might happen.

But I feel sooner or later Shane would have gotten them all killed.

15Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 15:31



Shane was about himself and Rick is about the whole...

Last edited by Crombie on 2012-10-03, 15:40; edited 1 time in total

16Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 15:36

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Dont spoil it for the rest of them Crombie!!

17Walking Dead Empty Re: Walking Dead 2012-10-03, 15:40




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