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Fallout New Vegas.

Air Supremacy
Honey Badger
Ron Swanson
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1Fallout New Vegas. Empty Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 10:29



If I have never played a fallout game will I like this game and be able to play it with out prior knowledge of the previous games?

2Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 10:55



You can play it without previous knowledge, there are some easter eggs for FO3 players, but not important to the plot. If you like Oblivion, you will like this. The leveling system is different, but it allows you to level up anything when you level up. Meaning you don't have to use the same skill over and over again to level it.

3Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 11:46

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

you wont have any trouble DL. I can't recomend Fallout games highly enough.

4Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 12:51



Don't expect an in depth FPS. it's not meant to play like BC2 or Homefront or CoD with shooting mechanics.

The game focuses heavily on character development and the missions you choose and path you take. Be it A neutral person, good person, or evil person. the story plays out a few different ways. It's a very fun experience when it comes to an advanced RPG.

I loved FO3 and Like FO: NV.

Great games.

5Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:20



New Vegas was a thousand times better than FO3 in my not-so-humble-opinion. but i still think the first two old school games were better >.>

i don't think you are going to have any problems getting into the story, they explain things well enough in the beginning. it's a fun game.

6Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:24



Heebs wrote:New Vegas was a thousand times better than FO3 in my not-so-humble-opinion. but i still think the first two old school games were better >.>



Well I love your awesome opinion that happens to be my own anyway.

7Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:36

Honey Badger

Honey Badger

I like them both a lot. If you liked FO3 and was a true fan you will like FA:NV

8Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:45

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I prefered FO3 but thats because I had tons of time to play it, and NV I've been limited to maybe 1/3 the time I put into FO3. But I still like both games. NV has more variety, but FO3 is a little more sound in its design.

9Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:49



The only thing FO:3 has over NV. Is is that is easier and lets you become


That is about it.

NV is the better gamer. Better story. Interesting people and locations. Just all around better game.

10Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:50



I always seem to hear New Vegas is the better game I just wanted to make sure that if I didn;t play 3 that I would be lost as hell.

11Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 16:54



The Fallout games are never direct sequels. They will talk about stuff that happens in the previous ones but they don't dwell on it.

This one talks more about what happened in 1 & 2 since you happen to be right next to where those took place, but it is more for reference.

12Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 17:31



Fallout doesn't have sequels, just different adventures that happen in the same universe.

13Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 18:11



Im with Heebs and GM, just buy the Fallout Trilogy for the PC. It comes with 1, 2, and Tactics for $20. But if you really want it for xbox, yea get New Vegas.

14Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 20:27



I preferred FO3. Didn't feel as engaged by everything in NV. FO3 had awesome moments in it like some of the Liberty Prime sequences... nothing like that has happened yet in my run-through of NV.
Don't get me wrong. NV is all right, but I don't ever feel compelled to play it like I did FO3.
I do agree with the others though, 1 and 2 were sublime masterpieces... wish I could find my copies of them. Sad

15Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 20:30



You are the only person that I have ever read saying they like that part.

Most hated it do to the fact he is having all the fun. You just kinda stand there like a Dolt. and he gets stuck easy and you have to restart it.

16Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 20:54



Democracy is non-negotiable

17Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 20:56

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy

I thought NV was much better than FO3. There are SO many more missions, the factions are much better, and you don't turn into God at level 20.

18Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 20:59



*Walks into Topic*

*Eats Mutated Toe and Walks out again*

19Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 21:00



Didn't mean to imply that I liked it... it was just a moment that I remember because it was just really awesome to see "super junk" mess shit up. FO3 had a lot of big "set piece" moments (I think that's what they call them). NV, so far, has fallen short in that category. I can't think of one thing happening in NV that made me go, "That was cool as hell" like FO3 did on numerous occasions.
I do like how you have more variety in the paths you can follow with the factions in NV but that's about it.

20Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 21:04



They should open up those VR Simulators in the Boomers base

And maybe let you fly a Vertibird or something to either Protect President Kimbell or Kidnap him

21Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 21:07



Frostbyrn wrote:They should open up those VR Simulators in the Boomers base

And maybe let you fly a Vertibird or something to either Protect President Kimbell or Kidnap him

That could work too.

I keep seeing motorcycles all over the wasteland, I think they should have made those a viable form of transportation.

22Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 21:11



Yeah or one of those Cars off Borderlands

I heard Bethesda is doing that in RAGE

23Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 21:15



Oh hell yeah. I should throw Borderlands in sometime. I miss playing that. Still got that Moxxi DLC to try and plug my way through... ugh, not looking forward to that.

I hope they don't mess up RAGE. I'm seriously looking forward to it.

24Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 21:17



I like vegas more than FO3. FO3 had lots to do but basically it was just going around with a god character and doing everything in one playthrough. Maybe two playthroughs to see the different endings for the quests. New Vegas has a lot more potential for replaying the game.

25Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 22:48



Frostbyrn wrote:Yeah or one of those Cars off Borderlands

I heard Bethesda is doing that in RAGE

Id is making Rage.

The Big B is just the publisher.

26Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 23:00

Air Supremacy

Air Supremacy


27Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 23:24

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I haven't even heard of Rage. what is this Rage you speak of and why should I want it so much?

28Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-07, 23:26



Awesome Terry! wrote:I haven't even heard of Rage. what is this Rage you speak of and why should I want it so much?
it is being made by id.

29Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 00:40



anyone else ever played this game? it was the first video game i ever owned, it was on pc.
Made by a company called "RAGE" so this topic reminded me of it. pretty fun.

30Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 14:48





Well I love your awesome opinion that happens to be my own anyway.

it are fact. the original games were pimp. i did not like FO3, but NV was pretty badass.

31Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 15:20



Heebs wrote:



Well I love your awesome opinion that happens to be my own anyway.

it are fact. the original games were pimp. i did not like FO3, but NV was pretty badass.
Come on heebs I thought you were better than calling something a game "pimp".

32Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:10

Dropped Da Soap

Dropped Da Soap

Come on guys. I owned the first two Fallouts before ever playing FO3. But you guys have to admit that they have not aged well.

I love them, but if you give me a choice between FO3 and Fallout 2, I will take 3 anyday.

33Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:18



The Plutonian wrote:Come on guys. I owned the first two Fallouts before ever playing FO3. But you guys have to admit that they have not aged well.

I love them, but if you give me a choice between FO3 and Fallout 2, I will take 3 anyday.

I played Fallout 1/2 after I played 3. They've aged pretty well if you ask me.

34Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:20




Aging is all the eye of the beholder, and if that eye happens to be plugged into the barely functional brain of lamer then is the only way anybody can say it hasn't aged well.

Sure the graphics aren't the greatest. Never have been, never will be. But if that is your only hang up you must have tiny balls or to much freetime(as stated in TheGM's review of Homefront)

Fallout was about getting that Pen and Paper feel into a game and had one helluva original setting. And that has aged like wine. As games get dumber and dumber it justs look better and better.

35Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:26



GM, you seem to be the right guy for me to ask this. How do you lower random encounter rates in Fallout 2? That's the only thing that annoyed me.

36Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:32



There are 3 ways.

Edit the Random encounter file.

Have a high outdoors man skill so you choose to fight when you feel like it.

Or do what I did. have a fast PC. Seriously I got into like 4 fights a in game year and had to patch it, so I had something to fight.

37Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:35



TheGM wrote:There are 3 ways.

Edit the Random encounter file.

Have a high outdoors man skill so you choose to fight when you feel like it.

Or do what I did. have a fast PC. Seriously I got into like 4 fights a in game year and had to patch it, so I had something to fight.

I'll go with option A because I don't personally like the outdoorsman skill. Now I just have to find the file...

38Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:49



Ripped right out of Killaps Patch ddraw file:

;This will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Changing this value to something > 30 (default of this mod) will make things speed up.
;Changing this value to something < 30 (default of this mod) will make things slow down.

;Only set to 1 if your systems high performance timer is unreliable for some reason

;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed
;To make the encounter rate decrease, change WorldMapEncounterRate to a number > 30 (default of the mod)
;To make the encounter rate increase, change WorldMapEncounterRate to a number < 30 (default of the mod)

If You do happen to back and play FO2. I suggest getting Killap's Patch or The Fallout restoration project. it has many mods installed(including Killap's patch) that you can choose from. Fixes quests, ads new areas and a bunch of other things as well.

39Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:52



TheGM wrote:
Ripped right out of Killaps Patch ddraw file:

;This will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Changing this value to something > 30 (default of this mod) will make things speed up.
;Changing this value to something < 30 (default of this mod) will make things slow down.

;Only set to 1 if your systems high performance timer is unreliable for some reason

;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed
;To make the encounter rate decrease, change WorldMapEncounterRate to a number > 30 (default of the mod)
;To make the encounter rate increase, change WorldMapEncounterRate to a number < 30 (default of the mod)

If You do happen to back and play FO2. I suggest getting Killap's Patch or The Fallout restoration project. it has many mods installed(including Killap's patch) that you can choose from. Fixes quests, ads new areas and a bunch of other things as well.

Noice. Where do I get this patch from? I think I'll play it tonight since I don't have diddly-dick to do.

40Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 16:59



Google worked for me man. Thanks for the heads up on that patch GM. Now I really need to find my FO games.

41Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 17:04



Right from the source, bros.

Read very carefully if you install the restoration patch. It has a lot of mods in there. and The Less Ammo that costs more one isn't for everybody.

also. If you bought the Fallout Trilogy box set that came out not to long ago. Killap's Patch is on there. Yes interplay took a fan mod and let you install it. Though there is newer versions.

42Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 17:21



I bought the FO/FO2 bundle when I stumbled on it at Wal-Mart a bunch of years ago. It was $8 so I grabbed it. Possibly the best money I've ever spent.

Sadly, I've never played FO Tactics. Should see if I can find an ISO of it online. Dick move, I know, but for the next couple weeks I'm poor.

43Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 17:35



If you really wanna play tactics, do what'chu gotta do.

I'd always get bored at the half-way mark and never finish it.

Was cool to play in all the tows and cities around where I live though.

44Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 17:51



All right, just finished re-installing FO2 and downloading the restoration patch. Just a quick question though, when I downloaded the restoration patch, was it automatically applied?

45Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 18:29



Put about 90 hours into NV and 3. Both are great, but NV improves on 3 in every possible way.

46Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 18:55



The only thing I didn't like about NV is how glitchy it was and how long the load screens were(they keep getting longer if you're playing for a while). They might have at least fixed a lot of the glitches by now.

Overall I thought it was better.

47Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 19:40



Khfan60 wrote:All right, just finished re-installing FO2 and downloading the restoration patch. Just a quick question though, when I downloaded the restoration patch, was it automatically applied?

Did you run the Restoration Patch? Because you have to reinstall the game when you run it. It will have a check list of what mods you want to install.

48Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-08, 19:56



TheGM wrote:
Khfan60 wrote:All right, just finished re-installing FO2 and downloading the restoration patch. Just a quick question though, when I downloaded the restoration patch, was it automatically applied?

Did you run the Restoration Patch? Because you have to reinstall the game when you run it. It will have a check list of what mods you want to install.

Not to sound like an idiot, but how exactly do you run the restoration patch?

49Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-09, 00:14



Well I'd walk you through it but I only did it once. and can't do it now since my DVD Drive doesn't work.

I say go to downloads and click on the file.

50Fallout New Vegas. Empty Re: Fallout New Vegas. 2011-04-12, 14:28



i think the original games aged very well. at the time i thought the graphics were awesome, but obviously they are obsolete now. but the writing was fantastic, and the story was great, which FO3 was lacking imo. NV changed all that, though. the story and writing was soooo much better.

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