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Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold

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1 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:38

Green bean Specialist

Green bean Specialist

According to Kotaku, three separate sources “familiar with game development at LucasArts” have said that the game has been put on hold.

The news, should it be true, comes following Disney’s buyout of Star Wars maker Lucasfilm in November 2012. Though this is purely speculation, it may be that Disney’s plans do not currently have room for Star Wars 1313’s vision.

As far as LucasArts is concerned, the developer is denying that work has stalled on the game. "LucasArts has been working diligently to take advantage of the tremendous opportunities that the new Star Wars movies present," says the studio.

"Star Wars 1313 continues production."

Back when Disney bought LucasFilm, CEO Robert Iger said, "We're likely to focus more on social and mobile than we are on console." It’s another scrap of evidence that may support the report.

For now, however, until we get a release date, further preview access, or hell even a platform, we’ll have to wait and see.

2 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Re: Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:39




3 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Re: Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:42



Sym wrote:Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

4 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Re: Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:43



This sucks. I was really looking forward to this

5 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Re: Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:47



=/ probably scrap it for some cheesy kids cartoon game

6 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Re: Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:48

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

if thats true then that does indeed suck.

7 Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold Empty Re: Star Wars 1313 Put on Hold 2013-03-01, 18:51



Disney can suck it

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