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New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll)

Ron Swanson
The Adli Corporation
9 posters

New Vegas or Fallout 3?

New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll) Vote_lcap69%New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll) Vote_rcap 69% [ 9 ]
New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll) Vote_lcap31%New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll) Vote_rcap 31% [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 13

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1New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll) Empty New Vegas or Fallout 3? (Poll) 2013-02-15, 06:40



Overall I say I liked New Vegas more. I liked the atmosphere of Dead Money,but overall it was bleh. Likewise in FO3 I only did Anchorage for the armor at the end haha.

I liked how in New Vegas you could aim down the sights. I know for FO3 on PC you could mod it for iron sights,but it seemed buggy on alot of guns,and I only have played them extensively on the consoles.

I just liked the world of New Vegas better,the last mission did seem rather underwhelming of the big cons I had against New Vegas was,you couldn't play after the story was over. Some modder made it to where you could though.

either game is amazing though,I really liked Point Lookout in FO3. The Pitt just seemed bleh to me,I did like parts of it though.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

New Vegas.

Fallout 3 has a great world, but i much prefer the story of New Vegas. 4 choices of ending in New Vegas is just too good.



it also seemed way too easy to become a god in FO3 with the perks every level haha



It's hard to say.

I did like the world of New Vegas better. And the story But it was a ton more glitchy. And the dialog options weren't as funny as in FO3 iirc.



New Vegas easily



Rockin! Rockin!

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

When I first got NV I didn't like it as much as FO3. Not sure why but it felt a little too empty. But after you kinda figure out where to find quests, and whatnot it actually has WAY more content than FO3 did. So NV gets the nod from me.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Ferris wrote:When I first got NV I didn't like it as much as FO3. Not sure why but it felt a little too empty. But after you kinda figure out where to find quests, and whatnot it actually has WAY more content than FO3 did. So NV gets the nod from me.

yeah. i always get so overwhelmed on new playthroughs. especially as NCR, who have soooo many quests all over the place Razz



Freaking NCR

Especially that annoying Chief Hanlon quest



FO3. The Capitol looked amazingly well done. Being able to visit Bethesda. Republic of Dave. More interesting side missions. DLC was a lot more fun. Main story was fun. Didn't feel like a chore at all. Didn't try to throw a whole bunch of factions at you to confuse the hell out of you. NCR, Legion, Khans, Fiends, Kings, BOS, Powder Gangers, etc.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Grey wrote:Powder Gangers

those don't count as a faction. they have like, 3 quests. and target practice/betrayal is basically all they are good for.



The Adli Corporation wrote:
Grey wrote:Powder Gangers

those don't count as a faction. they have like, 3 quests. and target practice/betrayal is basically all they are good for.

If they have a reputation tied to them, thy're a faction.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Grey wrote:
The Adli Corporation wrote:
Grey wrote:Powder Gangers

those don't count as a faction. they have like, 3 quests. and target practice/betrayal is basically all they are good for.

If they have a reputation tied to them, thy're a faction.

technically Razz



NV. Significantly better writing, RPG mechanics, world-building, and DLC.



Is the SeC a faction?

Whats my Rep?


Wild Child?

Good Natured Rascal?



Good Natured Troll



I only mostly did the main story and there was so much to do,I never bothered with most side quests,but there was alot to do indeed



Deff New Vegas. Overall greatest game this generation imo

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