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Former LAPD Cop declares open warfare on all cops >__>

Keyser Söze
HydrasBreath ♜
Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
Patrick Star
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just saw this news report online lol. Read about it yesterday. Also read about the LAPD shooting and almost killing 2 women because they were driving trucks who looked like this guy, 6'7 and 275 pounds of pure muscle. He wrote a big article online about why/what happened.

Former LAPD Cop declares open warfare on all cops >__> 563642_485392331495867_2066006870_n

"The enemy combatants in LA are not the citizens and suspects, it's the police officers," said Christopher Jordan Dorner, an American veteran who has killed two cops so far and has declared open warfare on the rest. Mr. Dorner is apparently still alive and cops have not been able to find him.

He has released a statement online saying: "The Violence of action will be HIGH... I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty. ISR is my strength and your weakness. Cops will now live the life of the prey. Your RD's and homes away from work will be my AO and battle space. I will utilize every tool within INT collections that I learned from NMITC in Dam Neck. You have misjudged a sleeping giant. There is no conventional threat assessment for me.

Hopefully your analysts have done your homework. You are aware that I have always been the top shot, highest score, an expert in rifle qualifications in every unit I've been in. I will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordnance, and survival training I've been given."

Mr. Dorner went on to say more about cops: "Don't honor these fallen officers/dirtbags. When your family members die, cops just see you as extra overtime at a crime scene and at a perimeter. Why would you value their lives when they clearly don't value yours or your family members lives? I've heard many officers who state they see dead victims as ATV's, Waverunners, RV's and new clothes for their kids. Why would you shed a tear for them when they in return crack a smile for your loss because of the impending extra money they will receive in their next paycheck for sitting at your loved ones crime scene of 6 hours because of the overtime they will accrue."

He also praised the hacker organization Anonymous: "Anonymous, you are hated, vilified, and considered an enemy to the state. I personally view you as a culture and a necessity that brings truth to a cloaked world. Forge ahead!"

Aside from corruption and abuse in the LAPD, Dorner also seems to have been the target of racism. More of Mr. Dorner's statement can be found online.




Patrick Star

Patrick Star

i cannot say whether it is right or wring, but this man is fighting for what he thinks is right then my the odds be on his side and may an omnipotent being have mercy on the cops of the LAPD.



here's supposedly the unedited version of his manifesto,warning for cuss words/slurs



So...vigilante soldier taking on the LAPD?

where's my popcorn?



Is this for real?



Read the whole thing.

He hates the Westboro Baptist church so i guess hes cool



Duck wrote:Read the whole thing.

He hates the Westboro Baptist church so i guess hes cool

Even Hitler hates the Westboro Baptist church.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

in the comments section of Buzzfeed:

Mike Santoro: ''They shot that truck over 30 times and it was occupied by two paper girls...that were hit a total of three times collectively.''

Karen Farmer: ''WTF? and the people of the US are suppose to give up their guns cause we could hurt people? uhm OK''

they raise some interesting points, thats for sure.


He has already killed innocent people like some police union guys daughter and her fiance.

Also wtf

229.Tebow, I really wanted to see you take charge of an offense again and the game. You are not a good QB by todays standards, but you are a great football player who knows how to lead a team and WIN. You will be “Tebowing” when you reach your next team. I have faith in you. Get out of that circus they call the Jets and away from the reality TV star, Rex Ryan, and Mark Rapist Sanchez.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

This is fucked up. Regardless of his beef with cops, you can't just hunt and kill people. its not ok.

HydrasBreath ♜

HydrasBreath ♜

Yeah that's a whole lot of fucked up.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

Coming soon to a theater near you.






If he was only going after bad cops I'd be on the line about him. But scorching the earth of all the people related to them is going way too far.

This guy seems pretty stupid. He's published his entire strategy, all of his targets, and the resources he plans to use to do it. Couldn't have made it any easier for the other side to stop him. And then he's killing innocent people so a lot of possible public support for him is gone.

Without the innocent people killing, you'd think that some small government type people would agree with him for using his second amendment rights to fight back against government tyranny. But then he throws his support to Obama, lashes out against the NRA, and says that we need more gun control.

From a strategic standpoint, his manifesto is a disaster. Unless he's completely stupid the only thing I can think of is that he plans to do the exact opposite of what he said he was going to do in his manifesto or the media/government put the other political stuff in there to alienate the demographic that might give him public support.



anyways, this is kirbinator's take on the situation

Former LAPD Cop declares open warfare on all cops >__> LGKIaM8



Every cop I've ever met in my lifetime has been good, despite their reputation. I hope this man is caught, and his fingernails and eyelids are torn out, and he left out for the crows to eat what's left of him.



This guy was a cop and he saw first hand how certain LAPD members were basically bags of shit. He was only going after some particularly bad cops that he had tried to bring to justice through legal channels, but if backfired and he got screwed instead.

But then he got it in his head that he should kill innocent people, and that's where the possibility of me agreeing with him ended.



I don't think it really solved anything either,everybody already knew the LAPD are one of the most corrupted departments,the other being the NYPD supposedly,then probably followed by Philly I heard lol



Kitsune wrote:Every cop I've ever met in my lifetime has been good, despite their reputation. I hope this man is caught, and his fingernails and eyelids are torn out, and he left out for the crows to eat what's left of him.

Not trying to justify what this guy is doing by any means, but I doubt you've met a whole lot of inner city cops. Especially LAPD or NYPD.



I thought that was pretty stupid him outlining exactly who he wanted to kill,etc. now they know who to watch out for.

heard them call him RAMBRO lol.



In kansas city, its the suburban Kansan cops that are more hated more than the urban missouri ones. That might just be because missouri cops are too busy dealing with gang violence and robberies to bust parties and other sort of petty crimes



Yeah, some times suburban cops can be nasty. A friend of mine has been thrown around by them before for absolutely no reason.



There is corruption in all ranks of Police.


Yeah my friend got thrown to the ground for DWB.



chunckylover53 wrote:Yeah my friend got thrown to the ground for DWB.

Thats not good



Your guys problem is you dont act like Middle class white people




I honestly feel like if the color of my skin wasn't white I would of been killed by those cops in that podunk redneck hillbilly town.

back in the summer I read about a story where a black guy about 20,was handcuffed in a car,and "supposedly" pulled a gun in the back of the squad car and shot himself in the right temple,when he was left handed,and,the cops found no gun in the search, and...he had been stopped for weed possession. It was so obvious the cops killed him, and.....I never heard anything else about it.

I hope those women that the cops shot at and almost killed for driving the nissan trucks sue the shit out of the cops. I read that this RAMBRO guy already burned his truck to a crisp by some sky resort so why are the cops even looking for nissan trucks. Can't believe nobody had the balls to refuse all the door-to-door searches either.



Yes, but murdering innocent people, such as family members in addition to the police is completely unacceptable.



I think we all agree with that bob.



Kitsune, I think we're on that page as well. It's never alright to kill innocent people, but fighting back against a police force that is known to be full of racketeers, incompetents and straight murderers, that's fine in my book.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

wont someone please think of the children!?

those cops have families, which that guy is targeting. his war against the LAPD should not concern the families.



Yeah that's I'm saying adli. If he was just pulling some hardcore justice on cops that he knew for a fact were completely awful people abusing their power in terrible ways, that would be sort of ok.

But he's just terrorizing all of the LAPD and their families and even random public servants who happen to be in the area..

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

My uncle is a retired Illinois state trooper and dedicated SWAT sniper. He served for the people and saved more than a few lives and put quite a few in jail.

Declaring war on crooked cops is one thing, but bringing innocent individuals into the fray simply because they're associated with them is absurd.

I have a lot of respect for most LEO' they usually have to put up with the worst society has to offer. Regardless of this guys beef is with the LAPD, he needs to be put down or put away permanently.



This crap took over my tv last night because they were burning down his cabin. There is corruption everywhere, killing random people and starting a one man war against an entire police force isn't going to do any good. That doesn't fix things. It just makes you look like a freaking nut bag. Even if he was going for the martyr thing, it won't work because he comes across as an overzealous nut bag. Nutbag. Tv ruining nutbag.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

I think he's going to lay low for a few months then strike. Anyone else?



Camel wrote:I think he's going to lay low for a few months then strike. Anyone else?

What? I thought they cornered and killed him today? They must have been talking about someone else and I just thought it was this dude.

Patrick Star

Patrick Star

Metalzoic wrote:
Camel wrote:I think he's going to lay low for a few months then strike. Anyone else?

What? I thought they cornered and killed him today? They must have been talking about someone else and I just thought it was this dude.
Didn't hear anything about that, could just be the media trying to calm down the public /conspiracy theory


He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.



chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

problem with that is, there was only one corpse found. And since they know he had hostages, as well as flame-resistant body armor that was never located, a lot of people are thinking he's still alive.



chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Yeah that's what I heard. So I was right.

Unless he really did do it to fake his death. He had hostages in the building? What if he goes into hiding with Elvis?



the fucker is dead



Metalzoic wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Yeah that's what I heard. So I was right.

Unless he really did do it to fake his death. He had hostages in the building? What if he goes into hiding with Elvis?

American Elvis or Korean Elvis?



chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Hm? I heard some chatter that the police deployed incendiary tear gas.


MH wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Hm? I heard some chatter that the police deployed incendiary tear gas.

Probably just bad news reporter on my end, i keep hearing different stuff.



Either way, theres no way he escaped alive. Half of the los angeles police department was surrounding that cabin



chunckylover53 wrote:
MH wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Hm? I heard some chatter that the police deployed incendiary tear gas.

Probably just bad news reporter on my end, i keep hearing different stuff.

True, lot of points of view in this conflict, many ways for misinformation.

I don't agree with Dorner's method, but something must have been up to make a former cop snap like that.



MH wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:
MH wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Hm? I heard some chatter that the police deployed incendiary tear gas.

Probably just bad news reporter on my end, i keep hearing different stuff.

True, lot of points of view in this conflict, many ways for misinformation.

I don't agree with Dorner's method, but something must have been up to make a former cop snap like that.

like mental illness.



I disagree with his methods of killing innocents, but I think that the fact that he's fighting for what he believes is right is admirable. If that involves fighting back against dirty cops, I understand that. Killing their family though, that's going way too far.



Zillah wrote:
MH wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:
MH wrote:
chunckylover53 wrote:He burned the place down he was at, killing himself.

Hm? I heard some chatter that the police deployed incendiary tear gas.

Probably just bad news reporter on my end, i keep hearing different stuff.

True, lot of points of view in this conflict, many ways for misinformation.

I don't agree with Dorner's method, but something must have been up to make a former cop snap like that.

like mental illness.

Careful there, coming up with rash reasons as for why something happens is the worst thing you can do. Imagine if someone thinks being gay is a mental illness.

Chalking it up to "he's crazy" could possibly be correct, but at the same time, there are many mentally ill people who do not kill others.

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