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Should i feel good about this? (ex related)

Ars Diaboli
11 posters

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So i broke up with this girl like.. A month or so ago, maybe longer.

We broke up on a pretty bad note not really any kind of closure it just kind of ended, she was being a real bitch to me towards the end for like no apparent reason and i didn't understand it.

So a week ago i decided to write her a letter to see if she had any kind of human emotion (pen and paper because she claimed she blocked my number)  pretty much the letter was about how she made me feel when we first met and talked about a few other intimiate details, was for her eyes only so...

I got an angry text from her like an hour and a half ago and it reads...

"You fucking piece of trash. My family was in town and my mother read your letter. If you so much as ever breath my name or contact me again i will make sure your world falls apart. I don't want to ever fucking see, hear, think of or have a conversation with you ever again. Do not reply to this, as said do NOT fucking say another word to me or anyone ever the fuck again. I am seriously fucking pisssed beyond words. Do NOT reply their is no chance for you."

I just sent her back a

"How was i supposed to know?"

I mean it's her fault her mom pries into her mail, not mine. But yeah this girl made me feel like shit for awhile with how she just pretty much up and left me.. I didn't want this to happen but i have to admit it feels pretty good to hear that she's not doing good.

Is it wring of me? My friend told me i am kind of an ass for it.



Sounds like a crazy


It's not like i wrote it in the hopes of getting back with her, i wrote it because i just felt so confused about the whole situation.. But it makes me feel awesome.



send her another one saying "u mad bro?" and leave it at that. With those kind of bitches, you just don't want to get into an argument. It'll spark up and go crazy.


chunckylover53 wrote:If you so much as ever breath my name or contact me again i will make sure your world falls apart.

I'd be to tempted, I dont like being threatened... got any nudes? LMAO



Post your sex video on the internet

That will teach her



I thought I was the only one who made Women irrationally angry Very Happy

Ars Diaboli

Ars Diaboli

Text her a "cry MOAR!! Please send me your tears so I may feed on them".

But seriously, don't waste your time. She's obviously fucking crazy. A crazy woman will ruin your life if you let her.

And post her titties.



yea alot of women/girls are a fucking trip,but to be fair on the other side so are guys.Society is really fucked up lol.

but ya...they make it seem like everything is fine one day then the next they hate you. You'll be alright in time man. I feel proud of myself I laughed when the supposed love of my life turned out to be a real bitch and had like 3 kids by 20...then tries to add me back on fb, what a fucking joke



JrTapia1991 wrote:yea alot of women/girls are a fucking trip,but to be fair on the other side so are guys.Society is really fucked up lol.

but ya...they make it seem like everything is fine one day then the next they hate you. You'll be alright in time man. I feel proud of myself I laughed when the supposed love of my life turned out to be a real bitch and had like 3 kids by 20...then tries to add me back on fb, what a fucking joke

She wants your child support Bro

Thats the Ghetto version of wanting the D right? Very Happy



thank the spaghetti monster they're not mine lmao Razz



JrTapia1991 wrote:thank the spaghetti monster they're not mine lmao Razz

One second Ill use Google Translate to put what im thinking into American




I wouldn't say you're an ass for it. You were looking for closure.

She, on the other hand, is fuckin crazy.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

You did nothing wring of any sort and well shouldn't feel bad. I don't know if I'd say that I'd feel good about it either, but that's up for opinion. You wanted some closure or some sort, and well looks like you got it. The fact that it pissed her off is just some added bonus.




Epyk MD

Epyk MD

Metalzoic wrote:tldr

i figured all the sex and explosions would be right up your alley.

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Epyk MD wrote:
Metalzoic wrote:tldr

i figured all the sex and explosions would be right up your alley.

Forgot about all the alcohol use too. And it's not just sex, it's promiscuous sex.



*goes to read...



You lying bastards... not a single explosion.



Just do what I do when Im bored

Imagine a Camera crew from the Jerry Springer show constantly stalking Kalei and him having to constantly shew them off Very Happy



Should i feel good about this? (ex related) 32610_617368611610437_823077481_n

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Captain Pirate Pineapple

Frostbyrn wrote:Just do what I do when Im bored

Imagine a Camera crew from the Jerry Springer show constantly stalking Kalei and him having to constantly shew them off Very Happy

I'd like to think it would be the crew from Maury. He does the baby daddy episodes better than anyone else.

Keyser Söze

Keyser Söze

She sounds bat shit crazy, frankly. If I were I would message her "so, how a about a BJ?"

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