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[BF3] Questions about land mines - terribly broken?

The Adli Corporation
Artimise Flare
10 posters

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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

This is something that has bugged me a great deal now, and for a long time.

AT mines being able to be spotted and seen on the HUD, I don't recall this being a feature in BC2. The fact that the mines remain visible also defeats the purpose of laying down a well concealed line of them.

Combine this with thermal sights on tanks, Mines seem to be absolutely useless now except to try and take out jeeps and what have you.

What do you think, perhaps in BF4 they should make it so that mines can only be seen on the mini map and if they are on HUD they are only visible while in LOS. As soon as you lose LOS, they are no longer popping up as orange icons on your screen?

I remember Mines being a big thing back in BC2, the fact that they also were pretty damn good at blending in with the ground on most maps was also a big plus. The mines in BF3 stick out like a sore thumb IMO.

On PC they seem to be pointless, I can't vouch for their usefulness on console though.



Everyone I play with...are constantly scanning the ground for the shape of the land mine and if they spot them...blow them up. It is not that they stick out or are is that by now everyone knows how to spot them and avoid major areas where mines could and most likely are placed.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Maybe that's the case, but it seems like i can never really get any kills with them. It's always just by luck. Even when I try placing them just on the other side of the crest of a hill so that a tank can't easily see it, there have been times where they were spotted and are visible until they're destroyed that it makes placing them in well hidden spots pointless.

It's frustrating that one of the tools that the engineer class has at its disposal feels kind of useless. It's not like they're hard to blow up ya know.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

i remember it was a issue waaay back, on the 360. they would be stupidly visible on the minimap. i only got killed once by mines after they added the perma-spot function, and that was because the tank driver was brain-dead and/or blind. it sucks because mines in BC2 were so fun.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Exactly adli, it's like the nerfed them into oblivion by making them perma spotted. Mines were always a blast to play with back in BC2 from what i remembered (I also kind of miss the massive air that enemies would get if they were on an ATV or in a Jeep lol!)

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Arica Harbour was hilarious. tanks gunning full pelt down the hill and exploding because someone hid 2 mines in a crater, then all the other tanks went down the hill at 5mph aiming at the ground Twisted Evil

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Yeah, it was always hilarious to watch enemy armor get super paranoid coming out of the base or they were so terrified of mines that they'd stop using armor all together.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

then those epic moments when a Heli tries to roadkill and sweeps past a mine cheers



they do seem useless,anybody with a brain should be spotting/looking out for them,and it's well known where they will be at lol,I honestly don't remember the last time I've ever been killed by mines



Artimise Flare wrote:Exactly adli, it's like the nerfed them into oblivion by making them perma spotted. Mines were always a blast to play with back in BC2 from what i remembered (I also kind of miss the massive air that enemies would get if they were on an ATV or in a Jeep lol!)

The new ATV gets mad air. The new dirt bike should too. Also last time I died to a AT Mine was earlier this month I landed on with my jeep



Mines in BC2 were larger and lighter in color than they are BF3. If you were even a little wary, you'd see them.

Maybe I'm blind, or it has something to do with difference in visual quality between PC and console, but mines in BF3 can be almost invisible in certain places on maps like Bazaar, Seine, and Tehran. Even spotting them isn't 100% reliable.

I've occasionally had to switch to thermal optics on these maps due to the numerous, well-placed mines.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

That's the only time I ever get kills with the mines, that's if a jeep runs over it by some sheer amount of luck.

Mines needs a concealment buff or something because as it is, it's kind of ridiculous at how easy they're able to be taken out.

The graphics fidelity is probably the difference here, but on PC they are stupidly easy to spot IMO.



Meh, they are fine...stingers need alittle debuff

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

ahh Stingers... are they OP again?

im out of the loop of Battlefield Bitching Razz



Artimise Flare wrote:That's the only time I ever get kills with the mines, that's if a jeep runs over it by some sheer amount of luck.

Mines needs a concealment buff or something because as it is, it's kind of ridiculous at how easy they're able to be taken out.

The graphics fidelity is probably the difference here, but on PC they are stupidly easy to spot IMO.

How are you placing them?

The tighter the cluster the better, when it comes to tanks. The "silhouette" of the trap is less noticeable, and you're more likely to immediately kill it, instead of disabling. You can even put them all in the same spot, just make sure the spot is good one.

Spreading them out is better for jeeps, but tanks will usually notice the unusual bumps all over the road.

Locations is also big. Shaded areas, the bottom or top of sloping roads, or even right in front a tank spawn are all good locations.

Of course, how mines are spotted may also be different between systems. For example, the spotting distance for jets is much farther on PC than on console, making it easier to "scoop" infantry.

And the only people who think Stiglas are okay the way they are people who can't comprehend using teamwork or their own vehicles to take down air vehicles. Healthy chunk of the community, unfortunately. A healthy damage decrease and lock-on time increase are in order.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

I try to place the mines in shaded areas, just over the crest of the hill (which requires the tank to "Drop" its tracks onto the mines) in water if applicable, and on the edge of corners that I think tanks are likely to try and cut or like to use when fighting enemy tanks etc. I typically don't spread them out because that is usually only effective against jeeps and even then, they're pretty easy to spot with that pattern.

two or three clusters is usually how I try to place them.

I unfortunately don't get many kills with them, maybe I'm just going up against too many moderately decent tankers or something.



I get a shit ton of kills with them.
And I thought they fixed the perma-spotting (on 360 at least). Now don't they only stay spotted for 15 seconds?

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Metalzoic wrote:I get a shit ton of kills with them.
And I thought they fixed the perma-spotting (on 360 at least). Now don't they only stay spotted for 15 seconds?

no idea. havent played for a year, just got BF3 on pc today and played 2 games. ill test the next Mine i see Smile

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

To be fair it's been a while now since I've played, but it always seems to be the case that my mines would hardly if ever net me any kills. I was essentially just giving away free points for the most part.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze


Place mines under debris in the road from various destroyed building (i.e. a slab of concrete, a fallen lightpost, etc.).

Watch as mine is invisible under said debris.


Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

It really comes down to the tank driver. A good driver will see and destroy about 95% of the mines they come across, stupid tank drivers the number is closer to 50%.

So its just a matter of time before you start getting kills with them.



Land mine kills are fun tho. I love seeing the kills flash up after I have forgotten about my land mines. They are not auto spotted anymore and if you are creative then you can get some good kills. Even if I don;t get the kill the tank had to stop and take out the mine distracting it and slowing it down for me to use my RPG against said tank.

I typically only use them playing rush defense. Heck I'll even put them in obvious spots when the ticket counts get low because you will get people that get desperate and race the amtrack or jeep straight up to the objective to get an arm and forget to look for the mines.

I got a multikill on an amtrack on ulf of oman from putting the mines on the bridge to the second base. Obvious spot but it was late game and the guy just raced in.



Am I the only one who never uses mines?



I've played the game for 349 hours and I only have 43 mine kills..... I don;t use them much either. Really just started using them some recently. Most of the time I'd rather have the torch.

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

250 hours and I have 68

And a large portion of that was when they were glitched into perma spotted.....ness

Anyway, they work great so long as your are a little clever with them. On high and low parts of the road especially.



be careful when using mines,don't ever get a vehicle because if they blow up,it'll count as a roadkill for your vehicle....I got some like that when I was flying in a jet before =/

to get most of the kills for that assignment,I played conquest on grand bazaar where my home base is A and theirs is C....I lay them all out in a line on that one road out of their base,and idiots always ran over them after a little while haha.



For the assignment I was a douche. I played caspian border laid mines on top of the hood of a jeep, and suicide jeeped into tanks.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

DRGN LRD 1213 wrote:For the assignment I was a douche. I played caspian border laid mines on top of the hood of a jeep, and suicide jeeped into tanks.

thats not being a jerk, thats being a winner.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson

I always jeep bomb things. I just hop out and let it roll into the tank before detonating so I can survive



this is my jam on bf3 Razz

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

JrTapia1991 wrote:this is my jam on bf3 Razz

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

wtf did I just watch? (no I didn't watch the whole thing)



Pariah wrote:Am I the only one who never uses mines?

It replaces the thing that keeps my tank alive, so no.



Yeah, I have to say, I've never liked the mines. Even in BC2, they're basically pointless to me.

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