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So I picked up Far Cry 3

Artimise Flare
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1So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-15, 22:18

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

In the end, I just said "Screw it" and went and purchased it on Steam.

So far I'm really enjoying it, the story is actually pretty interesting, the villain is perfectly despicable so far, and I like the whole tattoo idea for leveling up.

Currently I'm able to play it on my PC at near max with an exception of Ambient light being at medium for optimization' sake.

Combat feels pretty good, melee and stealth play is especially gratifying. The game certainly rewards you way more for being tactical and patient instead of just running in guns ablazing (In a way that's sort of a shame, since it kind of forces you to play a certain way if you want to level quickly)

All and all, I like it so far.

There are a few things that bug me though.

Enemies seem to have near perfect aim, there are times when they are quite a ways away, shooting at me with what sometimes feels like laser beams.

This can be overlooked, but what grinds my gears the most, telepathic like senses, I kill one guy that just so happens to be in line of sight of another hostile soldier, and they immediately know EXACTLY where I was shooting from, even if I'm hiding in a bush at times.

Eagle vision also, there are times where I've dragged a corpse away into a bush or something and the NPC will instantly know where it is and go running to it.

These are all first impressions of the game thus far, so perhaps once I download some patches these issues will be resolved, but other then that, I think the game is pretty good. I would have liked a little bigger variety in weaponry but I can live with the current arsenal.

So far the Bow has been invaluable to me, only other weapon that's been used more than it is my knife and sniper rifle (All suppressed of course).

I'm currently looking at some mods for the game, nothing too extreme, but I am thinking getting a mod to make the game much more realistic to amp up the challenge (more realistic bullet velocity and damage, accurate rates of fire and effective ranges for all firearms etc) as well as being able to put attachments on nearly all the weapons (Co-op and multi allow you to have optics on the AK but in SP you cannot, the mod simple makes it so you can)

If anyone else is on the fence for getting this game, I'd recommend it if you enjoy sandbox like games where you have near total reign on how fast or slow you want the story to progress. Honestly, I've spent more time hunting, both animals and hostile pirates than playing the actual story line.

2So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-15, 22:22



As long as it's not like Far Cry 2...

3So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-15, 22:23

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This is my first foray into the FC universe, so I've really got nothing to base it on.

4So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-15, 22:26



Oh, I played the first and couldn't stand the second so I never touched it after like 2 hours of playing it.

5So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-15, 22:27



it's good,download the new patch from this website though,Ubisoft servers were slow as helllllll for me lol.

6So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-15, 22:29

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

For those who are interested, here's the "realism" mod I was looking at getting.

Sorry, PC only folks.

7So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 10:48



Generally if you kill more than one guy from range and someone sees it they will know your general direction. You have to shoot and move and shoot again just like a Battlefield game. Also, the more suspicious stuff you've done the easier it is for them to see you. If you've made any noise or thrown a lot of rocks or shot silenced rounds from one direction they'll be able to "see" you faster.

They introduce more guns later on in the game which is pretty lame because by that point it's almost over.

8So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 10:56

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

the Silenced M14 equivalent is a beast early-mid game. its less powerful as body armour and heavies become common, but if you are good at headshots its a solid all-game weapon.

9So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 14:21

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

My current setup which seems to work well is a suppressed MP5, suppressed M700 with high power optic, recurve bow (when targets need to die instantly but are too close for my Sniper rifle) and the repair tool.

Another setup I'm playing around with is what I call the spetsnaz setup. Essentially an Ak47 with red dot, Suppressed SVD and the Makarov suppressed with night sights.

10So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 14:31



Most of the game I carried the suppressed M700, Model 1887 (kills most animals like tigers and komodos in one shot), bow, and then one fun gun for whatever i was feeling like.

11So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 14:34

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i really like the Ripper, but SMG ammo gets burned sooooo fast. same with LMG ammo. AR ammo is so easy to come by i normally just grab a STG or the M14-equivalent so that i always have a decent gun in reserve.

Pistol (.44 Magnum ftw)
Assault Rifle
Sniper Rifle (Silenced M700/Silenced .50)

12So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 14:43



also protip. Fire arrows or molotovs are a really easy way to kill heavy enemies.

13So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 16:34



I really liked the guns in this game

They all feel different

14So I picked up Far Cry 3 Empty Re: So I picked up Far Cry 3 2013-01-16, 21:57

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

> Regrets not getting it on sale.
to the bay!

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