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Hardcore mode? More like easy mode

Artimise Flare
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Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Granted I was playing Recon, but seriously. I feel HC mode makes it stupidly easy to get kills. The nature of BF3 I don't think really allows you to play on a simulator-ish level.

I didn't die much, quite the contrary, I was doing quite well, while still PTFO. I didn't feel like I had to try really hard to actually go for headshots knowing body shots would easily kill my targets.

I didn't even notice that it was hardcore mode until someone mentioned it to be honest.

Core seems to require more skill than HC IMHO.

I'll remember to stay away from the game type. I feel like I'm cheating when I go into those games and go nearly double my deaths while barely even trying.



HC mode is always that way on every shooter. It's basically: Hide in corner, slam dick on keyboard, win.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

No kidding, I wasn't even attempting headshots after a while, and I swear people are moronically stupid in that mode. Core players have way more sense than most of the players I see there. What's crazy, is that I was constantly out sniping other "snipers". Faster reflexes, ability to lead targets. Can't count how many times I got away because the "snipers" on the other team couldn't lead worth a damn.



What HC babbies don't realize, is that everything that makes HC harder, inversely also makes it easier than core.

Harder to run around because there might be someone in a bush with an automatic weapon?

Easier to camp in a bush with an automatic weapon.

Harder to escape snipers due to increased damage?

Easier to snipe with increased damage.

Harder to see people due to lack of spotting?

Easier to hide due to lack of spotting.

The only possible argument to actually enjoying HC is that you actually just enjoy these things more than core, there is no "objective evidence" that HC is better. Everyone still has the same tools as everyone else.

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Pretty much. I personally feel that core is far more challenging to play that HC, don't get me wring, if you enjoy the mode, more power to you. I however find it quite boring, and will not be going back to it. I was wondering after the first few kills how I was downing my targets with chest shots so easily.

"They can't all be hurt every time I shoot them can they?"

Low and behold, yep, it was HC. I was "sniped" a few times by what I had assumed some really rapid headshots by some. Boy was I wring.

What I found really entertaining, was that after I got flamed for inquiring that there was no kill cam, etc. They then started crying about how I was a sniper noob with no skill because I kept wrecking them.

Sorry toots, if you don't like it, grab a sniper rifle and do something about it. Clearly if I'm that big of a nuisance, go get something that can counter me. Tanks are quite effective at accomplishing this.

Not to sound arrogant or anything here. I'm NOT a fantastic sniper by any stretch of the mean, it's just funny how me being average at best in Core, seemingly gave me god like skills in HC.

Last edited by Artimise Flare on 2013-04-12, 01:31; edited 1 time in total



Imagine a semi realistic mode encouraging you to aim for the torso Very Happy



I like HC just for the fact that I hate how easy spotting is and I hate the kill cam. It's kind of pathetic that ever since BC2 i've been subconsciously mashing select over the horizon and common hiding spots. I even did it in BF2 MC because the reticule would turn red if it was aimed at an enemy to a pretty long range out. It always feel pretty cheap to find people so easily like that.



Pretty much, the thing about HC that in my opinion makes it easier to play, is that it takes less skill to aim, just as Arty was saying. Everybody is on the same page, but there's a lot more luck involved, or just hiding in a corner/bush the entire game. Battlefield Hardcore modes nearly put me to sleep every time I played them, because nobody ever did anything, lol.

The Adli Corporation

The Adli Corporation

Duck wrote:I like HC just for the fact that I hate how easy spotting is and I hate the kill cam. It's kind of pathetic that ever since BC2 i've been subconsciously mashing select over the horizon and common hiding spots. I even did it in BF2 MC because the reticule would turn red if it was aimed at an enemy to a pretty long range out. It always feel pretty cheap to find people so easily like that.

MAV Twisted Evil



yeah I always did good on hardcore....was funny to run around with the dao-12 w/slugs Twisted Evil

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Kitsune wrote:Hide in corner, slam dick on keyboard, win.

This may be one of the best things I have ever read on here. Thank you.

I never really played HC in BF3. Started playing it in BlOps 2, and I have to say it's much easier to play than core. Sucks getting killed by team mates.

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