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BF3 was on easy mode tonight

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1BF3 was on easy mode tonight Empty BF3 was on easy mode tonight 2013-11-02, 02:36

Bama Psycho

Bama Psycho

Just spent about 4 hrs playing BF3 with 2 friends, mix of rush and conquest games. I don't know if it was just the lobby I was in tonight or if a lot of the better players have moved on to BF4, but we dominated the night. I got 18 matches in and won all 18 of them...only 1 was even close and the lowest we got on it was down to about 25 tickets(on Rush) and my k/d for the night was 2.918(all stats according to bf3stats).

Also getting really close to having all the unlocks for all weapons done...just 4-5 more nights like tonight and I should be finished. If I could make myself stop using the M26 Dart in close quarters I would probably get my assault rifle kills a lot quicker.

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