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Star Wars Battlefront 3 was 99% done when canceled

Dropped Da Soap
Battle Announcer
Epyk MD
HydrasBreath ♜
Ron Swanson
Green bean Specialist
18 posters

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It's funny, you call others predictable yet you're basically a broken record. Here's your formula.

Make some snide, pc-elitist comment.
When someone calls you on it, deny and continue.
Laugh at anyone who points it out.

Seriously, go back and look at it. The discussions all go the same way. This is what you do.




You have some sort of personal issue with me, and its really starting to show.

I dont know what it is, but man your annoying.



If yall are going to bitch like women then at least make me a sandwich in the kitchen

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

I'm an ass in real life apparently. Or according to almost everyone I hang out with.
But online? I'm as sweet as a baby

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Wow, this drama again? It's like the new zombies versus ponies...

I would say "zombies vs robots" normally, buts robots are worse than even ponies...

Get that Metal? you < pony...

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

here we go again...



Star Wars Battlefront 3 was 99% done when canceled - Page 2 Stephen-Colbert-Popcorn



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:Wow, this drama again? It's like the new zombies versus ponies...

I would say "zombies vs robots" normally, buts robots are worse than even ponies...

Get that Metal? you < pony...

Holy crap that tiny font



Yeah, I'm not getting into this again. Whatever I do, you'll keep the same elitist responses, might as well not waste my breath.

For the record though, I do think you're a cool guy. I don't have any personal issue with you, other than your constant superiority to all console gamers.

That's all, folks!



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:
I would say "zombies vs robots" normally, buts robots are worse than even ponies...


I miss the whole zombies and robots though

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Pariah wrote:Yeah, I'm not getting into this again. Whatever I do, you'll keep the same elitist responses, might as well not waste my breath.

For the record though, I do think you're a cool guy. I don't have any personal issue with you, other than your constant superiority to all console gamers.

That's all, folks!

he isnt being superior to console GAMERS, he is saying that the actual CONSOLE cannot hope to run Star Wars 1313 without it being massively throttled back. there comes a point where you have to admit that 512MB of RAM just cant cut the mustard.

Sym isnt anti-console-gamer, he is anti-current-gen-console. once the next-gen of consoles come out and developers have a lot more power to play around with, he will be a happy bunny.



Shotgun Dismemberment wrote:I would say "zombies vs robots" normally, buts robots are worse than even ponies...

Get that Metal? you < pony...

... Shocked
You sumnofabitch....

Epyk MD

Epyk MD

i could bring em back if you guys behave >.>



those graphics in the 1313 trailer looked so sexy and smooth >__>



Pariah wrote:Yeah, I'm not getting into this again. Whatever I do, you'll keep the same elitist responses, might as well not waste my breath.

For the record though, I do think you're a cool guy. I don't have any personal issue with you, other than your constant superiority to all console gamers.

That's all, folks!

It's not a superiority complex. It's literally that consoles are really damn old and PC's are capable of much more than consoles. So any game made for console ported to PC is gonna be worse than what it would have been if it had been made for PC and ported to console.

When he said premium version he was talking about BF3 on PC, which is the premium version because it was made for PC and ported to console and such has much more features and whatnot than the console version.



Word guys

Adli and Duck get it


I have zero problem with consoles, as I have played them all my life. But yea, this gen is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. If you paid attention to my posts you would notice that......

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation


although... i do like how well Skyrim runs on my laptop, i'll give the current-gen that at least Razz



Feel kinda bad for calling Pariah annoying though.....

To much beer?

I dunno

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

not enough beer! never enough beer!




First time I drank in like two weeks last night

Ive been cutting back my alcohol consumption

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