he has alot of good points, I've always detested paying for XBL but all the M$ fanboys cry a river saying it's worth it for netflix,etc......when all that stuff is for free on pc and most new smartphones now days, not to mention netflix has been free on Wii and PS3
I looked it up and it was a pretty lame reason,but the reason the PS3 doesn't have the party chat is because of how the RAM is set up. The Vita has much more RAM, and, it has party chat,all for free.
I don't even ever care to talk to other people playing different games in XBL parties anyway, not to mention the horrible hardware failures I've seen and experienced 1st hand by M$. If I needed it so bad,I could just use Skype on my laptop while I'm on PS3
I've seen the move towards everything going casual for awhile now, stuff being dumbed down, barely any new IPs, the sea of military style shooters and sequel after sequel, generic crap,etc etc.
I guess the thing that irks me so bad about XBL is, that the multiplayer should be free. It's free on every other platform.
but..........the sheep have gobbled it up,so M$ knows they can get away with it
Last edited by JrTapia1991 on 2012-09-29, 13:52; edited 1 time in total