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Star Wars Weekend sale...

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1Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 05:55

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Debating on if I want to pick up KotoR I and II as well as a number of the other old Star wars games like Battlefront.

Has anyone played Force Unleashed? I'm debating on picking both those games up as well...

2Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 08:04



I played the first one,it's cool Razz

3Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 08:09



I enjoyed the first force unleashed. Just a warning, the game is 30GB on pc and requires a mod to remove the 30 fps cap.

4Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 09:26



Yeah I was thinking about picking up The Forced Unleashed games, but they seem to have gotten shit reviews(at least the second one - the PC version of the first one seems to have gotten marked down for stupid problems that probably have fixes by now).

5Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 10:59



I enjoyed both of the Force Unleashed games, they're pretty fun.

6Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 19:04

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Hmmm, I think I'm going to pick both of them up, for $6.79 a pop you really can't beat that. KotoR is like 3.39. 4 games for $20? sure why not Smile

7Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-05, 23:58

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

Warning to all who buy SW:FU for PC, don't do it unless you have a game pad. What a craptacular port, absolutely ZERO provisions to make it playable with a keyboard and mouse. No ability to adjust resolution, no means to change video quality. Nada, zip, nil.

If you're going to port a game over, at least put some more effort into it IMO.

hell even KotOR had more options than this. Absolutely disgraceful IMO.

8Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-06, 00:06



you dont know bad pc port until you've played dark souls. Even the tool tips are still in the form of "press x on your xbox 360 to do this"

9Star Wars Weekend sale... Empty Re: Star Wars Weekend sale... 2013-05-06, 00:14

Artimise Flare

Artimise Flare

True, I read the "reviews" on it. It's like Namco/Bandai didn't even try sadly.

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