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Thinking about getting the new PS3 slim

The Adli Corporation
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it looks smexhy


Who would buy this.. Next gen is going to be in two years tops.

A friend told me they were going to make a 16gb one for like $100.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


seriously dude, either wait for a PS4 (much better performance) or get an older non-slim PS3 since it will have better ventilation and probably be a lot cheaper. you will definately regret buying the new slim version Razz



I will probably pick up a ps3 in the next year or 2 for all of the exclusives.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

yeah, i really like the idea of free online play. if it wasn't for the SeC i would regret buying a 360 since i'm not a fan of the exclusives and having to play for Gold really put me off multiplayer games.



Man the PS3 sucks.

I hate mine



I mostly want it for the free online and all the games I missed on it over the years

was also thinking of getting a cheap used PSP or DS. idk. I never travel anywhere though so it seems kinda pointless to me. I've really wanted to play that RE: Revelations on the 3DS.Hmm

The big turn off for me on the vita is the really expensive memory cards



I have a Vita and its the only console I play lol



Sym wrote:Man the PS3 sucks.

I hate mine

Same. Probably my least favorite console of all time.

I am really, really getting my monies worth out of the Vita though. I play the shit out of that thing.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

There are only a couple games I wish I had from the PS3, and that was MAG ( I know it wasn't great but the little I played I liked), God of War, and maybe Killzone or something like that.

The PS3 I bought way back in the day never worked right. In fact I borrowed a game from my friend and my PS3 would never play it.



yeah I always wanted to try out's like 7 bucks at gamestop I was looking on their website yesterday. Although I'll probably get the PS3 at walmart (I'd rather them get my business than the very rude gamestop here....)

it comes with DUST 514 a free to play game,Uncharted 3 game of the year edition,and a free month of PSN+ ,although in the fine print it says you need a credit card to use the free month? lol like I'd use wouldn't want my shit stolen XD

I might try out PSN plus for 3 months or something for the free games they have....I could just have it so like "rent" the games

also I really like how PSN is going to have a bunch of big name games available day-1 as digital download from their store like RE6,etc etc...

it would be nice to get some PS1 classics on the PS3. I'd probably get FF7,8 and 9

PS3 games I want off the top of my head,

God of War Anthology (GoW 1,2,and 3)
Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition-$20
Final Fantasy 13-$15 ------- (YAY NO DISC SWAPPING)
Shadow of Colossus and Ico HD collection-$20
Demon's Souls-$20
Resistance Fall of Man-$3

:3 also I could just use any laptop hard drive to upgrade the capacity if I ever wanted to.

I'll probably just buy all my online games on PS3 now, paying for XBL has always really irked me when the other systems and PC is free to play online

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

the first resistance game was very good imo. but the other one(s?) sucked.



Resistence 2 was good I enjoyed it....more the co-op than anything. I never played 3 but the story looked good



As much as it pains me to say it, I want a Vita. Dat Persona 4 Golden...

And I am eventually gonna buy a PS3, KH: ReMIX 1.5 drops sometime in 2013.



I really want a vita,but 80 bucks for 32gig memory card......................ouch.....................

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

JrTapia1991 wrote:I really want a vita,but 80 bucks for 32gig memory card......................ouch.....................

really? holy hell that is ridiculous.



I love my Vita.



there's this charging station thing,and you can use a PS3 controller to control the Vita,and hook the Vita up to play on a HDTV XD



JrTapia1991 wrote:there's this charging station thing,and you can use a PS3 controller to control the Vita,and hook the Vita up to play on a HDTV XD

What? Where did you see that?
The Vita has no video output capability at all so I don't think that is actually possible.
I also haven't seen anything that allows you to use a PS3 controller to play a Vita, although the latest update did make it so that the Vita could potentially be used as a controller for the PS3.

Maybe that is what you saw?



my bad,I saw this awhile ago and thought it was the Vita but it's really the PSP GO

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